Eating Jimmy John's. FREAKY GOOD.
Oh, and Alan. I got my tattoo a week ago.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
It's All About Dreams, It's All About Making The Best Out Of Everything
Song: Say It...Blue October
Okay, so I couldn't get my student I.D. which kind of sucks because I need it for my tattoo. I am really hoping to get it tomorrow.
I have to get back to class, but I had to make this post to remind myself at later times.
Not all night long, though...
I'm probably going to forget all about this inspired, motivated mood I'm in right now, but right now I'm feeling like I can do all this crap that I have to do.
Bye :*
Okay, so I couldn't get my student I.D. which kind of sucks because I need it for my tattoo. I am really hoping to get it tomorrow.
I have to get back to class, but I had to make this post to remind myself at later times.
Not all night long, though...
I'm probably going to forget all about this inspired, motivated mood I'm in right now, but right now I'm feeling like I can do all this crap that I have to do.
Bye :*
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
A Tired Song Keeps Playing On A Tired Radio
Song: Name...Goo Goo Dolls
So, I am in economics class right now. Actually, I'm in do whatever the hell you want because you're ahead in your class class. It's an online class, you see, and today I have fallen asleep in every one of my classes, just so far. I still have another 45 minutes of this one left after the lunch period and then, my absolute worst hated: 90 minutes of Honors Algebra 2. I can hardly wait for the struggle.
I am wearing my new beret that I got during my retail therapy session on Saturday. Let me just say, I LOVE THE MALL. It really is one of my favorite places on Earth. But, right, let me explain the whole retail therapy thing...
I was supposed to get my tattoo on Saturday. I've been looking forward to this for years now. It comes to Saturday, and I don't have an appointment. After being stuck in traffic for over an hour coming home from the DIA and having booked up artists, I couldn't do a walk-in, either. Well that just set me off. So, I took my gift card to twelve oaks (birthday present from my friend Dona), and we went to the mall with Lindsey. I bought the following (because I really want to tell you and because I like using the bullets):
Retail therapy FTW!
I tried to look for an outfit for the Nevershoutnever! concert in May, and some Florida clothes for spring break. I got the shorts and the shirt, which I can wear in FL, but I still don't have an NSN outfit. I did find really awesome tank tops and sweaters at Heritage, but by the time I bought the other stuff I didn't have enough. :P
Anyway, that's pretty much it. I'll stop boring you now.
And...I'm gonna try a new font for a while. I just decided.
Kbaii :)
So, I am in economics class right now. Actually, I'm in do whatever the hell you want because you're ahead in your class class. It's an online class, you see, and today I have fallen asleep in every one of my classes, just so far. I still have another 45 minutes of this one left after the lunch period and then, my absolute worst hated: 90 minutes of Honors Algebra 2. I can hardly wait for the struggle.
I am wearing my new beret that I got during my retail therapy session on Saturday. Let me just say, I LOVE THE MALL. It really is one of my favorite places on Earth. But, right, let me explain the whole retail therapy thing...
I was supposed to get my tattoo on Saturday. I've been looking forward to this for years now. It comes to Saturday, and I don't have an appointment. After being stuck in traffic for over an hour coming home from the DIA and having booked up artists, I couldn't do a walk-in, either. Well that just set me off. So, I took my gift card to twelve oaks (birthday present from my friend Dona), and we went to the mall with Lindsey. I bought the following (because I really want to tell you and because I like using the bullets):
- Hoop ring for my nostrile region
- clear studs for my nostrile region (for when we start performances)
- beret
- big owl earrings
- jean shorts
- strapless dress top
- strapless bra for the strapless dress top
- bracelets
Retail therapy FTW!
I tried to look for an outfit for the Nevershoutnever! concert in May, and some Florida clothes for spring break. I got the shorts and the shirt, which I can wear in FL, but I still don't have an NSN outfit. I did find really awesome tank tops and sweaters at Heritage, but by the time I bought the other stuff I didn't have enough. :P
Anyway, that's pretty much it. I'll stop boring you now.
And...I'm gonna try a new font for a while. I just decided.
Kbaii :)
Friday, March 12, 2010
Today Is The Greatest Day I've Ever Known
Okay, so it's not the greatest, but so far it's been pretty productive!
Song: Today...Smashing Pumpkins
I just got my whole post lab done, along with all of my chemistry and algebra 2 homework that I didn't finish last night because of AP. I'm feeling quite alright. Not to mention, sleepover tonight, w00t w00t. Also, I have a til done rehearsal. That means that it could be like 10 hours long. Well, it won't be, but you know what I mean. Maybe not. I don't know.
And then tomorrow I am really hoping to get my tattoo. Reeeallllyyy hopingggg. Really hoping.
Alright, well I guess that's it for today.

I am going to use this as the illustration for a poem one day. Stay tuned to the (neglected) writing blog!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I've Been Waiting For This Moment All My Life, But It's Not Quite Right
So I just now decided that I am going to find song lyrics that actually have to do with the post from now on to use as my titles. This one kind of goes with the last one more though.
Song: Lazy Eye...Silversun Pickups
This song is really good. I'm in love with it right now.
So, remember a while back when I said that if I learn things about myself I'll make sure to put them on here? Well, if you don't, I did, and I am. Going to do that. o_O
I used to feel very self centered about it, but you know, I started thinking, why do I do this blog? So people can read it. My readers, or former readers, are my friends and family. They must read this because they like me, to whatever degree. If they don't like me, they'll stop reading this, because it's all about me. ALL ABOUT ME, I SAY! And what's wrong with that? I write my thoughts so they're here, for you to read them if you so wish, and largely for me to read them back when I am older. I want to see how I was, and if I changed a lot, and how I changed, and blah blah blah. Right now I'm young, and this blog, in ways, is a document of my youth. I want to remember this, I want to be able to think back to this. Youth is trying to find yourself, and I think maybe this will help me with it. Which brings me to that fact I was talking about...
Fact: I go through a lot of phases. Lots (maybe even most) people do. It's okay! It's fine that one minute I want tripp pants and purple streaks and the next I want floral dresses and dreads. I used to try to resist these chaging phases, try to stay with one and be the most concentrated version of whatever I was trying to be at the moment, and not deviate. But you know what? Not anymore. This is me declaring that no more will I cling to the bank. I WILL go with the flow. If I am into something at the moment, I will not try to deny myself of it because I am trying to be something else. I pledge to fully fully embrace and love my phases, and to let them go when the time comes for a new one!
In other news, I have to be here until 5:30 even though we got out at 12 ish today. We took the Plan test, which is a gauge of how well you'll do on the ACT test. I don't think I did very well, but I'm actually very glad I got to take it because now I know what to work on (timing! I am SO SLOW) and what it's like. It isn't too bad, thankfully.
Now I have to wait around school until 3, when rehearsal starts. After that, going to the movies with Derek. After that, chem and AP. :(
P.S. I found a good title for this one. Stop Making Plans, Start Making Sense.
Song: Lazy Eye...Silversun Pickups
This song is really good. I'm in love with it right now.
So, remember a while back when I said that if I learn things about myself I'll make sure to put them on here? Well, if you don't, I did, and I am. Going to do that. o_O
I used to feel very self centered about it, but you know, I started thinking, why do I do this blog? So people can read it. My readers, or former readers, are my friends and family. They must read this because they like me, to whatever degree. If they don't like me, they'll stop reading this, because it's all about me. ALL ABOUT ME, I SAY! And what's wrong with that? I write my thoughts so they're here, for you to read them if you so wish, and largely for me to read them back when I am older. I want to see how I was, and if I changed a lot, and how I changed, and blah blah blah. Right now I'm young, and this blog, in ways, is a document of my youth. I want to remember this, I want to be able to think back to this. Youth is trying to find yourself, and I think maybe this will help me with it. Which brings me to that fact I was talking about...
Fact: I go through a lot of phases. Lots (maybe even most) people do. It's okay! It's fine that one minute I want tripp pants and purple streaks and the next I want floral dresses and dreads. I used to try to resist these chaging phases, try to stay with one and be the most concentrated version of whatever I was trying to be at the moment, and not deviate. But you know what? Not anymore. This is me declaring that no more will I cling to the bank. I WILL go with the flow. If I am into something at the moment, I will not try to deny myself of it because I am trying to be something else. I pledge to fully fully embrace and love my phases, and to let them go when the time comes for a new one!
In other news, I have to be here until 5:30 even though we got out at 12 ish today. We took the Plan test, which is a gauge of how well you'll do on the ACT test. I don't think I did very well, but I'm actually very glad I got to take it because now I know what to work on (timing! I am SO SLOW) and what it's like. It isn't too bad, thankfully.
Now I have to wait around school until 3, when rehearsal starts. After that, going to the movies with Derek. After that, chem and AP. :(
P.S. I found a good title for this one. Stop Making Plans, Start Making Sense.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Oh, What If I Never Knew Your Name? Oh My God, The Thought's Insane.
I thought high school was supposed to be the best time of your life. NOT. It's not. Well it's not so far. The only thing that's been the best about high school has been the straight play and musical. It makes me really sad. I HAVE to take personal fitness this depresses me to no end...and scares the crap out of me. I need to find a way to NOT swim. A) No way I want to be in a bathing suit in front of other people B) My ears get all screwed up if I get water in them. Maybe I can get a doctor's note. I don't know, but I really hope so.
In other news, I have been pressured into AP history again. I'm preparing to die even more next year. I'm SO excited. AND! If we don't go to seven hours, I have to choose between acting and choir. WOOHOO. So far, I hate this school. So far, I hate high school. I have been so much sadder, pisseder, badmooder, this year than any other time I can ever remember.
I'm leaving now.
In other news, I have been pressured into AP history again. I'm preparing to die even more next year. I'm SO excited. AND! If we don't go to seven hours, I have to choose between acting and choir. WOOHOO. So far, I hate this school. So far, I hate high school. I have been so much sadder, pisseder, badmooder, this year than any other time I can ever remember.
I'm leaving now.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I Hope That This Makes You Smile And You Might Stay That Way For A While
Okay, I just ate like ten birthday cookies. I got them from Kelly in 2nd hour because she baked them for my birthday. :) Thanks Kelly!!!
Song: 2 Weeks in Hawaii...Hellogoodbye
Okay, remind me to never let my birthday be like that again...
Like, I asked for stuff that would have to come later, so I didn't get to open anything. I'm having a cake on the twelfth, so there was no cake/ice cream/candles/singing. There was pizza, and cookies. It's not that I expected more, it's just that for a while now I had been thinking that the 16th was supposed to be important and big. That and this whole year plus has thrown me out of wack. I didn't really even realize it was my birthday until I woke up and really thought about it. It still didn't even feel like it. I don't know, I probably sound like a spoiled brat, but that's just how it felt yesterday. I just get my hopes way up about things, or think that things are going to be so much better than they actually ever are.
But, on the other hand, I got to spend all day with my mom which was awesome. She might think that I don't like to spend time with her, but I really appreciate it more than she realizes it...that and I may not act like it sometimes. Sometimes I am a jerk to her. I try really hard not to be, but I guess I'm inevitably mean. The point is that I don't think she knows how much I appreciate her. And I know that I can be my bipolar, emotionally unstable self and she will still love me.
Alright well lunch is over now so I think I will go. Back to economics. Freaking. Ay.
Damn, btw.
Song: 2 Weeks in Hawaii...Hellogoodbye
Okay, remind me to never let my birthday be like that again...
Like, I asked for stuff that would have to come later, so I didn't get to open anything. I'm having a cake on the twelfth, so there was no cake/ice cream/candles/singing. There was pizza, and cookies. It's not that I expected more, it's just that for a while now I had been thinking that the 16th was supposed to be important and big. That and this whole year plus has thrown me out of wack. I didn't really even realize it was my birthday until I woke up and really thought about it. It still didn't even feel like it. I don't know, I probably sound like a spoiled brat, but that's just how it felt yesterday. I just get my hopes way up about things, or think that things are going to be so much better than they actually ever are.
But, on the other hand, I got to spend all day with my mom which was awesome. She might think that I don't like to spend time with her, but I really appreciate it more than she realizes it...that and I may not act like it sometimes. Sometimes I am a jerk to her. I try really hard not to be, but I guess I'm inevitably mean. The point is that I don't think she knows how much I appreciate her. And I know that I can be my bipolar, emotionally unstable self and she will still love me.
Alright well lunch is over now so I think I will go. Back to economics. Freaking. Ay.
Damn, btw.
Monday, March 1, 2010
So Now I'm Running And I'm Moving Too Fast, So Here We Go, Oh
Song: Home...Mae
So I went from Mae radio on Pandora to House of the Rising Sun radio. What a day :D
So I went from Mae radio on Pandora to House of the Rising Sun radio. What a day :D
I'm feeling quite alright right now. I'm not sure how long it's going to last, but you know, whatevs. Actually I have chemistry and algebra right after this class so that will probably hamper my good mood. I really shouldn't be in a good mood, for my rehearsal schedule is bugging me very much. I need to sit down with someone and find out what days and times I need to be here. Which reminds me...Lindsey auditioned for youth chorus! The list should be up by now. *checks*
But at the same time not yay, because now it's not just my thing. I know that sounds selfish, but anyway it's true. Now it's not going to be "Congrats, Paige! You did an awesome job in your first high school musical! Woot toot!" Now it's going to be "Good job, Paige. *push aside* Lindsey! You did great in your first musical ever, and to think you were in a high school production! AW with your little costume and your singing and dancing and let's have a party with cake and music...*walk out, drive off*" --5 minutes later-- "Uhm, hi, mom? Dad? Aunts? People? Family? YOU FORGOT ME AT SCHOOL." "Oh, can't you walk? Or, is the janitor still there? Maybe you can hitch a ride with him." "*dies*"
I'm not trying to be nasty, I just am not looking forward to that part. But until we get there, I'm really just uber psyched that she made it.
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