Saturday, August 16, 2008

Mmm...Blank Lettuce (ft.French Dressing)

We got a new toaster.

Word of the Post: whilst

So here I am, sitting alone in the office, sweating my buns off whilst awaiting the emergence of my chicken fingers from the oven. What shall I do? I explored the possibilty of making my very own podcast, but that didn't work, being as I know absolutely nothing about it. So that's a no-go on the po-co.

I just made up my own rule of thumb, but since it is my rule, I am deciding to call it the rule of turn-left-and-count-three-spots-down-wherever-that-is-you-sit. My rule is this: when you are saying no-go on something, you say "o" after the beginning sound of each syllable in the thing that is not going.

Example: That's a no-go on the...

so-lo-bo...salad bowl
no-po...nose pick

Now, I understand that there could be many different meanings of every "_o-_o", (if you can understand that) so here is what I ask you. What would you first assume the following to be?

A no-go on the

1) jo-no-bro-tho
2) to-ko-ho-to
3) so-lo-cko
4) sho-lo-to
5) fo-ro-lo-go-co-so

Well, I will leave you fine people to ponder the possibilities. Have fun. I'm going to get some more blank lettuce and get my chicken fingers (that are now probably burnt thanks to I hope that you have a great night.


Osgoodbaby said...

i know number 1 is Jonas Brothers. Number 2 is Tokio Hotel........

that is all for now.

Nelly said...

Is 3 school locker?

I like your new name for rule-of-thumb. I hope it works!