Word of the Post: hebetudinous...does anyone get dictionary.com's word of the day? I always delete those, but now I think I might have a use for them seeing as I am running out of words that come off the top of my head. I could just start using French or German words if you prefer, though.
Hmm...let's see. What to write about?
Saturday is my first Tech. Day. I have to be there for two hours anywhere from 9 AM to 4 PM. I am going to go the whole day so I can get points to be in the Thespian Troupe. And then there are three more after that, same time. We only have to go to one for two hours. I am going to go to all of them, the whole time. And I am going to work "International Night" on the thirteenth of November. Le treizeieme Novembre. something something dreizehn. Like, thirteenth of like, November!
I called the Music Stand of Port Charlotte today and got information about drum lessons. Once a week in the store, one on one, 20 bones a half-hour. I am probably going to take them. And, as convienient as this is, I was talking to my friend Ricky last night in the "crowded" garage, and he was overly happy when I said I was getting drum lessons. I asked him why and he said that his friends play bass and guitar and they were looking for a drummer to start a band. I was like, "Oh, well don't fill the spot!" He goes, "I already did." I was sad. Then he said, "With you." Then I was happy.
This is what I am having for dinner. Let's play a game. Name this meat. Okay, GO!
Okay, whoever gets it right will get a prize. The satisfaction of knowing that you have nothing better to do than sit around reading your neice's/twin's/daughter's/granddaughter's/wife's (I know you read this, Bill. I'm not stupid) blog and guessing the identity of random slabs of meat. Now that's motivation.
Well, I fear now that I must leave you. I have to go eat that nameless meat. Toodle-flipping-oo.
"Ich bin hier irgendwo gelandet...Komm und hilf mir Fliegennn!!! Leih mir deine Flügel!!!!!! ..."
btw. that is a pork steak. :)
I know how much you love PORK
volunteer to help you ask random questions to random people and I'd have to agree with osgoobaby
on the unidentifiable meat guessing game
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