Thursday, October 2, 2008

So, Are the Kids Allowed to Drink Diet Pepsi Now?

I stayed home today cos I was feeling very crappish. My throat is sore, my nose is runny AND stuffy, and I just feel really sick.

Song: She Had The World...Panic! At The Disco

Wearing: Walled Lake Central's freshman class "High School Musical" tee from last year, jean knee-length shorts

Random Question: Why do you think honeydew is the money melon?

I...wasn't aware that it was. 0.o

You know, last year, I would just LOOK for reasons to stay home. I didn't really appreciate school as much as I do now. Don't get me wrong, I had some fun times with my friends at Sarah Banks Middle School. I would give a lot to go back, but the fact is, I was just really lazy and didn't want to get up so early. This year, I hate staying home from school more than I hate going, which is saying a lot, kind of. For me, there are mixed emotions about school. I absoluetly love school, but I don't like MY school. But whatever, I am thankful that I even get to go to school.

Homecoming is Saturday, I think. I'm not going, and I am not the least bit sad about it.

I went to Books-a-Million the other day and bought myself the third book in the series that I am reading. It's called Slawter, and the series is The Demonata. The books are good, but not good. They are very entertaining and easy to read (well, if you have a strong stomach) but they aren't the greates in the literary sense. I love them, but I wouldn't choose to do a book report on them.

Speaking of book report, I just wrote mine. It's long and it's not written very well, but I did it last night with the intention of turning it in today. It was on the book Pickle of the Week by Wayne Dwapps. I described the main characters, Gerkena, Dillio, and Sweet Baby and recommended the book to "readers with a special liking of soaked cucumbers". The theme? The Great Adventure. "This book is chock full of thrills and twists as these noble pickles embark on a journey to save Gerkena from the sodium-craving jaws of the the Human Amy".

I highly doubt anybody would actually WANT to read my real book report, but if you have your heart set on it, I'll e-mail it. (And that wasn't hinting that I want you to read it, either. I really don't care.)

Tomorrow I am going to the library at lunch because I am long overdue. Not my books- I am really good at returning my school library books on time- I mean me. I skipped, like, this whole week of going to the library at lunch. Tomorrow I will return to my glorious geekdom and spend a comfortable half-hour in the library, renewing my Luxembourg book, turning in my copy of The Downsiders by Neal Shusterman (the book that I really did my report on) and checking out some manga. Lunch is good when spent in the media center. Except now, my two friends Sandianna and Simone follow me in there and are loud, so I get ticked off and so do other people...I mean, I like them both okay, but I'd like to spend some quality time in the peaceful quiet of the library *sigh*. But anyway, my media center rocks. It's not exceptionally huge or anything like that, but it is pretty nice and I like the lady who runs it, who is also the head of my French Competition thing which I am now officially going to...


I can't believe I haven't mentioned this yet. GUESS who is going to be at the Orlando House of Blues on October 24th? YEAH, I don't even HAVE to tell you! They are, and it is totally real this time, I looked on the real House of Blues Orlando site and they are totally coming on the 24th! *expression changes from utter bliss to deep sadness* But when I told my mom that, she totally said I couldn't go. *slightly brightens* BUT I think that if I can convince Petra Von Schmorgesborgenheimereinekleinenachtmusik (Peter) to come with me, maybe I can swing it. Maybe. Please cross your fingers. The tickets are only 25 bucks, so if I bought us both a ticket, i would still have 50 bucks left. please work out, please work out...

Well, I shall now leave on that hopeful note, hoping with all hope that this dream hopefully comes true. I hope. Oh ratsnacks. I have HOPE class tomorrow. XP


Osgoodbaby said...

Why that title? Are the boys drinking all the diet pepsi again?

I am glad you are doing the French competition.

I looked for cheap flights but they are still 400. Sorry, I dont have that kind of cash.

Good luck and I hope you get to go.

I love you

Nelly said...

I want to read your paper!

Pixiedust said...

I just ran across your blog, when I was check your mom's for an update (which she has neglected to do in quite some time!). Just thought I would tell you I miss you and Lindsey terribly! Email me if you get a minute and update me on all of the fun filled adventures of your life in the great state of FL!