I am very excited that my best friend at NPHS has created a blog. She posts her poetry, and it is really good. Welcome to blogger, Sandiana!!!
Song: Frei im Freien Fall
I am warning you right now, if you were looking for something funneh, don't read this post. I felt like I should post a poem in honor of Santi's entrance to the euphoria of blogtopia. So here it is.
What you do with my heart is your business.
Take it under your seemingly protective wing
nurture it, care for it
while it progresses
from its old wavering inconsistency
to a new stacatto persistence.
Time flies by with wings of its own.
Slowly your wing shifts away,
Letting the harsh sunlight of reality fall upon it.
Its pace quickens,
blood coursing too quickly through its weakened veins.
It cannot last mych longer
in this new, cruel exposure.
You make your decision.
You don't want it anymore.
It is kicked aside, away
from all the happy memories, anticipations.
It tries to scream out,
but it is soon buried in the barren ground of lonliness,
blinded by betrayal,
deafened by neglect
It breaks.
It rips to its very core,
bursting with this crushing pressure,
bleeding with this sudden impact
Destroyed to the point of no hope.
It is slowly and painfully lulled into death
by your haunting song of rejection.
You light a match,
setting fire to this pathetic sight
and laugh hysterically.
What you do with my heart is your business, not mine.
After all...I am merely the one who is dying.
That was my poem for the "oh-my-boyfriend-broke-up-with-me-and-broke-my-heart-even-though-we-hardly-knew-each-other-for-a-month-and-now-I-am-going-to-write-an-overly-dramatic-poem-about-it-and-I-need-a-caramel-machiatto" girl. :D
I just got done reading Bill's Vanity Fair interview (Englishly translated). It was so...insightful? I don't know. I felt like that one interview made me, like, know him, or something. I just fell more in love with him. I seem to do that a lot, even though I keep thinking it's impossible. *sigh* Ich liebe Bill...
Hey, did I ever tell you about how my mouse is epilectic? Yeah, well, it is. I'll just be reading something and it'll spazz out. I'm not talking a little "shaky-shaky" of the cursor, either. I'm talking full blown SEIZURE. It always seems to decide to frizz out when I am about to click on soemthing important. Then, just when I go to click it, it goes all over everywhere and highlights stuff and moves things and oh, it's just horrible. I think my mouse needs to be commited. *SOB* How could this HAPPEN? WHERE DID I GO WRONG? I thought I raised that mouse good, and this is what I get in return.
It's hard to believe in Santa at times like these.
I bid you adieu, for it is 11:33 and I awoke...well, I awoke much earlier.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
www.tokiohotel.com for pre-order in case anybody, ya know, *wink wink* needs to get me the best Christmas gift ever :D
www.tokiohotel.com for pre-order in case anybody, ya know, *wink wink* needs to get me the best Christmas gift ever :D
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Plastic Skulls Pick Their Scabs Too Much
Well I was going to write a large "could my post get any larger" post, but then I remembered that my theater group stuck me with writing the whole script for our rendition of everyone's favorite acid tripping animated movie...Alice in Wonderland.
Song: Points of Authority Crystal Method Edition...Linkin Park
Random Question: This is a colon : and this is a semi-colon ; - what's a semi-truck?
Meant to be funny, I think.
So, a few things are floating around in my head right now. I have to list them first, then explain.
1-Blogs used to be funny
Gah...I just got done writing a script for theater. You know, I have a whole group that did absolutely NO work on it, and I am the one who takes it home and does the whole entire thing. Yeah, okay, I get walked on by other people, and yeah, I'm a pushover, but who would have done it if I hadn't? Nobody. And then I would have a zero. That doesn't cut it for me.
Okay...1. I went back and read some old posts from those wonderful days when I was new to this interworld of blognessness. Not to be boastful or "toot my own horn" as some would like to say, but they were the shiz. I love how they were written, I thought they were funny. But now, writing my more recent ones, I feel as though that wit and humor has gone whizzing down the old crapper. Now my blog posts are tasteless and trivial, like an insignificant raisin in someone's plum pudding. All I do is whine and moan..."Oh, this is what's going on in my life right now" like you're my family or somebody who actually give a crap...
Oh, what? You are my family? Oh yeah. Sorry. Got a bit carried away there...well it's not like we're 2000 miles away from each other!
What's that you say? We are?
*will be understood only by George Lopez fans and watchers* I CAN'T DO NOTHING!!!
-Please note that the following is my personal opinion, and that it is not meant to offend anyone in any way. I apologize if you are offended, but you should stop being so sensitive that you get offended by people's own mere thoughts. Do not comment me preaching to me or anything else of the nature.-
2- Let's be honest. Let's get this fact out there. I don't believe in God. I never have. Nothing about it makes sense to me, and I don't think that anything anyone says about it will change my mind. But I was having a conversation with my friend, oh, let's call her...Pandihanna, and it was all about religion and everything. So then all of a sudden I started to basically doubt my whole life on the subject. I realized that I would burn in hell for the rest of eternity if God or Jesus ever did come back, because of my lack of faith. I just started to have this sort of rush of feelings. I started imagining my life as a Christian, going to HNL meetings (religious things that are very popular at my school), praying...and don't ask me why, because I couldn't tell you for the world. It's probably just a weird couple-day phase my messed-up brain is going through. I'll get back to you on that.
Ja, so...
TheresthissongIfoundandit'ssuperprettyandIloveit. Well, I meant to space that out, but here we are.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...okay bye. *runs away like Napoleon Dynamite*
Song: Points of Authority Crystal Method Edition...Linkin Park
Random Question: This is a colon : and this is a semi-colon ; - what's a semi-truck?
Meant to be funny, I think.
So, a few things are floating around in my head right now. I have to list them first, then explain.
1-Blogs used to be funny
Gah...I just got done writing a script for theater. You know, I have a whole group that did absolutely NO work on it, and I am the one who takes it home and does the whole entire thing. Yeah, okay, I get walked on by other people, and yeah, I'm a pushover, but who would have done it if I hadn't? Nobody. And then I would have a zero. That doesn't cut it for me.
Okay...1. I went back and read some old posts from those wonderful days when I was new to this interworld of blognessness. Not to be boastful or "toot my own horn" as some would like to say, but they were the shiz. I love how they were written, I thought they were funny. But now, writing my more recent ones, I feel as though that wit and humor has gone whizzing down the old crapper. Now my blog posts are tasteless and trivial, like an insignificant raisin in someone's plum pudding. All I do is whine and moan..."Oh, this is what's going on in my life right now" like you're my family or somebody who actually give a crap...
Oh, what? You are my family? Oh yeah. Sorry. Got a bit carried away there...well it's not like we're 2000 miles away from each other!
What's that you say? We are?
*will be understood only by George Lopez fans and watchers* I CAN'T DO NOTHING!!!
-Please note that the following is my personal opinion, and that it is not meant to offend anyone in any way. I apologize if you are offended, but you should stop being so sensitive that you get offended by people's own mere thoughts. Do not comment me preaching to me or anything else of the nature.-
2- Let's be honest. Let's get this fact out there. I don't believe in God. I never have. Nothing about it makes sense to me, and I don't think that anything anyone says about it will change my mind. But I was having a conversation with my friend, oh, let's call her...Pandihanna, and it was all about religion and everything. So then all of a sudden I started to basically doubt my whole life on the subject. I realized that I would burn in hell for the rest of eternity if God or Jesus ever did come back, because of my lack of faith. I just started to have this sort of rush of feelings. I started imagining my life as a Christian, going to HNL meetings (religious things that are very popular at my school), praying...and don't ask me why, because I couldn't tell you for the world. It's probably just a weird couple-day phase my messed-up brain is going through. I'll get back to you on that.
Ja, so...
TheresthissongIfoundandit'ssuperprettyandIloveit. Well, I meant to space that out, but here we are.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...okay bye. *runs away like Napoleon Dynamite*
Saturday, November 8, 2008
My Glorious Re-Introduction to Skittles
Bonjour. Aujourd'hui est Samedi, et je suis ennuyé. Ma mère a un rendez-vous de déjeuner avec Madame Skarvi. Elle reviendra a treize heures, quatorze heures, je ne sais pas.
Hello. Today is Saturday, and I am bored. My mom has a lunch date with Mrs. Skarvi. She will come back at 1 o'clock, 2 o'clock, I don't know.
And yes, I did that ALL by myself. :) I love French.
Song: Black...Tokio Hotel...again
Wearing: Blue sweats and Cartridge World Tee!!
Random Question: For your birthday, your aunt gave you a maple syrup dispenser shaped like a rooster. Please write her a thank-you note:
Oh my god, I totally swear that that was the real random question given. XD Bean hahhah

"Hello, Beana. Remember when you used to be obsessed with meee? Hmmm??? "
Only 18 more days I believe. Yep. I'm psyched. I am going to email Aunt Blair to clarify arrival arrangements and things of the sort. Will I need a winter coat? *crosses fingers*
I am going to add 3 movies to my wishlist: Little Shop of Horrors, Sweeney Todd, and...hmm what was the last one...Hairspray. That was it. Yeah.
I blog too much lately.
So, yeah, eveyone knows how I hate my school and all, so there is this school called Booker High in our district with "magnet programs" for the performing arts. It's on a block schedule also but 2 periods are academic and 2 are for arts. I wanna go there really bad. Actually, if I had my first choice of school here it would be Pine View, but that's not really much of a possibility. Booker's stage is awesome though.
You know what I HATE? When people want and expect you to drop everything you are doing when they decide, "Oh this is what I want from you and I want it now." ESPECIALLY when they huff and get nasty when you ask them for something. It really irks me. Also, when people don't do what they say they are going to do. I've taken to never really believing anyone anymore. Well partly. I don't believe them, but then there's that little hope in the back of your mind saying "Oh, they could NOT be lying this time!" So then even though you know it's not gonna happen, you're really sad when it doesn't.
Okay I shall leave and drop what I'm doing to go make someone else happy now. >:\ Don't forget to update.
Hello. Today is Saturday, and I am bored. My mom has a lunch date with Mrs. Skarvi. She will come back at 1 o'clock, 2 o'clock, I don't know.
And yes, I did that ALL by myself. :) I love French.
Song: Black...Tokio Hotel...again
Wearing: Blue sweats and Cartridge World Tee!!
Random Question: For your birthday, your aunt gave you a maple syrup dispenser shaped like a rooster. Please write her a thank-you note:
Oh my god, I totally swear that that was the real random question given. XD Bean hahhah

"Hello, Beana. Remember when you used to be obsessed with meee? Hmmm??? "
Only 18 more days I believe. Yep. I'm psyched. I am going to email Aunt Blair to clarify arrival arrangements and things of the sort. Will I need a winter coat? *crosses fingers*
I am going to add 3 movies to my wishlist: Little Shop of Horrors, Sweeney Todd, and...hmm what was the last one...Hairspray. That was it. Yeah.
I blog too much lately.
So, yeah, eveyone knows how I hate my school and all, so there is this school called Booker High in our district with "magnet programs" for the performing arts. It's on a block schedule also but 2 periods are academic and 2 are for arts. I wanna go there really bad. Actually, if I had my first choice of school here it would be Pine View, but that's not really much of a possibility. Booker's stage is awesome though.
You know what I HATE? When people want and expect you to drop everything you are doing when they decide, "Oh this is what I want from you and I want it now." ESPECIALLY when they huff and get nasty when you ask them for something. It really irks me. Also, when people don't do what they say they are going to do. I've taken to never really believing anyone anymore. Well partly. I don't believe them, but then there's that little hope in the back of your mind saying "Oh, they could NOT be lying this time!" So then even though you know it's not gonna happen, you're really sad when it doesn't.
Okay I shall leave and drop what I'm doing to go make someone else happy now. >:\ Don't forget to update.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
All Aboard The Apple Express
*On my top list for favorite Bill pics
Song: Fences...Paramore
Wearing: Skinnies, skull shoes, blue thermal, red stud belt
Random Question: If you were a cannibal, what would you wear to dinner?
If I was a cannibal? Psh, have I got news for you...
The last look back is black. The night turns dark ahead. When there's no turning back, we're glad, so glad. Tokio Hotel...is amazing. Bottom line. That's it. I want to marry Bill. Tom would be cool too. Or Georg or Gustav. But yeah.
lol i ees cracey
PUT HEADPHONES IN. I can't. So I guess I just have to turn my music (a.k.a. happiness and peace of mind) OFF. Fine. Okay.
So, I was already going to spend some time in Europe, but I wasn't planning on doing it really soon. That was until I heard the retarded...oops sorry...stupid kids at my school with their African-ish singing: "OBAMAO BAMA-O BAMA-O BAHMUHHH" and their retar-DUMB shirts with "YES WE CAN, AND WE DID!" Now my little house in Hohen Neuendorf is looking even better. Or maybe a cute little apartment in Lyon? Clint? Wanna go? We can order food and have small conversations with the locals!!!
Speaking of that little house in Hohen Neuendorf, it is officially my current dream house. Wanna see a picture of it? It's the cutest thing ever, and-seriously- how I always pictured my house would look like since I was little.

The owner is American. It's 175,000 € but negotiable. It has two bedrooms and one bathroom, und ein Wintergarten (florida room)! I could totally get it. I think I will. Auf wiedersehen, euch. Ich liebe euch alle!
I am happy that tomorrow is Friday. North Port High wears me out. I want German class. I really can't get over how cute that house is. AH Skitz-o-frenny-ahh
Yeah I don't know what to write...OH YEAH speaking of writing, there is going to be a showcase of the best of the best English students (freshman and sophomore) at NPHS with like 3 or 2 other English classes. I usually don't admit my talents because, well, I don't think I have them, but from what I have seen, compared to a lot of other kids, I rank high in the English area. So anyway, you can do an original poem dramatic reading, a speech (from literature, I'm not sure if you can do an original speech), a dramatic reading of a poem that is already written, or a booktalk. Nobody seemed really into it, but I am. I really want to do it. I think I want to write a poem and do it. It has to be memorised but I don't think that will be a problem if I am the author. The whole showcase is in our awesome theater (that's one thing I will give props to NPHS on. not quite as good as Central's or Northern's, but good) so it's like, lagit, man. w00t w00t go me. But I am kinda nervous. Oh well. I don't care. I don't like any of the people in my English class anyway. Ha, that's mean...(notice how I didn't say JK though). If I can't get an original poem together soon, I might want to read Annabell Lee or The Bells...idk. I JUST DK. Bleh.
Okay, well I am actually mad at myself for how dumb and boring this post is. BAD PAIGEY BAD BAD BAD *bangs lamp viloently against head*(-Dobby the house elf from Harry Potter, who Bill thinks is so cute ^.^)GOD THERE I GO AGAIN BLABBING ABOUT STUFF NOBODY CARES ABOUT. Maybe I SHOULD move to Germany sooner.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Hayley Williams' Hair
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