*On my top list for favorite Bill pics
Song: Fences...Paramore
Wearing: Skinnies, skull shoes, blue thermal, red stud belt
Random Question: If you were a cannibal, what would you wear to dinner?
If I was a cannibal? Psh, have I got news for you...
The last look back is black. The night turns dark ahead. When there's no turning back, we're glad, so glad. Tokio Hotel...is amazing. Bottom line. That's it. I want to marry Bill. Tom would be cool too. Or Georg or Gustav. But yeah.
lol i ees cracey
PUT HEADPHONES IN. I can't. So I guess I just have to turn my music (a.k.a. happiness and peace of mind) OFF. Fine. Okay.
So, I was already going to spend some time in Europe, but I wasn't planning on doing it really soon. That was until I heard the retarded...oops sorry...stupid kids at my school with their African-ish singing: "OBAMAO BAMA-O BAMA-O BAHMUHHH" and their retar-DUMB shirts with "YES WE CAN, AND WE DID!" Now my little house in Hohen Neuendorf is looking even better. Or maybe a cute little apartment in Lyon? Clint? Wanna go? We can order food and have small conversations with the locals!!!
Speaking of that little house in Hohen Neuendorf, it is officially my current dream house. Wanna see a picture of it? It's the cutest thing ever, and-seriously- how I always pictured my house would look like since I was little.

The owner is American. It's 175,000 € but negotiable. It has two bedrooms and one bathroom, und ein Wintergarten (florida room)! I could totally get it. I think I will. Auf wiedersehen, euch. Ich liebe euch alle!
I am happy that tomorrow is Friday. North Port High wears me out. I want German class. I really can't get over how cute that house is. AH Skitz-o-frenny-ahh
Yeah I don't know what to write...OH YEAH speaking of writing, there is going to be a showcase of the best of the best English students (freshman and sophomore) at NPHS with like 3 or 2 other English classes. I usually don't admit my talents because, well, I don't think I have them, but from what I have seen, compared to a lot of other kids, I rank high in the English area. So anyway, you can do an original poem dramatic reading, a speech (from literature, I'm not sure if you can do an original speech), a dramatic reading of a poem that is already written, or a booktalk. Nobody seemed really into it, but I am. I really want to do it. I think I want to write a poem and do it. It has to be memorised but I don't think that will be a problem if I am the author. The whole showcase is in our awesome theater (that's one thing I will give props to NPHS on. not quite as good as Central's or Northern's, but good) so it's like, lagit, man. w00t w00t go me. But I am kinda nervous. Oh well. I don't care. I don't like any of the people in my English class anyway. Ha, that's mean...(notice how I didn't say JK though). If I can't get an original poem together soon, I might want to read Annabell Lee or The Bells...idk. I JUST DK. Bleh.
Okay, well I am actually mad at myself for how dumb and boring this post is. BAD PAIGEY BAD BAD BAD *bangs lamp viloently against head*(-Dobby the house elf from Harry Potter, who Bill thinks is so cute ^.^)GOD THERE I GO AGAIN BLABBING ABOUT STUFF NOBODY CARES ABOUT. Maybe I SHOULD move to Germany sooner.
That is really cute. Your mom would visit since it has a Florida room.
I thought I was going to go deaf yesterday from the screams as the first load of kids entered the hallway before 7 am.
It exhausts me.
At least our country has given up racism enough to elect a black president though. It is pretty cool. Like him or not, like his policies or not, I think everyone has to admit it is a big step forward--and a huge moment in history.
Annabell Lee would be sweet. I'm not sure anyone would get it though. Sniffle... why does no one love Poe? I mean, I can apprecaite a good drunk.
Nice post...but one thing that SCREAMS at me is....did you notice Bill's picture and how it looks like he has fangs? lol
I love that house and I would visit often!!
bean-im ending up doing a dream within a dream instead
mom- yes it is so beautiful
byoo- you would? thanks for your support that comment made my day!!
Omg, Paige I'm into literature and I wanted to do Annabel Lee but I told Ms Frost that I was going to do Caged Bird By Maya Angelou. I would love if you would reveal your literary talents.
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