My mommy gave me a little tablet and now I can use it with my Manga Studiooooo!!!! Yay!
Your Call...Secondhand Serenade
This song is awesome. I should make a post about it on RI:MI.
I only have about a month and a half left in this swamp land of a state...and I say that in the most loving way possible. I am going to miss my friends. And my wonderful bee eff Jason. But he may be moving to Pennsylvania anyway. :P
But I have to admit that: I'M FREAKING EXCITED. I can't wait to be all involved and crap. I emailed my first and bestest theatre teacher Ms. Marks and asked if she wanted help with next year's productions (talent show and plizzay). She said yeah. I swear Banks has thee best theatre program ever and they're only a middle school. They did Willy Wonka, Jr. as their last play and somebody did a Lunch Lady Land skit for the talent show. Haha..."What did I do to make you all so mad?" find out for yourself...
lunch lady land
I kinda thought that the chop suey was Sarah Silverman for a minute,but I don't think so.
Now I'm listening to Icky Thump...if anyone...cares...
So have you ever been in a situation where you just really have no idea what to do? One where you stand there so dumbstruck and paralyzed with confusion that you're not able to react?Like one involving David Beckham and a woodchuck?
Oh well I have to go downstairs ASAP.
As Soon As Pinecone.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Take My Hand Tonight, Let's Not Think About Tomorrow
I don't understand myself. I was never really into any of this all before, but now it's like whoa.
Take My Hand...Simple Plan
Alright guys, so I posted a couple of AHmazingly awesome playlists, you should check them out. Especially the I Love You <3 one because those songs were hand picked for their perfect lyrics from the sunny vineyards of Cleveland.
I feel like I haven't posted in an uber long time. The last post I made was a picture of one of the many memories I had with Weest in PSH class. Gooood tiiiimes...
Alright so here's the thing...I'm moving back to Michigan. I'm kinda half and half about it. Like I really can't stand Florida but I've made some really amazing friends here. But my family and my BFFLs are in Michigan. And I love SMA in most aspects. But I am going to have so much fun at Central, for reals. It's really quite bittersweet.
Another thing I've been learning about myself lately is that I really love people a lot more than I thought. I never thought I was a people-oriented person, but lately it's just like being around my family and friends is so great. I mean, I know I'm not a people person in the sense that I like working with people, it's just the people in my life are really, really important to me. I genuinely love all of my family and friends with all of my heart. And that's it for today's personal reflection.
I was thinking today, what if Kristen Stewart was replaced with Scooby Doo?
Edward: Say it.
Scooby: R-r-r-raaampiiiire!!! *runs away*
Or how about Jack Sparrow.
Edward: And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...
Jack: I really hope I'm not the lamb in this equation, mate...unless you have rum...
Edward: I don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore.
Barney: Nobody does, little boy, nobody does...
I can't wait for my manga maker to get here. It's this software that you make your own manga on. It's gonna be so cool. :D
Oh and check out this video that I put on youtube!
Take My Hand...Simple Plan
Alright guys, so I posted a couple of AHmazingly awesome playlists, you should check them out. Especially the I Love You <3 one because those songs were hand picked for their perfect lyrics from the sunny vineyards of Cleveland.
I feel like I haven't posted in an uber long time. The last post I made was a picture of one of the many memories I had with Weest in PSH class. Gooood tiiiimes...
Alright so here's the thing...I'm moving back to Michigan. I'm kinda half and half about it. Like I really can't stand Florida but I've made some really amazing friends here. But my family and my BFFLs are in Michigan. And I love SMA in most aspects. But I am going to have so much fun at Central, for reals. It's really quite bittersweet.
Another thing I've been learning about myself lately is that I really love people a lot more than I thought. I never thought I was a people-oriented person, but lately it's just like being around my family and friends is so great. I mean, I know I'm not a people person in the sense that I like working with people, it's just the people in my life are really, really important to me. I genuinely love all of my family and friends with all of my heart. And that's it for today's personal reflection.
I was thinking today, what if Kristen Stewart was replaced with Scooby Doo?
Edward: Say it.
Scooby: R-r-r-raaampiiiire!!! *runs away*
Or how about Jack Sparrow.
Edward: And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...
Jack: I really hope I'm not the lamb in this equation, mate...unless you have rum...
Edward: I don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore.
Barney: Nobody does, little boy, nobody does...
I can't wait for my manga maker to get here. It's this software that you make your own manga on. It's gonna be so cool. :D
Oh and check out this video that I put on youtube!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Knew That It Was Time To Say Goodbye
That title fit perfectly into the title bar.
Come Alive...Foo Fighters
OH MY GOD, you guys. god. I can't believe it but guess what I am doing on July 29th in Ohio. GUESS! Okay, don't guess, I want to tell you. I am going to see No Doubt...AND PARAMORE! Oh emm gee!!! *squeals in delight* I can't wait!
I won't get to meet them or anything like Weest did, but I will get to see them for the first time. It's gonna be amazing. I don't know where it is, all I know is that it is in Ohio. It would be cool if it was some awesome venue, like the House of Blues or something. I know you guys are probably like, "what the hell, how is the HOB an awesome venue?" but it just is, okay? Ahhhhh I am so excited. SO excited.
Well that is all I really wanted to say. I just had to share my absolute excitement.
And I got really fast at typing. Except I always type "u" when I mean to type "y".
Come Alive...Foo Fighters
OH MY GOD, you guys. god. I can't believe it but guess what I am doing on July 29th in Ohio. GUESS! Okay, don't guess, I want to tell you. I am going to see No Doubt...AND PARAMORE! Oh emm gee!!! *squeals in delight* I can't wait!
I won't get to meet them or anything like Weest did, but I will get to see them for the first time. It's gonna be amazing. I don't know where it is, all I know is that it is in Ohio. It would be cool if it was some awesome venue, like the House of Blues or something. I know you guys are probably like, "what the hell, how is the HOB an awesome venue?" but it just is, okay? Ahhhhh I am so excited. SO excited.
Well that is all I really wanted to say. I just had to share my absolute excitement.
And I got really fast at typing. Except I always type "u" when I mean to type "y".
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
This Is All I Need To Feel Alive
As I predicted, the high didn't last.
Song: Johnny Sniper...Enter Shikari
Alan: I'm so sorry I didn't make it to the play. I wanted to see it really really badly, but my mom couldn't get money out of her account cos her pin number was all screwed up due to fraudulent activity on her old credit card. Anyway, I'm sorry I didn't get to see you move your garbage can or meet Racquel (sp?). Believe me, I would have been there if I could have.
Yeah the high from yesterday is definitely faded to the point of almost being totally gone. I'm excited about going to Michigan, but am not excited about the play (which I'm not mad about, just disappointed), the whole position paper that I have to do, and the 111 pages of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance that I have to read and take notes on. Ugh. I don't even want to think about it. Not to mention I'm having a war inside my head about school. SMA is great, I reall and sincerely love it. But the commute sucks, and I don't have two of the most important things: Theatre and French. As much as SMA makess me happy, it's stressful. I love it there so much but is it worth giving up theatre and French? I just don't know. But another enormously important thing is bagpipes. They obviously don't have them at North Port. I have friends both places, but it'd kill me to have to leave my SMA friends.I've grown really close to some of them. And the respect and pride that you get from going to a military school is really nice, even if you have to do without your stylistic and artistic freedom. head is throbbing with all of this.
It's times like these that one should turn to retail therapy...

Enter Shikari Tee...$9.98...

Bill Sings Tee...$20.00...

Tripp Skinny Street Pants...$49.00...

Osiris Becky Bones Shoe...$29.99

Converse The Who Hightops...$54.99...
Alright well, off to learn the song She's Got Style by nevershoutnever!. Later.
Song: Johnny Sniper...Enter Shikari
Alan: I'm so sorry I didn't make it to the play. I wanted to see it really really badly, but my mom couldn't get money out of her account cos her pin number was all screwed up due to fraudulent activity on her old credit card. Anyway, I'm sorry I didn't get to see you move your garbage can or meet Racquel (sp?). Believe me, I would have been there if I could have.
Yeah the high from yesterday is definitely faded to the point of almost being totally gone. I'm excited about going to Michigan, but am not excited about the play (which I'm not mad about, just disappointed), the whole position paper that I have to do, and the 111 pages of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance that I have to read and take notes on. Ugh. I don't even want to think about it. Not to mention I'm having a war inside my head about school. SMA is great, I reall and sincerely love it. But the commute sucks, and I don't have two of the most important things: Theatre and French. As much as SMA makess me happy, it's stressful. I love it there so much but is it worth giving up theatre and French? I just don't know. But another enormously important thing is bagpipes. They obviously don't have them at North Port. I have friends both places, but it'd kill me to have to leave my SMA friends.I've grown really close to some of them. And the respect and pride that you get from going to a military school is really nice, even if you have to do without your stylistic and artistic freedom. head is throbbing with all of this.
It's times like these that one should turn to retail therapy...

Enter Shikari Tee...$9.98...

Bill Sings Tee...$20.00...
Tripp Skinny Street Pants...$49.00...

Osiris Becky Bones Shoe...$29.99

Converse The Who Hightops...$54.99...
Alright well, off to learn the song She's Got Style by nevershoutnever!. Later.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Would You Even Turn To Say, "I Don't Love You Like I Did Yesterday"
I am high and have been high all day. High on life, love, thought, and a Mudslide Mocha.
Song: I Don't Love You...My Chemical Romance
Today has been a great day. I went to Books A Million and got a really great coffee frappe (Mudslide Mocha). That made me happy. I've got like this happiness about everything, and I'm getting butterflies in my stomach every time I think a new thought about whatever. I hope this high lasts awhile. I feel like I am going to be up all night.
One thing I'm not so happy about is that I have a whole position paper due after break. I haven't started it, so I plan to work on it in the evenings at grandma's house :). Yay, grandma and grandpa and everyone else! I've missed you soo!!! Which means I have to bring Shibi with me, except I've no laptop bag. :0 So I hope he makes it to MI okay.

Okay. While some of you are supporting this, most of you are not. I want to get my lip pierced very badly. Either Angelbites or a vertical labret. I have info in support of it and rebuttal to any negative arguments.
People won't hire you: I'm not looking for a job. I won't be for another year or more. I want to focus on school, and going to a school over an hour away from home. When I do start to seek work, it will be long after I will have gotten the piercing so I can take it out for interviews and while I am working.
You can't wear it in school: If I get it right after school gets out, it'll have time to heal to the point where I can take it out all day in school and it won't close up.
It's offensive: Why? I'm not trying to get you to jab something through your lip. I'm not going to get a lip ring inscribed "eff the world".
Any other negative aspects of me getting my lip pierced, leave in the comments and I'll add them to this post. With rebuttal, that is.
I'm not being snarky. I'm trying to get my point across that a lip ring is not a bad thing, because everyone in the fam seems to think it is. I want it because I love how it looks. Not to rebel against anybody or anything or anything like that.
They're ugly: Not to me! I love the way they look, and I'm not going to say you shouldn't wear a shirt you like because it's I think it's ugly.
Your face begins to grow funkily: Not that I've seen. I have never noticed that Nathan's eyebrow was crooked. Ever. And my friend just had spiders but took them out, you can't tell they were even there, even if you're looking for it.
Infection: if you take care of a piercing like you are supposed to, you don't get infections.
Oh and I am going to see the play tomorrow. Yay!! :)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Beana and everyone else.
Sorry for being a *rhymes with witch* in my last post. I was just in a bad (ish) mood. Sorry. I love you all.
I've Seen The Waters, They Make Your Eyes Shine
No song today, that was lyrics from the song on the commercial I was watching.
This is one of the most emotionally blah days I've had in a very long time. I don't feel anything. Lindsey is being ridiculous. The girl is my best friend but sometimes she just gets to be way too much to handle. Uh. I just got mad at her for a half a minute, but then I went back to blah. Maybe it has something to do with my extreme tiredness? I don't know.
So, nobody is as avid in the blogging as they used to be. Someone want to comment on the hair post...about hair? You know, I really only do this for the comments. It doesn't do me any good if you read it but there's nothing to show for it. Not trying to be a b-word, just saying.
Okay sorry, I feel way too mean right now to be blogging. I need to cheer up...
Okay. That helped a little bit. But I still feel blank.
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