I am high and have been high all day. High on life, love, thought, and a Mudslide Mocha.
Song: I Don't Love You...My Chemical Romance
Today has been a great day. I went to Books A Million and got a really great coffee frappe (Mudslide Mocha). That made me happy. I've got like this happiness about everything, and I'm getting butterflies in my stomach every time I think a new thought about whatever. I hope this high lasts awhile. I feel like I am going to be up all night.
One thing I'm not so happy about is that I have a whole position paper due after break. I haven't started it, so I plan to work on it in the evenings at grandma's house :). Yay, grandma and grandpa and everyone else! I've missed you soo!!! Which means I have to bring Shibi with me, except I've no laptop bag. :0 So I hope he makes it to MI okay.

Okay. While some of you are supporting this, most of you are not. I want to get my lip pierced very badly. Either Angelbites or a vertical labret. I have info in support of it and rebuttal to any negative arguments.
People won't hire you: I'm not looking for a job. I won't be for another year or more. I want to focus on school, and going to a school over an hour away from home. When I do start to seek work, it will be long after I will have gotten the piercing so I can take it out for interviews and while I am working.
You can't wear it in school: If I get it right after school gets out, it'll have time to heal to the point where I can take it out all day in school and it won't close up.
It's offensive: Why? I'm not trying to get you to jab something through your lip. I'm not going to get a lip ring inscribed "eff the world".
Any other negative aspects of me getting my lip pierced, leave in the comments and I'll add them to this post. With rebuttal, that is.
I'm not being snarky. I'm trying to get my point across that a lip ring is not a bad thing, because everyone in the fam seems to think it is. I want it because I love how it looks. Not to rebel against anybody or anything or anything like that.
They're ugly: Not to me! I love the way they look, and I'm not going to say you shouldn't wear a shirt you like because it's I think it's ugly.
Your face begins to grow funkily: Not that I've seen. I have never noticed that Nathan's eyebrow was crooked. Ever. And my friend just had spiders but took them out, you can't tell they were even there, even if you're looking for it.
Infection: if you take care of a piercing like you are supposed to, you don't get infections.
Oh and I am going to see the play tomorrow. Yay!! :)
no get vertical whatever! i hate thoose get angelbites i have supported ur angelbites forever
and btw the picture of angelbites thoose are actually called cyberbites when there is one in the middle, sounds even cooler right?
and i have an idea how we could hang over the summer u shuld totally go to the boys ang girls club duh! racquel might get a summer job there so she could hang with me before we leave for college
so tonight u get to meet her but i cant like hold her and show im her boyfreind in front of her parents cuz there coming tonight, because if they knew i was 14 they would yell at her for bein a petaphile and other mean stuffs :-( but hopefully if u stay afterwards i can take you backstage and u can hang with me and her i rly want u to meet her your her best freind in law after all
thats how u make a good long comment fuck canadas national anthem
I am all about being creative with what you want to do to your own body.
However, I think the face should be avoided. Keep your face young and beautiful.
It is one thing to be stuck with a tattoo years after you don't want it. The solution for that is simple. Wear clothes that cover it.
However, imagine being 50. Imagine the scars that are now left on your face from a piercing 35 years ago.
I am not telling you what to do....just want you to think about it.
typo, till SHE leaves for collage not me, thats the problem
angelbites are awesome! get what YOU will like. who cares what everyone else thinks
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