Wednesday, February 3, 2010

You Make Me Happy, Whether You Know It Or Not

I'm on lunch right now, and I really don't know if it's against the rules to be blogging/listening to NSN right now. I mean, it's not a big deal. It's not like I'm up in da computer lab snorting crack, so I think it should be good.


Song: Happy...Nevershoutnever!

I NEED that CD more than any CD I have ever needed before in my life. Like seriously. It just came out a couple days ago or so, and it's at Target. I need to buy it there AND Itunes, because if you buy it on Itunes you get two bonus songs and a video, which is always a good thing.

People are already coming back from lunch. Darn them all to heck.

I guess I'll post later, even though my family never gets on blogger anymore. Whatevs.

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