You're not! Getting any sleep tonight. You're not! Getting any sleep tonight.
Song: No Sleep Tonight...Enter Shikari
Talk about dramer. Personal dramer. I hate this kind of dramer that makes you constantly think about it, which means constantly thinking about yourself, which makes you really annoying and yourself. More self centeredness!!! IT'S A NEVER-ENDING CYCLE OF SELFNESS. And I hate it. I really do.
Today's topic, compliments of Random Word Generator Plus, is...
Now, flower children, there can be many kinds of arrangements. There can be custody arrangements, tutoring arrangements, floral arrangements, faunal arrangements, et cetera. You can arrange your pillows, arrange your legs, or arrange the probably post expiration date items in your refrigerator. You can have arranged marriages, arranged murders (which lead to arranged funerals), and arranged births. At least I'm hoping for the sake of the birthER that the birthEE's birth was, in all honesty, arranged. Now, doesn't the word "arrange" sound kind of weird?
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, I'm begging of you, please don't take my man...please don't take him even though you can...I cannot compete with you, Jolene. <---What a good song. Well. I can't think of anything else that you need to know for your general well-being. to the writing blog. By the way. I hate to admit that I love this song...but listen to Billionaire by Travie McCoy
Song: No Sleep Tonight...Enter Shikari
Talk about dramer. Personal dramer. I hate this kind of dramer that makes you constantly think about it, which means constantly thinking about yourself, which makes you really annoying and yourself. More self centeredness!!! IT'S A NEVER-ENDING CYCLE OF SELFNESS. And I hate it. I really do.
Today's topic, compliments of Random Word Generator Plus, is...
Now, flower children, there can be many kinds of arrangements. There can be custody arrangements, tutoring arrangements, floral arrangements, faunal arrangements, et cetera. You can arrange your pillows, arrange your legs, or arrange the probably post expiration date items in your refrigerator. You can have arranged marriages, arranged murders (which lead to arranged funerals), and arranged births. At least I'm hoping for the sake of the birthER that the birthEE's birth was, in all honesty, arranged. Now, doesn't the word "arrange" sound kind of weird?
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, I'm begging of you, please don't take my man...please don't take him even though you can...I cannot compete with you, Jolene. <---What a good song. Well. I can't think of anything else that you need to know for your general well-being. to the writing blog. By the way. I hate to admit that I love this song...but listen to Billionaire by Travie McCoy

...Because I thought you might get a kick.
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