Friday, February 25, 2011

When I'm a-Walkin', I Strut My Stuff

Ha, this song is so great.

Song: Blister in the Sun...The Violent Femmes

Oh, and it just changed to No Rain by Blind Melon. Also an all-time awesome.

Alright, so I've got a paper to write ("demonstrating," which is not very good word choice, if you ask me, "how Wal-Mart has helped or harmed: American workers, the American public, or the U.S. economy), the rest of Fast Food Nation to read and answer questions for, a pamphlet about ED's that I should probably get started on, a test to do for AP World, a list of subjunctive phrases to learn, a Vivaldi piece to memorize, and practicing to do on the piperoos. Why would I start at 11:31 AM, though? It's mid-winter break ( I agree, kind of ridiculous, but who's complaining? Surely not me.), so I shouldn't even really be up. Noon just seems like such a good time to start being productive, anyway. Therefore, I willn't start doing what I'm supposed to be doing until then. Hmmph!

"What if you were living yours instead of hatin' mine?" Such a good point. I'm thinking the world would be a much better place and people would be much more peaceful if we could learn how to, well, basically, mind our own business. I say this all the time: People always be wantin' to know whassuh widerryone else, but the truth of the matter is that ignorance really is bliss. They dig for information that isn't theirs to know in the first place, and then blow up completely when they find it out, as if there's anything they can or should do about it. Just live your life, dude. Of course, that's all on a general, surface basis. If you CAN help someone, you def should. It's just, I don't think people really understand what really matters and what's really significant in the grand scheme of things. It's really easy for us (and when I refer to "people", I do include myself. I'm far from immune to the flaws that plague humanity) to get caught up in the here and now. Like, OMG, I KNOW it's a huge deal right now that like, Britney hooked up with a guy you went out with in like, the second grade, but like, ugh, gag me with a spoon, does it really matter? No, but seriously, even real problems, most of them can be drastically diminished by simple meditation.

As Alex would say, "I've got homework for you."

Next time you're about to get really upset about something, take a second to stop and really open your mind and think about it, no matter how worthy-of-explosion it seems at the moment. I'm serious. It's helped me a lot, the few times I've been able to calm down and actually try it. ...Very few, actually, but I'm learning and practicing.

Someone cuts you off when you're driving. You don't die, neither do they. Nobody's hurt, nothing bad happened because of it. Is it worth letting your blood boil about it?

Something that has helped me tremendously in this has been to think, "Have I ever done something like that before?" The answer's always yes, if I'm being completely honest. Keeping in mind that nobody's perfect is so much more conducive to peace of mind than giving in to the human tendency to compare people and make assumptions. You never know 100% what's going on with someone, no matter how clear it may seem.

Wow, alright. I was totally planning on gushing about my very first job that's in the cafe at Lifetime Fitness that I start on Sunday that I'm excited and nervous about that...that...that's a spicy meat-a-ball-uh? But it's noon, so I gotta go be productive n' sheeit.

Peace, people. Do yer homework! Comment and let me know how it works out.

1 comment:

Osgoodbaby said...

I really should mind my own business.


OH, and congrats on the job. When are you taking me to lunch?