Tuesday, August 28, 2012

*Dexter Theme Song*


  1. bought a secondhand copy of Eragon so that I have something to help me not watch Dexter for five hours like I did yesterday.
  2. waited over 40 minutes past my appointment time to talk to my academic advisor, who, upon me FINALLY getting into his office, gave me his card and an outdated version of my schedule. 
  3. got my parking permit and moved my car to the garage that is way too far away from campus.
  4. walked back from said BFE garage.
  5. went to convocation where I almost peed fire (projectile-style) because the people behind and next to us are still stuck in high school. Can you really not stop talking for one hour? You live with these people now, you disrespectful, immature snot slurpers.
  6. Damn.

Off to watch 15 minutes of Dexter before dinner. Cheese quesadillas, here I come! 

Monday, August 27, 2012

What Do I Stand For?

Most nights, I don't know anymore. oooooh oh. oh ohhh oh...

Song: Some Nights...fun.

I can't express how much I love this song. Class of 2012 picked the best freaking graduation song ever. The I Hope You Dance/ Friends Forever mash-up was pretty great too. Jerked my tears right outta their ducts!

Our room is freezing cold. I am kind of enjoying it, but I need more blankets. Damn me.

Have you seen Miley Cyrus' new hair? I haven't. Let's look it up!

  LOL. That really came up when I searched "Miley Cyrus haircut" in google images. But no, really:

Oh. So the first one WAS Miley... No, honestly, I like it. I do. Put that in your juice box. Let me just say, after all the crap that's been said about her and all the things she's done, I have always kind of liked Miley. She is pretty and I like her voice. So there.


"How many did Gretchen get? Oh yeah...that's right..."

Alright well I'm gonna go now. Hopefully I can get some books for 17 million dollars tomorrow. #poorcollegekidprobz

Sunday, August 26, 2012

My Soul Was Filled With Crystal Light

First day at college ftw!

Song: Werewolf...CocoRosie

Thanks Lindsey, for the song. 

So it's only the first day at Flagler College in beautiful and extremely OLD St. Auggie. We haven't had any classes yet; it's just orientation stuff til Wednesday. That being said, I have learned some very important lessons in college (yes, already). 


  • I am a very chill person. Chiller than I thought. Like, I'm friggin' arctic. I turn...coffee...into...iced coffee...well, not iced, I suppose...but like...chilled...coffee...yeah. Anyway *cough* I realized how much I like to not really do anything. I like passive activities the most. Reading, writing, drawing, listening to music (just listening), blogging :D, eating...man I like eating, etc. Right now is perfect: chilly room, sunny but not garishly bright, drinking the most delicious coffee from my single-brew machine, Fresh Prince playing from my roommate's laptop in the background...perfection. 
  • I'm tired ALL THE TIME. 
  • I'm perfectly okay with the previous two bullets.
  • You don't sleep well if you're really afraid of falling off your bed. Top bunkers UNITE HOOAH.
  • I MISS MY CAT and my mom and my sister. 

There was more in my head earlier but I'm distracted now. 

Off to the store with Alan, Memory, and Kara. Peace in the Southeast!