Tuesday, August 28, 2012

*Dexter Theme Song*


  1. bought a secondhand copy of Eragon so that I have something to help me not watch Dexter for five hours like I did yesterday.
  2. waited over 40 minutes past my appointment time to talk to my academic advisor, who, upon me FINALLY getting into his office, gave me his card and an outdated version of my schedule. 
  3. got my parking permit and moved my car to the garage that is way too far away from campus.
  4. walked back from said BFE garage.
  5. went to convocation where I almost peed fire (projectile-style) because the people behind and next to us are still stuck in high school. Can you really not stop talking for one hour? You live with these people now, you disrespectful, immature snot slurpers.
  6. Damn.

Off to watch 15 minutes of Dexter before dinner. Cheese quesadillas, here I come! 


Nelly said...

College students never grow up. Even the people I work with can't sit still w/o talking for an hour-long staff meeting.

Why is your garage so far away?

Word of the day: 358 phibbe
As in, with a French accent, "I am only honest one week of the year. The other 358? I phibbe."

Osgoodbaby said...

You can still make me laugh. Parking garage in bfe...welcome to campus life. On a side note, look at all that amazing food you get to chow down on. :)