Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Song: The Final (Unplugged)...Dir en Grey


That phrase has been on repeat in my head since last night. I went to sleep saying it, and right when I woke up I was saying it. Over and over. This is the energy I want to attract. I started listening to the Silva Method last night and got pretty into it. 

I am completely healthy and properly functioning. 

This weekend is going to be the dank danks. I'm gonna make it the dank danks with the help of my wunderbar boyfriend and the fact that my whole family is going to Tennessee until Sunday. It would have been pretty the dank danks if we could have gone like originally planned, but I'm trying not to think about that because I really want to attract positive energy.  

I am completely healthy and properly functioning, and this weekend is going to be the dank danks. 

In other news, Zeus peed on the kitchen floor. We know it was Zeus because of the quantity, which was something akin to the quantity of water in a lake. Sometimes I think about taking those dog shaming pictures. You know, the ones with the dog perp and a notecard in front of him/her saying what he/she did. Like this:


Yeah, so I sometimes want to take those of Zeus, but then his face is too derpy and I decide no one would take him seriously. As in, no one would understand the full effect his deeply-seeded evil (manifested in urine) has on...the world. 

I am completely healthy and properly functioning.

I am completely healthy and properly functioning.

I am completely healthy and properly functioning.

I am completely healthy and properly functioning. 

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