Song of the Post: Ich bin nicht ich...Tokio Hotel
Wearing: Dark pink tee with vest design and hearts, grey shorts.
Random Question: How tall would you be if you never cut your fingernails?
How much better would this question be if it made sense?
Yeah. Tired. Very tired. ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz
So, anyone remember that song 99 Red Balloons by Nena in the 80s? Well here you go if you don't:
Anyhoo, she had a song called Irgendwie Irgendwo Irgendwann, and she just mad a new one called Anyplace Anywhere Anytime with Kim Wilde.It's half English, half German, and it is so good. Oh my Bill. I keep listening to it over and over again. I can't get enough of it!! I had been wanting to check her out for a while because Bill loves her, and then my friend sent me the video on imeem. Nena is sooooo pretty and has the best voice. And is one of the only German acts to be successful in the US. I heart Nena. She rocks.
Well now that there is no concert *cries hysterically* I am free to go to French competition. I am looking forward to it. I am going to memorize a poem en Français and recite it for the judges and also be in the big group play. Yay me.
I'd like to take this time to share with everyone who reads this blog how much I hope we have pizza for dinner tonight. It would make me very happy, especially if it was not Hungry Howies. We haven't had pizza for weeks now when we used to get it almost every Friday. :'( If my mom ever read anyone's blog anymore she would see this and maybe get pizza. But no. EH-EH. Not gonna happen. Hey, we have a free small pizza and box o' Cinnastix at Domino's...mmm, Domino's...
Well, I am falling asleep, so I am going to read my Luxembourg book on the lenai (don't know how to spell that) and maybe fall asleep before we get pizza. I mean dinner.
Afterword: If you stop reading my blog, I won't take offense. I just realized how boring and trivial it is. Why should you waste your time listening to a teenage girl chatter? Hmm? I don't know. I kind of feel like this blog isn't even worth it. I really think it wastes everybody's time. It was funny at first, but now it isn't funny anymore and I feel bad for those who read it. :(
Okay, well bye! :D
It's not a waste of my time. I still love reading it! I miss talking to you in person all the time, so this is like as close as I get.
Are our blogs boring to YOU?
i sometimes sleep next to your photo. it brings happy thoughts.
No, seriously. I love your blog. You are the blo gmaster!
Go blog master, go!!
how come you posted a blog and i cant read it? did you make it private?
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