Faeries: Meadow Faerie by luvistokiohotel
W00t w00t...new set. :)
Song:Mutiny Below...Ludo
Today was the first day of the new semester. Which means that some of my classes changed. Today I started Geometry and Music Theory. Geometry, not so cool. :P Music Theory...totally pumped. I love it already. We were covering some basics today and Mr. Bradley (teacher, duh) came up to me to check how I was doing. He asked if I had ever worked with bass clef before. I told him no, that I was a clarinet. It kind of just came out of my mouth even though I'm not in band anymore. He's like, "Oh, a clarinet? And you're not in my band?! *gasp*" So I went on to tell him how it was the biggest mistake I ever made and explained why I didn't take it and so on. Then he told me to take it next year cos the band is really good. I was like, OMG NO WAY. I'm definitely doing band next year if I can.
Kids, stay in school, but more importantly, NEVER GIVE UP BAND!
An issue I would like to cover: Why has nobody been on blogger? God you guys, get a life. Psh.
Well, that's that I guess. Wish me luck. *deep inhale* Physical Education starts tomorrow and nobody should be forced to take it because it is a pointless and humiliating waste of time in my schedule that I could have used for another class that will actually help me in whatever career path I decide to take which will most likely be something to do with the arts and therefore not have anything to do with the mindless running and ball-throwing, and did I mention humiliation, that requires close to no real intelectual or creative work at all that you do in that god-forsaken class that is forced upon every freshman for a semester...*pant, pant, pant*
Anybody want to break my leg?
H.o.p.e. is pointless isn't it. it should not be forced upon us art inclined peoples
I think physical education is an essential part of the learning process for children and young teens. :)
BTW. I do use blogger, but only Shanell comments on my blogs. Thankyouverymuch.
BTW I am too busy for blogger. Thankyouverymuch. And I have nothing interesting to say. Like you, who likes to listen to other people talk on the phone, I like to read blogs, not write them.
You called me back. w00t. Now we can shop online at Hot Topic together.
BTW! I totally saw the red shutter glasses on a student and I almost stole them from her. I was going to buy you some blue ones at Claire's, since she told me I couldn't have hers but could buy my own, but... you already bought them.
I am sad that you no longer follow my blog. Clearly I am no longer an important part of your life. This makes me sad.
I shall cry in my corner now.
Eugene just farted on me and it really stinks
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