Okay, wow. I wrote that intro last night. Ha. Oh well.
Song: The (Shipped) Gold Standard...Fall Out Boy
I got my shirts and suspenders ce matin (this morning) and it made me very happy. I'm gonna go and get my mom's SD card reader so I can hook it up to my ancient computer, lol, so you can see pictures!!! Yaaaaaaaayyy!!!!!!
Wait, why wouldn't I just get the pics off Hot Topic's site? Duh. Heh.

The picture of the suspenders wasn't very good for seeing them, so I took my own. I would really like a new digital camera, because mine doesn't have very good quality at all. I think I'll save up after getting my drums.
Which reminds me, there are these drums at Music Go Round by Gram's store and I really want to buy those, cos I would rather get a cheap used set than spend all of my money on a brand new 3 Hundo dollar one. How much do you think it would cost to ship a whole drum set from Michigan to Florider?
This website is really cool! And they have tons of Tokio Hotel merch, but I'm pretty much thinking they don't ship to the US... www.deutschrock.de
OMG. I am so terrified about P.E. You don't even know. Every time I think about it, my stomach gets so nervous I could just barf. Not like, "Oh I just puked in my mouth a little bit," but full-blown (pun intended) projectile vomiting. Ralphing. Hurling. Blowing chunks. Tossing my cookies. Hailing to the porcelain god. It's not so much that I don't want the physical strain of 30-minute jogs and running a mile, which I don't, but the dominant thing here, the thing that's literally been giving me nightmares and consuming my thoughts is the absolute embarrassment. I can't run a mile in under 14 minutes, I don't think. And that's pathetic and horrible, and I should be able to, and I'm not physically fit, and this and that-yes, I know. I'm well aware that a 14 year old should have no problem with running a mere mile, or doing 9 laps in 30 minutes. But I do. That's just what it is. I'm just extremely horrified.
We really have to return our Blockbuster materials. And if my mother would ever read this, she would see that and be like, "Oh, Scheiße! That's right!" But she doesn't read. Or leave comments. So now, she's missed out on an incredible opportunity to say "scheiße".
I hope I spelled that right. I thought it was without the last "e" but then I saw it somewhere like that. I'll look it up now. OMG google translate won't tell me anything. Geez. I'll ask on yahoo answers. Update on that at a later date...
Okay well I am really boring myself. So bye.
P.S. Aunt Blair, I don't follow your blog, but I comment on every one. I never did follow your blog, but that is because it doesn't let me or something. I'll go try again right now.
I am glad you got your goods.
Um... I forgot what else I wanted to say.
Word verification: sulacalc
"Su la calculus suxorz, and la English roxorz."
And I bet it would cost infinity dollars to ship a drumset.
Oh wait!
I can't run. But I can walk a mile in under 14, so I'm pretty sure you can run it. Running a mile in high school, with EIA (exercise induced asthma) took me around 10 minutes, I think. I know it will make you sick, but the truth is, gym class is a blowoff and all the buff people are too busy paying attention to themselves to worry about who can and cannot run. I could never do pushups either. And I suck at sports. But I turned out okay.
sweet new rags. :)
I sent you yet another invite to be able to follow my blog. Go for it. I urge you to join the ever so small crowd of faithful Blair goers.
Team Blair represent!
it's alright I am the poster child for physically unfit. last semester it took me 16 minutes to run the mile because I don't run I stroll. You'll hopefully survive H.o.p.e. I know I barely survived the p.e. part but the health part ain't so bad
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