That title says "try to type ur title with ur elbows quickly", but it was typed with my elbows quickly, so that's probably why you can't read it. :)
Song: Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers...nuff said.
I got the new Missy Higgins CD. It's alright. I mainly got it because I like "Where I Stood". It's a good song. The only other song that I really like so far off it is "100 Round the Bends."
I also just read this book called Why I Let My Hair Grow Out. It's about a girl who gets shipped off to Ireland to do a bike tour, but she goes back in time as her other self and has to save her village from these enchantments that have been placed on them. It involves a super-slut warrior queen named Maeve and a hunky tour guide who says "fek" a lot. It's a pretty durn good book.
So, Monday is my birthday. Happy 37th to me! I mean 15th. Close enough. :P And yeah, I'm pretty pumped cos my mommy is making me a German cake! (Black Forest Cake: Dark Chocolate and Cherries! Yummm!)
I'm sorry what? What did you say? Oh, get a picture off photobucket from one of the home page albums and put it on your post? No thanks. Maybe next time. My computer is extremely slow, so I'd pretty much be here for the next hour just to find a picture.
OH EMM GEE did you hear? I dated a Jonas brother, it's SO HAWWTT!
Yeah, so there was something I wanted to attach to my birthday fact... OH YEAH! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! I only have JROTC one day next week. All the rest of the days are pipes! W00t w00t BAGPIPES!
Speaking of JROTC, which I did have today, I did my other half of cadet challenge. The first part was mile run/walk, which I did in 9.47, not bad for a first time. The second, today, was push-ups and curl-ups. I could only do 16 curls in one minute. :\ But I did 21 push-ups. I don't think that's too horrible for a first time either...okay yeah, it's pretty bad.
I think I might buy the Framing Hanley CD tomorrow, being as it is 10 dollars at Target. I hate Lollipop but their other songs are good. Aunt Blair got me into them. AND GUESS WHAT!!
Okay, well I am really tired. Talk at yous laters. Yeahs.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Jewish People are Cool
If you want to destroy my sweater (whoa whoa whoa), pull this thread as I walk away (as I walk away!) Watch me unravel, I'll soon be naked. Lyin' on the floor, lyin' on the floor! I've come undone.
Lindsey is getting ready to take a shower and blasting Rihanna. I do not like Rihanna. >:(
I'm listening to Norma Jean right now, it's pretty good. I like it. The song is Amnesty Please. It's MUCH better than Rihanna, I can tell you that right thurr.
Song: Undone...Weezer
Hello, faithful canines. I mean dry goods. How are you all today? I'm quite good, even though I got texted at seven o'clock this morning. But that's not really relevant to your daily lives.
He's going for distance. He's going for speed. She's all alone, all alone in her time of need. Because he's racing and pacing and plotting the course...
Wow that's two random song lyrics in one post! You lucky ducks.
Lindsey is getting ready to take a shower and blasting Rihanna. I do not like Rihanna. >:(
So today the plan is...MALL! Going to see Coraline w00t w00t! Coraline is my favorite book, and now I get to see it in 3-D. Yay! You wanna know something funny? While other little 4th grade girls were reading books like the books in the Animal Ark series (Puppy Palace, Kitty Haven, Overly Sweet Little Cute Little Furball, ya know, stuff like that) I was reading Coraline. On the playground they're all like, "Guess what? There's a puppy in my book and he just got rescued by a girl who has no friends and the puppy and the girl are best friends! They love each other so much! Wanna play Barbies?!" And here's me in the darkest corner of the school yard, sitting where nobody can see me in a black hoodie pulled over my eyes, "In my book, this lady tried to convince this girl that she was her mom so she could sew buttons into her eye sockets." :D
Okay, maybe I exaggerated a little...the hoodie might have been navy blue.
I'm listening to Norma Jean right now, it's pretty good. I like it. The song is Amnesty Please. It's MUCH better than Rihanna, I can tell you that right thurr.
I had an interesting conversation with Lindsey this morning. It was about how sometimes your dreams exaggerate the stuff that's really bothering you. I guess her library fines are bothering her, cos in her dream she owed like 658 dollars. I could relate; my dream was that everything was infested with bugs. (We have these tiny little pantry bugs in our kitchen that we're trying to get taken care of.) But the worst one I ever had like that was that I got on a scale and it read 301 lbs. That was really bad.
This guy made a suit of armor out of pop tabs.
This penguin is supposed to dance.
This dachshund is in a hot dog bun.
This bassist is not a pig.
This guy is in the same band as said not-pig.
Monday, February 16, 2009
"Life is like Chinese takeout; you never know how much is really cat."- Ghandi said that, right?
Alright so, uh, I have one follower on my writing blog. And that's my doing. I put it into Lindsy's follower list for her. So yeah, you should definitely, ya know, like, follow it. :) Also I have a music blog for all you fans
Song: Pork and Beans...Weezer
I've been working out at the gym to fit my underwear. Yeah.
Another plan thwarted by the man...tried to go to the LIBRARY, but oh, no. Some stupid presidents had to be honored or some crap like that, so the LIBRARY wasn't open., what did they ever do for us?
This morning, I looked on the back of my absolutely delicious Ritter Sport chocolate bar, and I saw something that I thought was impossible. I didn't think Ritter Sport chocolate could get any better, but guess what? It's German. GERMAN! Hah! I love this chocolate.

So I was reading a friend's blog and it was talking about how the future is uncertain. And you know what? It really is. I still have no clue what I want to do for a living. None. I mean, I know what I want to do. But you can't just walk into the world and say, "Alright, I'm gonna be in your movie, big producer man. Oh, and while your at it, shoot me a music video for my uber famous rock band." That'd be great, but unfortunately it doesn't work like that. Everyone has a dream that pretty much can't happen right? Something that you want more than anything, but it's kind of impossible. Mine is to be famous. Think what you want to think about me, but that's mine. What's yours?
Days dawnin'. Skin's crawlin'. Pure mornin'.
I discovered the coolest thing a while ago. You remember that animated movie that came out a bit ago called Arthur and the Invisibles? Yeah, well Germany had one, too. And guess who did the voices for the main characters? Bill and Nena! You're probably like "Like I care." But here's a video if you're even remotely interested. Please don't leave mean comments about Bill, like a lot of people like to do, because it really kinda ticks me off.
That was the actual news report. The one below is an actual clip from the movie. It's obviously in German, so I found one with Chinese subs so you could understand it. ^.^ It's ten minutes long but you only have to watch like the first 2 and a half minutes of it to hear both of them talk a lot.
Alright well I am gonna go and eat some rice now. Bye.
Song: Pork and Beans...Weezer
I've been working out at the gym to fit my underwear. Yeah.
Another plan thwarted by the man...tried to go to the LIBRARY, but oh, no. Some stupid presidents had to be honored or some crap like that, so the LIBRARY wasn't open., what did they ever do for us?
This morning, I looked on the back of my absolutely delicious Ritter Sport chocolate bar, and I saw something that I thought was impossible. I didn't think Ritter Sport chocolate could get any better, but guess what? It's German. GERMAN! Hah! I love this chocolate.

So I was reading a friend's blog and it was talking about how the future is uncertain. And you know what? It really is. I still have no clue what I want to do for a living. None. I mean, I know what I want to do. But you can't just walk into the world and say, "Alright, I'm gonna be in your movie, big producer man. Oh, and while your at it, shoot me a music video for my uber famous rock band." That'd be great, but unfortunately it doesn't work like that. Everyone has a dream that pretty much can't happen right? Something that you want more than anything, but it's kind of impossible. Mine is to be famous. Think what you want to think about me, but that's mine. What's yours?
Days dawnin'. Skin's crawlin'. Pure mornin'.
I discovered the coolest thing a while ago. You remember that animated movie that came out a bit ago called Arthur and the Invisibles? Yeah, well Germany had one, too. And guess who did the voices for the main characters? Bill and Nena! You're probably like "Like I care." But here's a video if you're even remotely interested. Please don't leave mean comments about Bill, like a lot of people like to do, because it really kinda ticks me off.
That was the actual news report. The one below is an actual clip from the movie. It's obviously in German, so I found one with Chinese subs so you could understand it. ^.^ It's ten minutes long but you only have to watch like the first 2 and a half minutes of it to hear both of them talk a lot.
Alright well I am gonna go and eat some rice now. Bye.
Friday, February 6, 2009
his red desk lid is a joke
First I would like to start by saying that I apologize for the Anniversary post. It was originally far more packed with trivial yet entertaining stuff for you guys, but then about half of it got wiped out because my computer died. So, sorry that there was a minimal amount of everything that I said there was going to be.
song:just dance...lady gaga
i am typing on home row. this is the first ever random insanity post typed on home row. it's going much slower and it doesn't look any better to you, the reader, does it? no. didn't think so. so why the hell am i taking a whole entire class about computer keyboarding?!?!
Why have there been no capitals yet? Jeez. Some kind of writer I am...
So you know what sucks about Random Insanity? There's no real topic in any post. I mean, it's basically an online diary of sorts where you people gather 'round and pretend to like what I say. "Oh Dreamer, you're so funny!", "Oh, I just love reading your blog" BULL. So I need your participation on this.

book 1: volumes 1 & 2 book#2:volumes 3 & 4 book #3: volumes 5 & 6
song:just dance...lady gaga
i am typing on home row. this is the first ever random insanity post typed on home row. it's going much slower and it doesn't look any better to you, the reader, does it? no. didn't think so. so why the hell am i taking a whole entire class about computer keyboarding?!?!
Why have there been no capitals yet? Jeez. Some kind of writer I am...
So you know what sucks about Random Insanity? There's no real topic in any post. I mean, it's basically an online diary of sorts where you people gather 'round and pretend to like what I say. "Oh Dreamer, you're so funny!", "Oh, I just love reading your blog" BULL. So I need your participation on this.
Please answer my poll so I know how to improve my blog.
After all, I only do it for you ungrateful TWITS. (sorry for the use of the previous word...I had no clue that it meant...well, what it meant :P ) *really high pitched and borderline scary laughter* Just kidding. I love you stupid, filthy animals.
Well...I guess I shouldn't post another post until I post post post. What?
No, what I mean is, post post post post post post post post...
NO FOR REAL: I won't do another entry until there are some answers on my poll, just cos it has to do with the future of Random Insanity and how I as the author should post post post post!
But hey...what do you call a trunk full of bison? What, give up? You call it-well, the popsicle stick calls it-a buffa-load. Haha get it? Neither do I. I mean, I do, it's just not funny, really. I think the answer "Planet of the Apes" would have been loads more appropriate.
Oh, just one quick thing before I go; I am thrilled. You wanna know why? [you: not really, you @#*&%@!] Okay! I got the collector's edition Fruits Basket books today. Here's pictures:

book 1: volumes 1 & 2 book#2:volumes 3 & 4 book #3: volumes 5 & 6
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Packed Full Anniversary Party Post, YEAH

Song: It's about to be Nach dir Kommt Nichts...Tokio Hotel
Do you have any idea what this post is? Huh, huh? DO YA? DOOOO YAAA?! BUM BA DA DUUUMMMM, tshhhh! It's Random Insanity's fiftieth post! And to celebrate, I'm generously giving you all a look at a horribly ugly virtual anniversary balloon! Yaaaay!

In honor of our fifty posts together, I'm going to pack this post full of fun stuff like links, pictures videos, and tons of beyond-stupid jokes that only appeal to those with the most "intelectually challenged" senses of humor. Enjoi it like a skate brand. WHAT!
Bean sent me this funny blog, it's called Cake Wrecks. You should really check it out if you're bored. This person who writes it has got to be one of the wittiest bloggers on blogspot. I'm THEE wittiest, of course. Heh. Here's the address: These cakes are professional, too. Some people, man...
And now I present you with "Pierre ze French Emo Stickman"
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