Song: Pork and Beans...Weezer
I've been working out at the gym to fit my underwear. Yeah.
Another plan thwarted by the man...tried to go to the LIBRARY, but oh, no. Some stupid presidents had to be honored or some crap like that, so the LIBRARY wasn't open., what did they ever do for us?
This morning, I looked on the back of my absolutely delicious Ritter Sport chocolate bar, and I saw something that I thought was impossible. I didn't think Ritter Sport chocolate could get any better, but guess what? It's German. GERMAN! Hah! I love this chocolate.

So I was reading a friend's blog and it was talking about how the future is uncertain. And you know what? It really is. I still have no clue what I want to do for a living. None. I mean, I know what I want to do. But you can't just walk into the world and say, "Alright, I'm gonna be in your movie, big producer man. Oh, and while your at it, shoot me a music video for my uber famous rock band." That'd be great, but unfortunately it doesn't work like that. Everyone has a dream that pretty much can't happen right? Something that you want more than anything, but it's kind of impossible. Mine is to be famous. Think what you want to think about me, but that's mine. What's yours?
Days dawnin'. Skin's crawlin'. Pure mornin'.
I discovered the coolest thing a while ago. You remember that animated movie that came out a bit ago called Arthur and the Invisibles? Yeah, well Germany had one, too. And guess who did the voices for the main characters? Bill and Nena! You're probably like "Like I care." But here's a video if you're even remotely interested. Please don't leave mean comments about Bill, like a lot of people like to do, because it really kinda ticks me off.
That was the actual news report. The one below is an actual clip from the movie. It's obviously in German, so I found one with Chinese subs so you could understand it. ^.^ It's ten minutes long but you only have to watch like the first 2 and a half minutes of it to hear both of them talk a lot.
Alright well I am gonna go and eat some rice now. Bye.
I think Confucious said that, not Ghandi.
You can't choose if you're going to be famous; you're right, but you can do everything in your power to achieve it. That IS in your power, and it's more important. So stay good, make all the right decisions, and I'll scream your name everywhere I go as if you were a Beatle.
You didn't know Ritter was German? Did we not have this discussion one day while you were here? Hmm.
Word verification: rustiest
as in
My memory is rusty, Blair's memory is rusty, but yours is the rustiest.
BTW, I found a Ritter Sport Cornflake bar in the drawer in the spai-uh oom. I also saw one at Target in College Park yesterday and told Nathan it was your favorite. He was surprised there was a candy bar that had cornflakes in it. I also had a beer the other day that tasted like cornflakes.
Now I am drinking mango juice.
who the f is neena? anyway, so yeh that freind she was talkin about was me and by the way paige if u like decoy ull love stop this son its one of my faves, and GET ON MORE ok? ty
p.s. take this whole u need to reveiw comments off its gay
word verificatin: inglagib it sounds german
btw who is nelly?
word verification: tifail
as in you are destined tifail
It's my aunt. If i ever refer to "bean" it's her, nelly, my aunt.
who the f is paraMORE? I mean really. One must never NEVER question the nelly. Ever.
and who authorized that person to include "word verification" funnies into his/her comments?
That is reserved fo family, yo.
haha, jk
oh course paige loves the german candy and a cartoon involving bill.
paige we miss you!!
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