Song: It's about to be Nach dir Kommt Nichts...Tokio Hotel
Do you have any idea what this post is? Huh, huh? DO YA? DOOOO YAAA?! BUM BA DA DUUUMMMM, tshhhh! It's Random Insanity's fiftieth post! And to celebrate, I'm generously giving you all a look at a horribly ugly virtual anniversary balloon! Yaaaay!

In honor of our fifty posts together, I'm going to pack this post full of fun stuff like links, pictures videos, and tons of beyond-stupid jokes that only appeal to those with the most "intelectually challenged" senses of humor. Enjoi it like a skate brand. WHAT!
Bean sent me this funny blog, it's called Cake Wrecks. You should really check it out if you're bored. This person who writes it has got to be one of the wittiest bloggers on blogspot. I'm THEE wittiest, of course. Heh. Here's the address: http://www.cakewrecks.blogspot.com/ These cakes are professional, too. Some people, man...
And now I present you with "Pierre ze French Emo Stickman"
This is the single most hilarious video I've seen I love the Pierre the stickman.
Plus happy anniversary to you I hope you have many more:)
That Pierre video was random. Fo sho.
for shizzle my nizzle.
in addition, the cake website was hal-larious
OMG....my word verification was "facqu"
how entirely inappropriate
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