Always gotta get that little dig, Tuck. Always that dig.
song: Down...311
Why do some people have to be so damn mean? Like, petty mean too. It's not like somebody provoked it by saying something along the lines of, "You suck eggs, sir. You suck eggs." It's like an enjoyable thing for some people to embarrass or cut other people down. Let me just say something right now...nah. Never mind. The minute something comes out of my mouth there's something else that comes out of somebody else's mouth to dispute whatever just came out of my mouth. If you didn't consider that verbose, your last name is probably Bulwer-Lytton.
Today I went to the doctor's office, and got some fun bloodwork and a shot. It was exactly the way I wanted to spend the day, let me tell you. Anyway, the last time I had blood drawn, it was terrible. They couldn't find the vein, so there I was, lying on the table with this idiot male needle poking dude saying, "Oh, nope, that's not it. I can't seem to find the vein." At this point I'm starting to feel sick and considering making myself vomit just so I can have an excuse to aim it at this guy. That was the last time. So this time, I wasn't even expecting anything...not the shit they stuck in my ears, not the bend-over-touch-your-toes-so-I-can-check-for-scoleosis, not anything. When I found out I had to get bloodwork, I started freaking out in my head, remembering my last experience. I've got my arm over my eyes, breathing like a madwoman, thinking I am about to feel the equivalent of plunging into the depths of HELL ITSELF, and she's like, "You good?" I'm like, "No." Little did I know the test was already done. :D
Tomorrow, by the grace of the holy JHCINTHEHIZZOUSE, I will be sitting front row for The Offspring and 311. This is gonna be good. When I just tried to type "good" my first attempt came out "goona". Please someone explain how this could ever happen to me.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Hate Me In Ways, Yeah Ways Hard To Swallow
Song: Hate Me...Blue October
I find life to be really suckish sometimes. Especially when you have everything but a reason to be so sad, and still all you can do is sit there and be...sad. And mad, and all the other things you don't ever want to be.
I'm starting to feel the pre-pressure of the adult world coming on, and let me tell you, I do not like it. I don't want a job, I don't want to go to college, I don't WANT to grow up. I can't help wondering what the point is if you're constantly doing things that you don't want to do. You're here for about four score years, and a lot of people spend the vast majority of that time just trying to make it through. That's pretty jacked up if you ask me. I look at all this stuff in my room and think about how in a couple years or so it's not going to be acceptable anymore. I want to keep the YA books on my shelf forever, and I never want to take down my band posters. I want to be able to wear these clothes for the rest of my life without being too old for them.
But I guess life isn't about what you want, right? It's about whatever you have to do to survive it.
Let me tell you what I want, more than anything. Although, the list of things YOU want almost definitely doesn't include hearing mine...
I want to be a tattoo artist.
I want to have a better connection with people.
I want to be myself, but more than anything else...
I want to like that person.
I find life to be really suckish sometimes. Especially when you have everything but a reason to be so sad, and still all you can do is sit there and be...sad. And mad, and all the other things you don't ever want to be.
I'm starting to feel the pre-pressure of the adult world coming on, and let me tell you, I do not like it. I don't want a job, I don't want to go to college, I don't WANT to grow up. I can't help wondering what the point is if you're constantly doing things that you don't want to do. You're here for about four score years, and a lot of people spend the vast majority of that time just trying to make it through. That's pretty jacked up if you ask me. I look at all this stuff in my room and think about how in a couple years or so it's not going to be acceptable anymore. I want to keep the YA books on my shelf forever, and I never want to take down my band posters. I want to be able to wear these clothes for the rest of my life without being too old for them.
But I guess life isn't about what you want, right? It's about whatever you have to do to survive it.
Let me tell you what I want, more than anything. Although, the list of things YOU want almost definitely doesn't include hearing mine...
I want to be a tattoo artist.
I want to have a better connection with people.
I want to be myself, but more than anything else...
I want to like that person.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
And I'm Thinking, What's The Harm In A Bit Of Rhetoric And Charm?
You're not! Getting any sleep tonight. You're not! Getting any sleep tonight.
Song: No Sleep Tonight...Enter Shikari
Talk about dramer. Personal dramer. I hate this kind of dramer that makes you constantly think about it, which means constantly thinking about yourself, which makes you really annoying and yourself. More self centeredness!!! IT'S A NEVER-ENDING CYCLE OF SELFNESS. And I hate it. I really do.
Today's topic, compliments of Random Word Generator Plus, is...
Now, flower children, there can be many kinds of arrangements. There can be custody arrangements, tutoring arrangements, floral arrangements, faunal arrangements, et cetera. You can arrange your pillows, arrange your legs, or arrange the probably post expiration date items in your refrigerator. You can have arranged marriages, arranged murders (which lead to arranged funerals), and arranged births. At least I'm hoping for the sake of the birthER that the birthEE's birth was, in all honesty, arranged. Now, doesn't the word "arrange" sound kind of weird?
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, I'm begging of you, please don't take my man...please don't take him even though you can...I cannot compete with you, Jolene. <---What a good song. Well. I can't think of anything else that you need to know for your general well-being. to the writing blog. By the way. I hate to admit that I love this song...but listen to Billionaire by Travie McCoy
Song: No Sleep Tonight...Enter Shikari
Talk about dramer. Personal dramer. I hate this kind of dramer that makes you constantly think about it, which means constantly thinking about yourself, which makes you really annoying and yourself. More self centeredness!!! IT'S A NEVER-ENDING CYCLE OF SELFNESS. And I hate it. I really do.
Today's topic, compliments of Random Word Generator Plus, is...
Now, flower children, there can be many kinds of arrangements. There can be custody arrangements, tutoring arrangements, floral arrangements, faunal arrangements, et cetera. You can arrange your pillows, arrange your legs, or arrange the probably post expiration date items in your refrigerator. You can have arranged marriages, arranged murders (which lead to arranged funerals), and arranged births. At least I'm hoping for the sake of the birthER that the birthEE's birth was, in all honesty, arranged. Now, doesn't the word "arrange" sound kind of weird?
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, I'm begging of you, please don't take my man...please don't take him even though you can...I cannot compete with you, Jolene. <---What a good song. Well. I can't think of anything else that you need to know for your general well-being. to the writing blog. By the way. I hate to admit that I love this song...but listen to Billionaire by Travie McCoy

...Because I thought you might get a kick.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
I'm Well Aware Of How It Aches , And You Still Won't Let Me In.

So that whole "I'm-only-going-to-use-lyrics-that-relate-to-the-post" thing...don't think that's going to work out. I might try it on the writing blog, or once in a while on this one, if I don't have anything to write about I'll use it as a prompt of sorts.
Song: Song to Say Goodbye...Placebo
Placebo is too amazing for words, I swear it. Definitely going in the music blog, if I ever get around to it. But seriously, if you don't know them, check them out.
Best candy in the world equals Butterfinger Snackerz. Just throwing that out there.
I just took my cumulative exam in online economics, which would mean that I am done with the class. It would...except I am not taking a B. I now have to go back through all my topic tests and quizzes and take all the ones I got less than 100% on until I get an 89.5% or higher, for that, my dear friends, is an A.
Another thing that I'd like to bring up *"POINT OF ORDERRR!!"* is that last night was thee best episode of thee best show ever in the history of the universe. Glee did Lady Gaga last night, and Kiss. That few seconds of Kurt singing "Rah rah rah ah ah, roma roma ma..." pretty much made my life. And freaking Santana?! Whoa! Freaking WHOA, MAN. You wanna talk about freaking out, last night...I was freaking FREAKING OUT. This next part is going to be in all caps, even though I don't particularly like it myself when I have to read things in all caps. I just need to emphasize how amazing last night was. To aid me on this quest, I'm going to use too many exclamation marks and inappropriately place them. Sporadic placement of words and phrases? THAT TOO! :D :D :D :D

HE WORE!!!!!!! A ! D!R!ESS
IT W O R K E D !!!
I bet that was as annoying to read as it was to type ;)
It's just that good. So get your booty in gear and watch it, man.
Then I talked to Cooper on the phone all night. That was fun. :)
Alright, well I'm going to go now. I've got Honors Algerber 2 in like 12 minutes including passing time, dawg. 'Night. I mean, you know what I mean. <3
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
So You Know That You're Never On Your Own
...or do you?
Song: Bonnie Taylor Shakedown 2K1...Hellogoodbye
In econ. Almost done with the course. Just ate a sandwich. Still extremely hungry. Wish my blog was as funny as it used to be. Now all I can come up with is "pudding". That's NOT funny.
It's not. It's just not.
Off to write a paper. Bye.
Song: Bonnie Taylor Shakedown 2K1...Hellogoodbye
In econ. Almost done with the course. Just ate a sandwich. Still extremely hungry. Wish my blog was as funny as it used to be. Now all I can come up with is "pudding". That's NOT funny.
It's not. It's just not.
Off to write a paper. Bye.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Scream And Shout And Tell Everybody That You're Gonna Leave
Song: Big City Dreams... Nevershoutnever!
That title had to do with a certain someone...not that that person is particularly on my mind, it's just the lyric that was playing at the moment and I am too lazy to swith the song that pertains more directly to my life at this point and time.
I just ate a muffin. Banana nut. From Awry's. I'm going to Beana's tonight. Sleepover.
Enough with the choppy chop.
Also shared by Bean with me was this freakinghighlarious blog called Hyperboleandahalf. Def go look it up, it's even funnier than mine if you can imagine such a thing. ;)
When I was sitting through a lecture in Econ, I had this post all planned out with a bunch of good things to talk about but now that I'm actually here writing it I can't remember them. Oh, nevermind. I just did.
We just recently (like 3 or some weeks ago) moved into a new house. I don't think I've ever liked my house as much as I do now. I don't know why, I just really like it. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it's the first house in a while we've moved into without drama. We haven't had pretty much any in our house this whole time. I know that probably won't last long, but it is nice right now. That and the house is pretty nice. Tall favorite :D.
Last night was Tuesday night, and as we all know, that means Glee night. Also known as Best Night Of All. It had a couple little spotlights on my favoritest character, Kurt. He makes me happier than a popsicle on a... no, just a popsicle. He did an amazing song and made out with a girl even though he's capital G Gay and he cried and sang a song that was kind of scary coming from him, and got burgers with his dad. AHH. I love Glee, and I love Kurt.
Another thing that I was thinking about today was Columbine. Yes, the high school shootings. It wasn't just me dwelling on depressing past events, we got a research paper assigned in English. (I really don't like them :P) Anyway, I was looking it up because I thought the two kids that did it went looking for Christian classmates and whoever got in their way, and I was going to use it as an example of religious persecution (look up Cassie Bernall). But what I learned was that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were just very psychotic kids. From reading some excerpts of a journal, intelligent too. Dangerously so. It made me think about which is more dangerous: Being disturbed to the point of blind rage, or being disturbed and so intelligent? I know that sounds stupid written here, but it's a legit intellectual thought for me today.
I have to stop using parentheses (I use way too many). (But that's just my personal opinion).
(Maybe I don't?)
That title had to do with a certain someone...not that that person is particularly on my mind, it's just the lyric that was playing at the moment and I am too lazy to swith the song that pertains more directly to my life at this point and time.
I just ate a muffin. Banana nut. From Awry's. I'm going to Beana's tonight. Sleepover.
Enough with the choppy chop.
Also shared by Bean with me was this freakinghighlarious blog called Hyperboleandahalf. Def go look it up, it's even funnier than mine if you can imagine such a thing. ;)
When I was sitting through a lecture in Econ, I had this post all planned out with a bunch of good things to talk about but now that I'm actually here writing it I can't remember them. Oh, nevermind. I just did.
We just recently (like 3 or some weeks ago) moved into a new house. I don't think I've ever liked my house as much as I do now. I don't know why, I just really like it. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it's the first house in a while we've moved into without drama. We haven't had pretty much any in our house this whole time. I know that probably won't last long, but it is nice right now. That and the house is pretty nice. Tall favorite :D.
Last night was Tuesday night, and as we all know, that means Glee night. Also known as Best Night Of All. It had a couple little spotlights on my favoritest character, Kurt. He makes me happier than a popsicle on a... no, just a popsicle. He did an amazing song and made out with a girl even though he's capital G Gay and he cried and sang a song that was kind of scary coming from him, and got burgers with his dad. AHH. I love Glee, and I love Kurt.
Another thing that I was thinking about today was Columbine. Yes, the high school shootings. It wasn't just me dwelling on depressing past events, we got a research paper assigned in English. (I really don't like them :P) Anyway, I was looking it up because I thought the two kids that did it went looking for Christian classmates and whoever got in their way, and I was going to use it as an example of religious persecution (look up Cassie Bernall). But what I learned was that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were just very psychotic kids. From reading some excerpts of a journal, intelligent too. Dangerously so. It made me think about which is more dangerous: Being disturbed to the point of blind rage, or being disturbed and so intelligent? I know that sounds stupid written here, but it's a legit intellectual thought for me today.
I have to stop using parentheses (I use way too many). (But that's just my personal opinion).
(Maybe I don't?)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Settle, Precious. I Know What You're Going Through.
The title was to do with some stuff going on right now, just not this particular post.
Song: Self-Conclusion...The Spill Canvas. Very good song.
I've definitely reached that point today already where I know I'm not going to do anything productive for the rest of the day. Well, school day, anyway. I'll probably be pretty productive at rehearsal today even though it's probably going to be like seven hours long. It's okay. We open next week and it'll all be worth it all then. Even the 8 AM call this Saturday. Ahh. I want sleep, man. I want sleep and I want to be able to get my room together. I want to get my AP homework. I want rehearsals to not be this long.
But mostly I just want to sleep. I want one night of good sleep before we perform. Like tonight would be good.
Song: Self-Conclusion...The Spill Canvas. Very good song.
I've definitely reached that point today already where I know I'm not going to do anything productive for the rest of the day. Well, school day, anyway. I'll probably be pretty productive at rehearsal today even though it's probably going to be like seven hours long. It's okay. We open next week and it'll all be worth it all then. Even the 8 AM call this Saturday. Ahh. I want sleep, man. I want sleep and I want to be able to get my room together. I want to get my AP homework. I want rehearsals to not be this long.
But mostly I just want to sleep. I want one night of good sleep before we perform. Like tonight would be good.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This
song: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)...eurythmics
I was texting someone, let's call him...Blooper, until about 3. I think he fell asleep. I like Blooper a lot. He's pretty awesome. We're going to jump in the lake together on Saturday. He had better not let me get hypothermia.
We've been in Florida for the past week, and it's been fun. We went to Silver Springs where we saw a hot snake guy and a bunch of alligators. We went to Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios and saw a live taping of TNA wrestiling and also went on the BEST roller coaster ever in the whole world. We went to the beach, we played tennis and I almost won against my mom and Don, and today we went to a wax museum in Saint Augustine where I found a college to check out. It's called Flagler and the student comments kind of make it can I put this...
Like a cult-loving hicktown hideaway. Yeah, that's it.
And tomorrow we are leaving after my Uncle Jon and now-Aunt Emily's wedding. Yay for them. :)
Well. Now that I've filled you in on all the boring things about my spring break that you probably couldn't care less about, let's fill you in on the things that are about to come that you couldn't care less about :D.
Saturday is the bonfire. I get to see my Cherrytwin and Blooper. WOOT. And we open this month for Seussical. That scares the crap out of me. Then there's a bunch of other stuff that I just decided I don't feel like typing into this freaking post box. Damn.
Who do you think I am, Kipling? Twain? SPEARS, FOR GOD'S SAKE?!
Just in case you were wondering, I've been watching Everybody Hates Chris for HOURS. :D WOO.
I was texting someone, let's call him...Blooper, until about 3. I think he fell asleep. I like Blooper a lot. He's pretty awesome. We're going to jump in the lake together on Saturday. He had better not let me get hypothermia.
We've been in Florida for the past week, and it's been fun. We went to Silver Springs where we saw a hot snake guy and a bunch of alligators. We went to Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios and saw a live taping of TNA wrestiling and also went on the BEST roller coaster ever in the whole world. We went to the beach, we played tennis and I almost won against my mom and Don, and today we went to a wax museum in Saint Augustine where I found a college to check out. It's called Flagler and the student comments kind of make it can I put this...
Like a cult-loving hicktown hideaway. Yeah, that's it.
And tomorrow we are leaving after my Uncle Jon and now-Aunt Emily's wedding. Yay for them. :)
Well. Now that I've filled you in on all the boring things about my spring break that you probably couldn't care less about, let's fill you in on the things that are about to come that you couldn't care less about :D.
Saturday is the bonfire. I get to see my Cherrytwin and Blooper. WOOT. And we open this month for Seussical. That scares the crap out of me. Then there's a bunch of other stuff that I just decided I don't feel like typing into this freaking post box. Damn.
Who do you think I am, Kipling? Twain? SPEARS, FOR GOD'S SAKE?!
Just in case you were wondering, I've been watching Everybody Hates Chris for HOURS. :D WOO.
Friday, March 26, 2010
They Should Have A Jimmy John's Song
Eating Jimmy John's. FREAKY GOOD.
Oh, and Alan. I got my tattoo a week ago.
Oh, and Alan. I got my tattoo a week ago.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
It's All About Dreams, It's All About Making The Best Out Of Everything
Song: Say It...Blue October
Okay, so I couldn't get my student I.D. which kind of sucks because I need it for my tattoo. I am really hoping to get it tomorrow.
I have to get back to class, but I had to make this post to remind myself at later times.
Not all night long, though...
I'm probably going to forget all about this inspired, motivated mood I'm in right now, but right now I'm feeling like I can do all this crap that I have to do.
Bye :*
Okay, so I couldn't get my student I.D. which kind of sucks because I need it for my tattoo. I am really hoping to get it tomorrow.
I have to get back to class, but I had to make this post to remind myself at later times.
Not all night long, though...
I'm probably going to forget all about this inspired, motivated mood I'm in right now, but right now I'm feeling like I can do all this crap that I have to do.
Bye :*
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
A Tired Song Keeps Playing On A Tired Radio
Song: Name...Goo Goo Dolls
So, I am in economics class right now. Actually, I'm in do whatever the hell you want because you're ahead in your class class. It's an online class, you see, and today I have fallen asleep in every one of my classes, just so far. I still have another 45 minutes of this one left after the lunch period and then, my absolute worst hated: 90 minutes of Honors Algebra 2. I can hardly wait for the struggle.
I am wearing my new beret that I got during my retail therapy session on Saturday. Let me just say, I LOVE THE MALL. It really is one of my favorite places on Earth. But, right, let me explain the whole retail therapy thing...
I was supposed to get my tattoo on Saturday. I've been looking forward to this for years now. It comes to Saturday, and I don't have an appointment. After being stuck in traffic for over an hour coming home from the DIA and having booked up artists, I couldn't do a walk-in, either. Well that just set me off. So, I took my gift card to twelve oaks (birthday present from my friend Dona), and we went to the mall with Lindsey. I bought the following (because I really want to tell you and because I like using the bullets):
Retail therapy FTW!
I tried to look for an outfit for the Nevershoutnever! concert in May, and some Florida clothes for spring break. I got the shorts and the shirt, which I can wear in FL, but I still don't have an NSN outfit. I did find really awesome tank tops and sweaters at Heritage, but by the time I bought the other stuff I didn't have enough. :P
Anyway, that's pretty much it. I'll stop boring you now.
And...I'm gonna try a new font for a while. I just decided.
Kbaii :)
So, I am in economics class right now. Actually, I'm in do whatever the hell you want because you're ahead in your class class. It's an online class, you see, and today I have fallen asleep in every one of my classes, just so far. I still have another 45 minutes of this one left after the lunch period and then, my absolute worst hated: 90 minutes of Honors Algebra 2. I can hardly wait for the struggle.
I am wearing my new beret that I got during my retail therapy session on Saturday. Let me just say, I LOVE THE MALL. It really is one of my favorite places on Earth. But, right, let me explain the whole retail therapy thing...
I was supposed to get my tattoo on Saturday. I've been looking forward to this for years now. It comes to Saturday, and I don't have an appointment. After being stuck in traffic for over an hour coming home from the DIA and having booked up artists, I couldn't do a walk-in, either. Well that just set me off. So, I took my gift card to twelve oaks (birthday present from my friend Dona), and we went to the mall with Lindsey. I bought the following (because I really want to tell you and because I like using the bullets):
- Hoop ring for my nostrile region
- clear studs for my nostrile region (for when we start performances)
- beret
- big owl earrings
- jean shorts
- strapless dress top
- strapless bra for the strapless dress top
- bracelets
Retail therapy FTW!
I tried to look for an outfit for the Nevershoutnever! concert in May, and some Florida clothes for spring break. I got the shorts and the shirt, which I can wear in FL, but I still don't have an NSN outfit. I did find really awesome tank tops and sweaters at Heritage, but by the time I bought the other stuff I didn't have enough. :P
Anyway, that's pretty much it. I'll stop boring you now.
And...I'm gonna try a new font for a while. I just decided.
Kbaii :)
Friday, March 12, 2010
Today Is The Greatest Day I've Ever Known
Okay, so it's not the greatest, but so far it's been pretty productive!
Song: Today...Smashing Pumpkins
I just got my whole post lab done, along with all of my chemistry and algebra 2 homework that I didn't finish last night because of AP. I'm feeling quite alright. Not to mention, sleepover tonight, w00t w00t. Also, I have a til done rehearsal. That means that it could be like 10 hours long. Well, it won't be, but you know what I mean. Maybe not. I don't know.
And then tomorrow I am really hoping to get my tattoo. Reeeallllyyy hopingggg. Really hoping.
Alright, well I guess that's it for today.

I am going to use this as the illustration for a poem one day. Stay tuned to the (neglected) writing blog!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I've Been Waiting For This Moment All My Life, But It's Not Quite Right
So I just now decided that I am going to find song lyrics that actually have to do with the post from now on to use as my titles. This one kind of goes with the last one more though.
Song: Lazy Eye...Silversun Pickups
This song is really good. I'm in love with it right now.
So, remember a while back when I said that if I learn things about myself I'll make sure to put them on here? Well, if you don't, I did, and I am. Going to do that. o_O
I used to feel very self centered about it, but you know, I started thinking, why do I do this blog? So people can read it. My readers, or former readers, are my friends and family. They must read this because they like me, to whatever degree. If they don't like me, they'll stop reading this, because it's all about me. ALL ABOUT ME, I SAY! And what's wrong with that? I write my thoughts so they're here, for you to read them if you so wish, and largely for me to read them back when I am older. I want to see how I was, and if I changed a lot, and how I changed, and blah blah blah. Right now I'm young, and this blog, in ways, is a document of my youth. I want to remember this, I want to be able to think back to this. Youth is trying to find yourself, and I think maybe this will help me with it. Which brings me to that fact I was talking about...
Fact: I go through a lot of phases. Lots (maybe even most) people do. It's okay! It's fine that one minute I want tripp pants and purple streaks and the next I want floral dresses and dreads. I used to try to resist these chaging phases, try to stay with one and be the most concentrated version of whatever I was trying to be at the moment, and not deviate. But you know what? Not anymore. This is me declaring that no more will I cling to the bank. I WILL go with the flow. If I am into something at the moment, I will not try to deny myself of it because I am trying to be something else. I pledge to fully fully embrace and love my phases, and to let them go when the time comes for a new one!
In other news, I have to be here until 5:30 even though we got out at 12 ish today. We took the Plan test, which is a gauge of how well you'll do on the ACT test. I don't think I did very well, but I'm actually very glad I got to take it because now I know what to work on (timing! I am SO SLOW) and what it's like. It isn't too bad, thankfully.
Now I have to wait around school until 3, when rehearsal starts. After that, going to the movies with Derek. After that, chem and AP. :(
P.S. I found a good title for this one. Stop Making Plans, Start Making Sense.
Song: Lazy Eye...Silversun Pickups
This song is really good. I'm in love with it right now.
So, remember a while back when I said that if I learn things about myself I'll make sure to put them on here? Well, if you don't, I did, and I am. Going to do that. o_O
I used to feel very self centered about it, but you know, I started thinking, why do I do this blog? So people can read it. My readers, or former readers, are my friends and family. They must read this because they like me, to whatever degree. If they don't like me, they'll stop reading this, because it's all about me. ALL ABOUT ME, I SAY! And what's wrong with that? I write my thoughts so they're here, for you to read them if you so wish, and largely for me to read them back when I am older. I want to see how I was, and if I changed a lot, and how I changed, and blah blah blah. Right now I'm young, and this blog, in ways, is a document of my youth. I want to remember this, I want to be able to think back to this. Youth is trying to find yourself, and I think maybe this will help me with it. Which brings me to that fact I was talking about...
Fact: I go through a lot of phases. Lots (maybe even most) people do. It's okay! It's fine that one minute I want tripp pants and purple streaks and the next I want floral dresses and dreads. I used to try to resist these chaging phases, try to stay with one and be the most concentrated version of whatever I was trying to be at the moment, and not deviate. But you know what? Not anymore. This is me declaring that no more will I cling to the bank. I WILL go with the flow. If I am into something at the moment, I will not try to deny myself of it because I am trying to be something else. I pledge to fully fully embrace and love my phases, and to let them go when the time comes for a new one!
In other news, I have to be here until 5:30 even though we got out at 12 ish today. We took the Plan test, which is a gauge of how well you'll do on the ACT test. I don't think I did very well, but I'm actually very glad I got to take it because now I know what to work on (timing! I am SO SLOW) and what it's like. It isn't too bad, thankfully.
Now I have to wait around school until 3, when rehearsal starts. After that, going to the movies with Derek. After that, chem and AP. :(
P.S. I found a good title for this one. Stop Making Plans, Start Making Sense.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Oh, What If I Never Knew Your Name? Oh My God, The Thought's Insane.
I thought high school was supposed to be the best time of your life. NOT. It's not. Well it's not so far. The only thing that's been the best about high school has been the straight play and musical. It makes me really sad. I HAVE to take personal fitness this depresses me to no end...and scares the crap out of me. I need to find a way to NOT swim. A) No way I want to be in a bathing suit in front of other people B) My ears get all screwed up if I get water in them. Maybe I can get a doctor's note. I don't know, but I really hope so.
In other news, I have been pressured into AP history again. I'm preparing to die even more next year. I'm SO excited. AND! If we don't go to seven hours, I have to choose between acting and choir. WOOHOO. So far, I hate this school. So far, I hate high school. I have been so much sadder, pisseder, badmooder, this year than any other time I can ever remember.
I'm leaving now.
In other news, I have been pressured into AP history again. I'm preparing to die even more next year. I'm SO excited. AND! If we don't go to seven hours, I have to choose between acting and choir. WOOHOO. So far, I hate this school. So far, I hate high school. I have been so much sadder, pisseder, badmooder, this year than any other time I can ever remember.
I'm leaving now.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I Hope That This Makes You Smile And You Might Stay That Way For A While
Okay, I just ate like ten birthday cookies. I got them from Kelly in 2nd hour because she baked them for my birthday. :) Thanks Kelly!!!
Song: 2 Weeks in Hawaii...Hellogoodbye
Okay, remind me to never let my birthday be like that again...
Like, I asked for stuff that would have to come later, so I didn't get to open anything. I'm having a cake on the twelfth, so there was no cake/ice cream/candles/singing. There was pizza, and cookies. It's not that I expected more, it's just that for a while now I had been thinking that the 16th was supposed to be important and big. That and this whole year plus has thrown me out of wack. I didn't really even realize it was my birthday until I woke up and really thought about it. It still didn't even feel like it. I don't know, I probably sound like a spoiled brat, but that's just how it felt yesterday. I just get my hopes way up about things, or think that things are going to be so much better than they actually ever are.
But, on the other hand, I got to spend all day with my mom which was awesome. She might think that I don't like to spend time with her, but I really appreciate it more than she realizes it...that and I may not act like it sometimes. Sometimes I am a jerk to her. I try really hard not to be, but I guess I'm inevitably mean. The point is that I don't think she knows how much I appreciate her. And I know that I can be my bipolar, emotionally unstable self and she will still love me.
Alright well lunch is over now so I think I will go. Back to economics. Freaking. Ay.
Damn, btw.
Song: 2 Weeks in Hawaii...Hellogoodbye
Okay, remind me to never let my birthday be like that again...
Like, I asked for stuff that would have to come later, so I didn't get to open anything. I'm having a cake on the twelfth, so there was no cake/ice cream/candles/singing. There was pizza, and cookies. It's not that I expected more, it's just that for a while now I had been thinking that the 16th was supposed to be important and big. That and this whole year plus has thrown me out of wack. I didn't really even realize it was my birthday until I woke up and really thought about it. It still didn't even feel like it. I don't know, I probably sound like a spoiled brat, but that's just how it felt yesterday. I just get my hopes way up about things, or think that things are going to be so much better than they actually ever are.
But, on the other hand, I got to spend all day with my mom which was awesome. She might think that I don't like to spend time with her, but I really appreciate it more than she realizes it...that and I may not act like it sometimes. Sometimes I am a jerk to her. I try really hard not to be, but I guess I'm inevitably mean. The point is that I don't think she knows how much I appreciate her. And I know that I can be my bipolar, emotionally unstable self and she will still love me.
Alright well lunch is over now so I think I will go. Back to economics. Freaking. Ay.
Damn, btw.
Monday, March 1, 2010
So Now I'm Running And I'm Moving Too Fast, So Here We Go, Oh
Song: Home...Mae
So I went from Mae radio on Pandora to House of the Rising Sun radio. What a day :D
So I went from Mae radio on Pandora to House of the Rising Sun radio. What a day :D
I'm feeling quite alright right now. I'm not sure how long it's going to last, but you know, whatevs. Actually I have chemistry and algebra right after this class so that will probably hamper my good mood. I really shouldn't be in a good mood, for my rehearsal schedule is bugging me very much. I need to sit down with someone and find out what days and times I need to be here. Which reminds me...Lindsey auditioned for youth chorus! The list should be up by now. *checks*
But at the same time not yay, because now it's not just my thing. I know that sounds selfish, but anyway it's true. Now it's not going to be "Congrats, Paige! You did an awesome job in your first high school musical! Woot toot!" Now it's going to be "Good job, Paige. *push aside* Lindsey! You did great in your first musical ever, and to think you were in a high school production! AW with your little costume and your singing and dancing and let's have a party with cake and music...*walk out, drive off*" --5 minutes later-- "Uhm, hi, mom? Dad? Aunts? People? Family? YOU FORGOT ME AT SCHOOL." "Oh, can't you walk? Or, is the janitor still there? Maybe you can hitch a ride with him." "*dies*"
I'm not trying to be nasty, I just am not looking forward to that part. But until we get there, I'm really just uber psyched that she made it.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
I Saw The Tears On Your Face, I Shot You Down
Song: The Last Song Ever...Secondhand Serenade
Two posts in one day...lucky crowd. Actually I am about to go do some freestyling on the writing blog. So that'll be what, like, five? I don't know. I can't do math good, I always been more into the English.
So tomorrow is Thursday, and I am going to die. Pretty much Thursdays are the worst, except for Sundays. Sundays...are depressing days.
I pretty much hate all days that I have homeworks. I no like homeworks. If we could just go to school and work and not have as much homework as we do class, that'd be great. I'd probably be a happier person.
ALRIGHT. Scheduling is coming up soon, and for some unknown reason, I want to take psychology and sociology. Maybe sociology, but definitely psych. One of the most interesting and fascinating things on earth is the human brain, but more than that, the human mind. Dreaming? Thought? All that good stuff. I freaking love that stuff. So I deff want to take psychology. Another thing I have to think a LOT about is choir, and skipping French 4. I don't know if I want to take choir, but that may be my only way to get private voice lessons. :( Urghh. I'm happy just doing the musicals, I'd rather not commit to choir, but in reality, choir kids probably have more of a chance at leads. I don't know, I probably won't end up taking it, there are just way too many more classes I want. I really hope we go back to a seven-hour day. :P
I'm gonna go and do that freestizzle now.
P.S. I truly love this boy.
You Make Me Happy, Whether You Know It Or Not
I'm on lunch right now, and I really don't know if it's against the rules to be blogging/listening to NSN right now. I mean, it's not a big deal. It's not like I'm up in da computer lab snorting crack, so I think it should be good.
Song: Happy...Nevershoutnever!
I NEED that CD more than any CD I have ever needed before in my life. Like seriously. It just came out a couple days ago or so, and it's at Target. I need to buy it there AND Itunes, because if you buy it on Itunes you get two bonus songs and a video, which is always a good thing.
People are already coming back from lunch. Darn them all to heck.
I guess I'll post later, even though my family never gets on blogger anymore. Whatevs.
Song: Happy...Nevershoutnever!
I NEED that CD more than any CD I have ever needed before in my life. Like seriously. It just came out a couple days ago or so, and it's at Target. I need to buy it there AND Itunes, because if you buy it on Itunes you get two bonus songs and a video, which is always a good thing.
People are already coming back from lunch. Darn them all to heck.
I guess I'll post later, even though my family never gets on blogger anymore. Whatevs.
Monday, January 25, 2010
All Was Golden When The Day Met The Night
Song: When the Day Met the Night
I was going to write this, but then I decided that I still wanted to play Rock Band tonight. I have some short homework, but then I'm going to play. So maybe I'll post later. Wish me luck on my 8 song set. :D
I was going to write this, but then I decided that I still wanted to play Rock Band tonight. I have some short homework, but then I'm going to play. So maybe I'll post later. Wish me luck on my 8 song set. :D
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