Monday, December 8, 2008
See you Next Year!
I must announce that Random Insanity is going to be in suspension until the New Year, for I must put all of my effort toward my piczo website, .I want to have it finished and running by New Years day.
So I hope everybody has a wonderful holiday. See you in 2009!
I leave you with an original poem:
I'm wishing youth would last for life
And life would last much longer
For every day that passes by
Reminds me that I'm older
Reminds me that I'll have to leave
Reminds me of reality
Reminds me of the world and of
The child that I used to be
One day I'll have to take
all of the posters off my walls
And one day I'll have nobody there
to catch me before I fall
One day mom won't drive me here
Grandma won't take me there
One day is coming quickly
And I have to admit: I'm scared.
It terrifies me to think of a day
That I'll be all on my own
No more will be that protective shell;
My dependence and my home
I'm wishing youth would last for life
And life would last much longer
But my family, friends, dreams, and love
Are the things that make me stronger
Thursday, December 4, 2008
True Life- My Clicker is Missing
Song: White Christmas...The Drifters
So my mom made these gingerbread cookies, and they're pretty much amazing. I mean they are SO good! Like, I came down last night to say goodnight or whatever and she let me try one. So I stuck a leg in my mouth and it was like all my dreams came true. It was as though every inhibition, every insecurity and doubt I ever had that life had a greater meaning was melted away as the little gingy melted in my mouth. As I chewed blissfully, pictures of happy things filled my head. Remember that scene in Madagascar where he gets shot with the tranquilizer and it's all like "♪ The candy man can ♪" ? Yeah. It was like that, except it tasted like molasses and butter.
"Oh what a laugh it would have been if daddy had only seen mommy kissing Santa Claus last night." ? I doubt that you'd be laughing if your daddy had walked in at that moment, little boy.
Hey guess what...
Crack kills.
But other than that, Tim Burton is coming out with Alice in Wonderland with Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter! *gasp* And also there are supposed to be ones by Sarah Michelle Gellar/ American McGee and Marilyn Manson. I want to see them. ALL.
I love Polyvore. Wanna see my set that I made? Don't care! Here it is:
Tell me what you think honestly. Is it 80's-ish? I thought it was but the more I look at it, I don't know. I am good at matching up the outfits for a certain mood or feel, I just am not really good on putting a name on said mood or feel. I think that's what I'll do from now on. Before I publish a set, if I am not sure what to call it, I'll put it on my blog. When there is a set on my blog, that means I really need your help to categorize it. THANKS MAN.
Okay well this post has been a work in progress for like five days now, so I think I'll be done.
Check out my newest blog! I'm going to make a new post now. Au revoir!
Monday, December 1, 2008
If a Tree Falls Down, and No One is Around to Hear it, it is Probably on top of my Backpack.
Song: Don't even know. Something on 105.9
So I saw Twilight last night. It was one of the best movies I have ever seen. And while I'm not saying that Edward's total drop-dead-gorgeousness had nothing to do with it, it wasn't the only reason the movie was great...Jacob was pretty hot, too. ^-^ No, but the movie itself was really good, although it was pretty different from the book. Some parts were butchered (in the sense that they were cut out, not in the sense that they totally made the best parts bad and/or not as amazing with their lack of acting skills and/or charisma... and/or.)
Okay yeah. At first glance/200 or so page read of Wicked, you think it's great. Or at least I did. Then you-well, I- realized that it was a pretty nasty book and I didn't want to read it anymore. I think Gregory Mc-what's-his-face or whatever that guy's name is who wrote the book is one of those people who looks a little too long at the Kleenex after he blows his nose. But that's just me.
Everyone? Christmas is soon! I am so happy. Holidays are one of the things in the world that make me really happy. Like from Halloween to New Years, I am always so glad. The snow was part of that, but I can deal without it. Kind of. Okay, so I absolutely freaking LOVED the snow, but I am not going to let that ruin the holidays!
But, this Christmas may prove to be a little less cheery for me, for I shalln't get to be with my fair mommy on the morn of Christmas. How SAD is that. I will be really bummed out on Christmas, but I will be better when she gets to Michigan.
Well, I have to start to get ready for my departure from this GOD FORSAKEN HELL HOLE. XD Jk, I just wanted to be a little dramatic. I am preparing for our performance in Theater today.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Song: Frei im Freien Fall
I am warning you right now, if you were looking for something funneh, don't read this post. I felt like I should post a poem in honor of Santi's entrance to the euphoria of blogtopia. So here it is.
What you do with my heart is your business.
Take it under your seemingly protective wing
nurture it, care for it
while it progresses
from its old wavering inconsistency
to a new stacatto persistence.
Time flies by with wings of its own.
Slowly your wing shifts away,
Letting the harsh sunlight of reality fall upon it.
Its pace quickens,
blood coursing too quickly through its weakened veins.
It cannot last mych longer
in this new, cruel exposure.
You make your decision.
You don't want it anymore.
It is kicked aside, away
from all the happy memories, anticipations.
It tries to scream out,
but it is soon buried in the barren ground of lonliness,
blinded by betrayal,
deafened by neglect
It breaks.
It rips to its very core,
bursting with this crushing pressure,
bleeding with this sudden impact
Destroyed to the point of no hope.
It is slowly and painfully lulled into death
by your haunting song of rejection.
You light a match,
setting fire to this pathetic sight
and laugh hysterically.
What you do with my heart is your business, not mine.
After all...I am merely the one who is dying.
That was my poem for the "oh-my-boyfriend-broke-up-with-me-and-broke-my-heart-even-though-we-hardly-knew-each-other-for-a-month-and-now-I-am-going-to-write-an-overly-dramatic-poem-about-it-and-I-need-a-caramel-machiatto" girl. :D
I just got done reading Bill's Vanity Fair interview (Englishly translated). It was so...insightful? I don't know. I felt like that one interview made me, like, know him, or something. I just fell more in love with him. I seem to do that a lot, even though I keep thinking it's impossible. *sigh* Ich liebe Bill...
Hey, did I ever tell you about how my mouse is epilectic? Yeah, well, it is. I'll just be reading something and it'll spazz out. I'm not talking a little "shaky-shaky" of the cursor, either. I'm talking full blown SEIZURE. It always seems to decide to frizz out when I am about to click on soemthing important. Then, just when I go to click it, it goes all over everywhere and highlights stuff and moves things and oh, it's just horrible. I think my mouse needs to be commited. *SOB* How could this HAPPEN? WHERE DID I GO WRONG? I thought I raised that mouse good, and this is what I get in return.
It's hard to believe in Santa at times like these.
I bid you adieu, for it is 11:33 and I awoke...well, I awoke much earlier.
Monday, November 17, 2008
NEW TOKIO HOTEL DVD COMING OUT IN DECEMBERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! for pre-order in case anybody, ya know, *wink wink* needs to get me the best Christmas gift ever :D
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Plastic Skulls Pick Their Scabs Too Much
Song: Points of Authority Crystal Method Edition...Linkin Park
Random Question: This is a colon : and this is a semi-colon ; - what's a semi-truck?
Meant to be funny, I think.
So, a few things are floating around in my head right now. I have to list them first, then explain.
1-Blogs used to be funny
Gah...I just got done writing a script for theater. You know, I have a whole group that did absolutely NO work on it, and I am the one who takes it home and does the whole entire thing. Yeah, okay, I get walked on by other people, and yeah, I'm a pushover, but who would have done it if I hadn't? Nobody. And then I would have a zero. That doesn't cut it for me.
Okay...1. I went back and read some old posts from those wonderful days when I was new to this interworld of blognessness. Not to be boastful or "toot my own horn" as some would like to say, but they were the shiz. I love how they were written, I thought they were funny. But now, writing my more recent ones, I feel as though that wit and humor has gone whizzing down the old crapper. Now my blog posts are tasteless and trivial, like an insignificant raisin in someone's plum pudding. All I do is whine and moan..."Oh, this is what's going on in my life right now" like you're my family or somebody who actually give a crap...
Oh, what? You are my family? Oh yeah. Sorry. Got a bit carried away there...well it's not like we're 2000 miles away from each other!
What's that you say? We are?
*will be understood only by George Lopez fans and watchers* I CAN'T DO NOTHING!!!
-Please note that the following is my personal opinion, and that it is not meant to offend anyone in any way. I apologize if you are offended, but you should stop being so sensitive that you get offended by people's own mere thoughts. Do not comment me preaching to me or anything else of the nature.-
2- Let's be honest. Let's get this fact out there. I don't believe in God. I never have. Nothing about it makes sense to me, and I don't think that anything anyone says about it will change my mind. But I was having a conversation with my friend, oh, let's call her...Pandihanna, and it was all about religion and everything. So then all of a sudden I started to basically doubt my whole life on the subject. I realized that I would burn in hell for the rest of eternity if God or Jesus ever did come back, because of my lack of faith. I just started to have this sort of rush of feelings. I started imagining my life as a Christian, going to HNL meetings (religious things that are very popular at my school), praying...and don't ask me why, because I couldn't tell you for the world. It's probably just a weird couple-day phase my messed-up brain is going through. I'll get back to you on that.
Ja, so...
TheresthissongIfoundandit'ssuperprettyandIloveit. Well, I meant to space that out, but here we are.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...okay bye. *runs away like Napoleon Dynamite*
Saturday, November 8, 2008
My Glorious Re-Introduction to Skittles
Hello. Today is Saturday, and I am bored. My mom has a lunch date with Mrs. Skarvi. She will come back at 1 o'clock, 2 o'clock, I don't know.
And yes, I did that ALL by myself. :) I love French.
Song: Black...Tokio Hotel...again
Wearing: Blue sweats and Cartridge World Tee!!
Random Question: For your birthday, your aunt gave you a maple syrup dispenser shaped like a rooster. Please write her a thank-you note:
Oh my god, I totally swear that that was the real random question given. XD Bean hahhah

"Hello, Beana. Remember when you used to be obsessed with meee? Hmmm??? "
Only 18 more days I believe. Yep. I'm psyched. I am going to email Aunt Blair to clarify arrival arrangements and things of the sort. Will I need a winter coat? *crosses fingers*
I am going to add 3 movies to my wishlist: Little Shop of Horrors, Sweeney Todd, and...hmm what was the last one...Hairspray. That was it. Yeah.
I blog too much lately.
So, yeah, eveyone knows how I hate my school and all, so there is this school called Booker High in our district with "magnet programs" for the performing arts. It's on a block schedule also but 2 periods are academic and 2 are for arts. I wanna go there really bad. Actually, if I had my first choice of school here it would be Pine View, but that's not really much of a possibility. Booker's stage is awesome though.
You know what I HATE? When people want and expect you to drop everything you are doing when they decide, "Oh this is what I want from you and I want it now." ESPECIALLY when they huff and get nasty when you ask them for something. It really irks me. Also, when people don't do what they say they are going to do. I've taken to never really believing anyone anymore. Well partly. I don't believe them, but then there's that little hope in the back of your mind saying "Oh, they could NOT be lying this time!" So then even though you know it's not gonna happen, you're really sad when it doesn't.
Okay I shall leave and drop what I'm doing to go make someone else happy now. >:\ Don't forget to update.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
All Aboard The Apple Express
*On my top list for favorite Bill pics
Song: Fences...Paramore
Wearing: Skinnies, skull shoes, blue thermal, red stud belt
Random Question: If you were a cannibal, what would you wear to dinner?
If I was a cannibal? Psh, have I got news for you...
The last look back is black. The night turns dark ahead. When there's no turning back, we're glad, so glad. Tokio amazing. Bottom line. That's it. I want to marry Bill. Tom would be cool too. Or Georg or Gustav. But yeah.
lol i ees cracey
PUT HEADPHONES IN. I can't. So I guess I just have to turn my music (a.k.a. happiness and peace of mind) OFF. Fine. Okay.
So, I was already going to spend some time in Europe, but I wasn't planning on doing it really soon. That was until I heard the retarded...oops sorry...stupid kids at my school with their African-ish singing: "OBAMAO BAMA-O BAMA-O BAHMUHHH" and their retar-DUMB shirts with "YES WE CAN, AND WE DID!" Now my little house in Hohen Neuendorf is looking even better. Or maybe a cute little apartment in Lyon? Clint? Wanna go? We can order food and have small conversations with the locals!!!
Speaking of that little house in Hohen Neuendorf, it is officially my current dream house. Wanna see a picture of it? It's the cutest thing ever, and-seriously- how I always pictured my house would look like since I was little.

The owner is American. It's 175,000 € but negotiable. It has two bedrooms and one bathroom, und ein Wintergarten (florida room)! I could totally get it. I think I will. Auf wiedersehen, euch. Ich liebe euch alle!
I am happy that tomorrow is Friday. North Port High wears me out. I want German class. I really can't get over how cute that house is. AH Skitz-o-frenny-ahh
Yeah I don't know what to write...OH YEAH speaking of writing, there is going to be a showcase of the best of the best English students (freshman and sophomore) at NPHS with like 3 or 2 other English classes. I usually don't admit my talents because, well, I don't think I have them, but from what I have seen, compared to a lot of other kids, I rank high in the English area. So anyway, you can do an original poem dramatic reading, a speech (from literature, I'm not sure if you can do an original speech), a dramatic reading of a poem that is already written, or a booktalk. Nobody seemed really into it, but I am. I really want to do it. I think I want to write a poem and do it. It has to be memorised but I don't think that will be a problem if I am the author. The whole showcase is in our awesome theater (that's one thing I will give props to NPHS on. not quite as good as Central's or Northern's, but good) so it's like, lagit, man. w00t w00t go me. But I am kinda nervous. Oh well. I don't care. I don't like any of the people in my English class anyway. Ha, that's mean...(notice how I didn't say JK though). If I can't get an original poem together soon, I might want to read Annabell Lee or The Bells...idk. I JUST DK. Bleh.
Okay, well I am actually mad at myself for how dumb and boring this post is. BAD PAIGEY BAD BAD BAD *bangs lamp viloently against head*(-Dobby the house elf from Harry Potter, who Bill thinks is so cute ^.^)GOD THERE I GO AGAIN BLABBING ABOUT STUFF NOBODY CARES ABOUT. Maybe I SHOULD move to Germany sooner.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Hayley Williams' Hair
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Compil-ed Wishlist
Please don't think I am ASKING for all of these things. It is merely a list that I have written down of everything I would like having. Ugh, I sound so bratty don't I? Well, those of you who know me know that I am not, and that I don't expect things from people at all.
And pretty much anything cool off the Hot Topic site.
Colored skinnies
Dresses (that you can wear any day)
Band Tees
Tees with funny sayings
Fitted Hoodies
Shoes and Accessories:
Earrings. I love earrings. A lot. I LOVE them, okay? I'm seriously KNOWN for my cool earwear.
Other jewelry
I HEART BAGS...and I kind of collect them, so they are always totally awesome ^-^
The second and third (final) books in the Lionboy series
1,2,3,10,11,12 Series of Unfortunate Events (hardcovers)
4 and higher Demonata by Darren Shan
3 and higher Cirque du Freak by Darren Shan (not short shiny ones, not to be picky, but they have to match my other 2)
Any manga (volume one and higher in same series)
Pretty Much ANY books that I don't already have from the "young adult" section
Harry Potter 5
Corpse Bride
National Treasure (all)
Nightmare before Christmas
Little Shop of Horrors
Sweeney Todd
Any movies in the French or German versions (really. it's actually a good thing for language learners and I would watch them a lot.)
Schrei-Tokio Hotel
Schrei (so Laut du Kannst)-Tokio Hotel
Zimmer 483- Tokio Hotel
All We Know Is Falling- Paramore
We Started Nothing-Ting-Tings
Viva la Vida- Coldplay
All We Know Is Falling- Paramore
The Final Riot!-Paramore
All System of a Down
All (except Folie a Deux)
All Tegan and Sarah
All Rocket Summer
All Foo Fighters (except Echoes Silence Patience & Grace)
Blah blah I could go on forever. If I like the band, I want the CD(s)
Drumset (red one in the window at music go round farmington!)
Bb Clarinet music books
DDR for PS2 (and mat)
Movie or band posters
Anything Tokio Hotel <
Any room decorations that are a)foreign looking b)would fit in a red/white/silver/blacktheme
Gift Cards:
Hot Topic
Books a Million/Borders
Non-existant Bat Eraser
Song of the Post: Black...Tokio Hotel
Wearing: 1 fish 2 fish PJ pants and "save the animals" tee
Random Question: The first time you had your shoes taken off - how surprised were you to see that you still had toes?
OMB at Wal-Mart, they have Rock Band (2?) set up in the boys clothing section. Everytime I go there I try to play, but of course there is ALWAYS someone on it. This guy that was playing yesterday for forever was getting SO into it. He played Chop Suey on guitar like 12 times and he was singing along and totally ROCKING OUT. So I looked to see how he was actually playing. He was only on medium. :) It was funny. I'm not saying that's bad, I JUST started playing GH on Hard, I just got amusement out of the whole thing. Hmm.
As you may or may not know...I went to the Orlando House of Blues on October 24th to see Tokio Hotel live in concert. Holy crap. I can't even tell you how...blah I can't begin to describe it. Here were a few highlights.
-The whole thing.
-When we actually got there and saw the line. Omb. Talk about a lot of people.
-When we were waiting for the concert to start for 1.5 hours and there was this really hawt kid in front of me and I tapped him on the shoulder and said, "Do you think you could get a bit shorter?"He laughed and bent down a little bit. Then when he was STILL standing like that for like 5 minutes, I tapped him again and said, "I was only joking, you're really fine." He laughed and said, "Common curtesy!" HAHAHAHAHA *cough*hott*cough*
-Moving down to the main floor reluctantly because I didn't think we'd be able to see but then finding out that I'd have a perfect view through the ENTIRE concert.
-When, after screaming our guts out everytime we saw a shadow behind the screen, the screen finally dropped and there they were...there...they...were...
Here is that moment plus the first song I was crying through. You may want to turn your volume down, I just wanted you to see the screen drop. Also a note, I was lower than these people and on the total opposite side. They were on far right, I was on far left.
-My dreams coming true
-The first encore, Rescue Me
-The second encore, Durch den Monsun, and singing along in German
-When Tom threw his sweat rag and it touched Kimmy and she dived onto the floor and fought a girl for it (but didn't end up getting it :'( )
-Me bawling my eyes out, no joke
That was the most unforgettable and amazing night ever.
Yesterday, I did a live web chat with Tokio Hotel on the z100 website. It was cool but my computer is slow. I tried to get them to say "I love Orlando, Paige is beautiful" and blow a kiss for their American fans because I saw someone type "SAY HI TO MELANIE" and two seconds later they were like "Melanie says say hi to Melanie...HI MELANIE!" It was so cool. Someone typed "get naked Gustav" and they read it and Bill Tom and Georg were like, "yeah Gutav!" He said no, maybe at the next concert". lol
Okay I must go. Guitar Hero is calling!
P.S. Can you see my wishlist? A.B. said you can't.
P.P.S. If I could pick one thing off of it, it would be the drumset from Sams. It's Fender. Just telling certain people what my most wanted thing is *cough* mom *cough*
P.P.P.S. Yes, Aunt Bean, I buy CDs I love them. I am ALWAYS listening to CDs.
Monday, October 20, 2008
He found Jesus. He has diseases?!
Song: Rette Mich...Tokio Hotel
Wearing: Black and grey striped shirt-dress, skinnies, black converse with silver design
Random Question: Don't feel like it.
So I planned to put my wishlist on here today, but it is typed on my computer at home and said computer is F-R-I-E-D. I tried to tranfer it onto my flash drive but apparently that didn't work. I'll try again one more time, and if that doesn't work I'll make a new one. I would just do it right now, but I only have about 20 minutes before the school library closes and I have to go to the theater until 9 o'clock. Wow. That's six hours extra at school. I don't think I want to be here for 6 more hours. It'd be different if I was getting some sort of extra credit for my theater class, being as I wouldn't even be going if it weren't for my theater class (teacher is giving us a grade for coming for at least two hours but "would really like it if we stayed the whole time). So yeah. I think I'll call my mom at like 5 or 6. Depends how I'm feeling.
Well I'd like to work on my German for a couple minutes before I have to go, so bis später! (I'll post again tomorrow with some form of my wishlist.)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Aristotle: My New BFF
Song of the Post: N/A (omb, me not listening to music?!?! stupid library...)
Wearing: Blue Uncharted Territory jeans, save the animals tee, black zip-up hooded sweatshirt with "Anna-Maria Island"
Random Question: Don't have time to do one right now. They never make sense anyway.
So last time I attempted to make an entry, BLOGGER erased half of it. It was mostly about how I have observed that, in life, I should stop expecting things to work out the way I want them to. I should stop getting my hopes up that something amazing is going to happen. It just makes me a really easy candidate for heartbreak. I am, of course, referring to the upcoming event on Ocotber 24th at the Orlando House of Blues, but not just that alone. It seems like everything, and I know I am not the only person who feels this way. Things just DON'T seem to work out. I know, you think I am just the typical teenager crying over some concert that I don't get to go to. I am fine with you thinking that. I'll just tell you that you aren't correct. Or maybe you are, but it seems freakin' huge to me at the moment, so please don't undermine my feelings. ;)
My computer is broking. :( I finally get a computer to myself, and there's something wrong with it within, like, the first, what? 4 weeks? 3 weeks? I don't know. All I know is that my computer is not working, and no, I don't dowload "inappropriate things". I don't download anything at all. I don't even have Limewire.
Well, sorry for the shortness of this post, but one can only write so much when the bell is about to ring and one has to go to Français II. One says Au Revoir!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
So, Are the Kids Allowed to Drink Diet Pepsi Now?
Song: She Had The World...Panic! At The Disco
Wearing: Walled Lake Central's freshman class "High School Musical" tee from last year, jean knee-length shorts
Random Question: Why do you think honeydew is the money melon?
I...wasn't aware that it was. 0.o
You know, last year, I would just LOOK for reasons to stay home. I didn't really appreciate school as much as I do now. Don't get me wrong, I had some fun times with my friends at Sarah Banks Middle School. I would give a lot to go back, but the fact is, I was just really lazy and didn't want to get up so early. This year, I hate staying home from school more than I hate going, which is saying a lot, kind of. For me, there are mixed emotions about school. I absoluetly love school, but I don't like MY school. But whatever, I am thankful that I even get to go to school.
Homecoming is Saturday, I think. I'm not going, and I am not the least bit sad about it.
I went to Books-a-Million the other day and bought myself the third book in the series that I am reading. It's called Slawter, and the series is The Demonata. The books are good, but not good. They are very entertaining and easy to read (well, if you have a strong stomach) but they aren't the greates in the literary sense. I love them, but I wouldn't choose to do a book report on them.
Speaking of book report, I just wrote mine. It's long and it's not written very well, but I did it last night with the intention of turning it in today. It was on the book Pickle of the Week by Wayne Dwapps. I described the main characters, Gerkena, Dillio, and Sweet Baby and recommended the book to "readers with a special liking of soaked cucumbers". The theme? The Great Adventure. "This book is chock full of thrills and twists as these noble pickles embark on a journey to save Gerkena from the sodium-craving jaws of the the Human Amy".
I highly doubt anybody would actually WANT to read my real book report, but if you have your heart set on it, I'll e-mail it. (And that wasn't hinting that I want you to read it, either. I really don't care.)
Tomorrow I am going to the library at lunch because I am long overdue. Not my books- I am really good at returning my school library books on time- I mean me. I skipped, like, this whole week of going to the library at lunch. Tomorrow I will return to my glorious geekdom and spend a comfortable half-hour in the library, renewing my Luxembourg book, turning in my copy of The Downsiders by Neal Shusterman (the book that I really did my report on) and checking out some manga. Lunch is good when spent in the media center. Except now, my two friends Sandianna and Simone follow me in there and are loud, so I get ticked off and so do other people...I mean, I like them both okay, but I'd like to spend some quality time in the peaceful quiet of the library *sigh*. But anyway, my media center rocks. It's not exceptionally huge or anything like that, but it is pretty nice and I like the lady who runs it, who is also the head of my French Competition thing which I am now officially going to...
I can't believe I haven't mentioned this yet. GUESS who is going to be at the Orlando House of Blues on October 24th? YEAH, I don't even HAVE to tell you! They are, and it is totally real this time, I looked on the real House of Blues Orlando site and they are totally coming on the 24th! *expression changes from utter bliss to deep sadness* But when I told my mom that, she totally said I couldn't go. *slightly brightens* BUT I think that if I can convince Petra Von Schmorgesborgenheimereinekleinenachtmusik (Peter) to come with me, maybe I can swing it. Maybe. Please cross your fingers. The tickets are only 25 bucks, so if I bought us both a ticket, i would still have 50 bucks left. please work out, please work out...
Well, I shall now leave on that hopeful note, hoping with all hope that this dream hopefully comes true. I hope. Oh ratsnacks. I have HOPE class tomorrow. XP
Friday, September 26, 2008
I Did Invite You!!!!!!!!!
Song of the Post: Ich bin nicht ich...Tokio Hotel
Wearing: Dark pink tee with vest design and hearts, grey shorts.
Random Question: How tall would you be if you never cut your fingernails?
How much better would this question be if it made sense?
Yeah. Tired. Very tired. ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz
So, anyone remember that song 99 Red Balloons by Nena in the 80s? Well here you go if you don't:
Anyhoo, she had a song called Irgendwie Irgendwo Irgendwann, and she just mad a new one called Anyplace Anywhere Anytime with Kim Wilde.It's half English, half German, and it is so good. Oh my Bill. I keep listening to it over and over again. I can't get enough of it!! I had been wanting to check her out for a while because Bill loves her, and then my friend sent me the video on imeem. Nena is sooooo pretty and has the best voice. And is one of the only German acts to be successful in the US. I heart Nena. She rocks.
Well now that there is no concert *cries hysterically* I am free to go to French competition. I am looking forward to it. I am going to memorize a poem en Français and recite it for the judges and also be in the big group play. Yay me.
I'd like to take this time to share with everyone who reads this blog how much I hope we have pizza for dinner tonight. It would make me very happy, especially if it was not Hungry Howies. We haven't had pizza for weeks now when we used to get it almost every Friday. :'( If my mom ever read anyone's blog anymore she would see this and maybe get pizza. But no. EH-EH. Not gonna happen. Hey, we have a free small pizza and box o' Cinnastix at Domino's...mmm, Domino's...
Well, I am falling asleep, so I am going to read my Luxembourg book on the lenai (don't know how to spell that) and maybe fall asleep before we get pizza. I mean dinner.
Afterword: If you stop reading my blog, I won't take offense. I just realized how boring and trivial it is. Why should you waste your time listening to a teenage girl chatter? Hmm? I don't know. I kind of feel like this blog isn't even worth it. I really think it wastes everybody's time. It was funny at first, but now it isn't funny anymore and I feel bad for those who read it. :(
Okay, well bye! :D
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Run, Baby, Run
Song of the Post: Mademoiselle Juliette...Alizée
Wearing: Arizona dark blue denim skinnies, red large stud belt, American Idol Live 2007 tee, Jelly Belly flip flops
Random Question: You're going to the moon. What did you forget to pack?
My math book...ah darn.
So yeah. *hotdoddressedlikeaclown* What?
Did I already talk about Record Juliana in a previous post? Okay, well my friend Tristan and I finally picked the name for our band, and it is Record Juliana. I got it off of a band name generator. I liked the name NYMich, cos Tristan is from New York and I am from Michigan, but Record Juliana was the name that we narrowed a full page list down to. Other finalists were Missing October, Starz en Skye, Code Never, Minor Crime, and I Hate Florida :). We got rid of the ones like Prosthetic Pink Panties and Disgusting Sexiness pretty quick. He wanted Screaming Crayon Revival, but I wasn't so keen on it. But yeah, anyway. That is the official name of our band. All we have to do is learn how to play our instruments now. And find a guitarist. We also need a singer, but until we find one, I take vox.
Hey, you know what?
The Pussycat Dolls are sluts. I really can't stand them. As Peter so smartly said, "Since when do you need to be half-naked to sing?" And dance around like a STRIPPER?! That's why they only won best dancing in a video at the VMAs. Bahahah...turds. 0.o
She stole my heart in the trailer park, so I jacked the keys to her father's car...
OMB. We were at Kohls and there were two ladies...women...people with a baby standing at the opposite register waiting to be rung up. So the one lady...woman...PERSON starts going "who's your daddy? Who's your daddy?!" to the baby. And then she stops and looks at the othe la-person and goes, "Well, you don't know who your daddy is! Hahah" and the other luhperson just says, "yeah." Like yeah haha I don't know who ma baby daddy eeis en ya know what, ahmuh juss go en avvertizin it all over the dang place.
I have already told everyone who reads this blog [which makes no sense that only 4 people read it, this blog RAWKS. Ksh Yuh] that the Tokio Hotel concert that I have been saving up all my money and not spending a cent of it for was a HOAX. A FAKE. NOT A REAL CONCERT. I have been looking forward to that concert for so long. It just crushed me to know that my general hope for the future has been built from a lie. It just sucks epically. T.T
I'm looking at you through the glass, don't know how much time is passed, and, god, it feels like forever, no one ever tells you that forever feels like much is real? So much to question.
Do you want to know [you know I don't really care if you do] what the boys' new favorite song that they listen to CONSTANTLY is? Hmm??? Oh, well, I couldn't describe it. You have to listen to it to get the full effect. Here. Watch it. It's okay. Go on. Watch it! WATCH THE VIDEO!!!
And they dance exactly like that. All day. All the time. Beam. Freaking. HA.
I want to change my font. Okay done.
Well, I am going to go and take my German test now. Wish me luck!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Song of the Post: In die Nacht...Tokio Hotel
Well, I got back from Quizzles a while ago. I wanted a meatball sub, but then they were out of meatballs. Then I wanted tuna...they were out of that too. So I ended up getting honey roasted ham and swiss. Yum, it was so good. The guy that did our order was amazingly cute though. OMB. My mom was like, "Do you go to high school around here?" And he said that he went to NPHS. So I came back with Lindsey's drink that I was getting and she goes, "Oh, Paige, he goes to North Port, too. He's a senior." So he says, "Oh she's a senior?" but he didn't sound surprised. Then my mom tells him, "No, she's a freshman." Then he goes, "Whhaaaa??!!" lol.
Thanks. I think.
Come to think of it, I have had many people tell me that I "DON'T look like a freshman". Does that mean I am going to be like, the freaking crypt keeper when I am 30?! I hope not. That dood is butt-[hey mom it works with butt in front of it too] ugly.
Okay, so there is this kid in my math class that rocks. He's Jamaican, but is from New York. He's really tall and skinny and he is black. But he is whiter than me. I told him that Tokio Hotel was the best band ever and he disagreed and said that it was My Chemical Romance. At that moment, I thought to myself, "where have you been all my life?" lol. But no, we are friends now and trying to find a name for our band that we are going to have. He'll play bass with me on drums. All we need is a singer and guitarist! Oh, and if you are wondering about that earlier band I mentioned with Ricky, I am not doing that anymore. Ricky isn't as cool as he used to be. And that's not just because he broke up with me for no apparent reason. :P
I was supposed to go to my Tech Day today, but again I blew it off and slept until 11:30. Heh. I like sleep. I can't blow them off anymore, though. I have to get those points for Thespian Troupe!! more missing Tech Saturdays!
Which brings me to...the school musical. We still don't know what it is. I don't think I can try out though. I know I am not a good singer. And I don't like it when people tell me I am just to make my feelings not be hurt. But I might make myself try out because I also need to be in 2 full length productions for Thespian Troupe.
Although I might not even have to worry about North Port High's Thespian Troupe. We are looking into getting me into Pine View. It is a gifted High School. Problems: transportation-it's pretty far from my house; getting in-I know I am okay with the smartness, but I don't think I'm "gifted". I don't know. I just really want to go there very, very badly. I really don't like North Port High. I want to be with other people who want to learn. School is such an amazing privilege, and it makes me really mad when people blow it off like it's no big deal.
Also, maybe Pine View has German classes. :P I don't think anybody has any idea how much I really want to learn German. And no, it's not just some phase I am going through because I love Tokio Hotel. Foreign Language is just I love it. I think as much as Theater!
I am beginning to get worried about how much of a nerd I am. I mean really, is this much geekiness normal? I went to the library at my school ( I go there every day for the whole lunch period, never miss a day) and I got a book on Luxembourg. I took it out during theater to look through it and this girl was like "You got a book about Luxembourg? Ohhh do you have to write a paper?" And I was like, "Uh, no. I just really like Luxembourg." She gave me a weird look. As she walked away I yelled, "LIKE YOU DON'T LIKE TO SIT AROUND READING NONFICTION REFERENCE BOOKS ON FOREIGN COUNTRIES! I SAW THAT COPY OF MALAYSIAMANIA IN YOUR LOCKER!"
Ah well, I better go. Lindsey must be getting impatient. I think we are going to watch Mean Girls and eat a cookie from Quiznos that is supposedly Oatmeal Raisin but tastes like Pumpkin Spice. Don't forget to sand your ficklefack!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Dude, I just now titled this old post. Heh.
Song of the Post: 1000 Oceans...Tokio Hotel
Anyone for a riddle?
Okay how about this:
What if you lived with demons who ate all the food, made you hear their music, and disrespected your mother?
What if their father treated everyone like crap and didn't care what those demonic children did?
What if everyone was in a bad mood and it spread like a fierce disease?
What if, every day you thought I can't take this anymore?
What if you started to write a post that was supposed to be a huge complaint about your life, but the half way through you realized that there are so so many people who have it so so so much worse than you and that you really had no right to be complaining whatsoever?
What if, in the middle of that very post, you realized, I am a very privileged person that is very lucky, has a bunch of people that love me and that I love dearly, and have so many things that I take for granted?
What if you realized that you could have a really good future despite the current way things are?
What would you do?
Well, that was not expected or planned at all. Things suck right now because...well basically a lot of it comes down to one 16 year old who sees himself as God, but anyhow, we're not talking about that right now. But how many times have things sucked before? A few. It's difficult to explain how I am feeling right now. It's like crappy and uberbummed mixed with reflective and appreciative...and a dash abhorrence.
I also feel dissapointed that I have now ruined my funny and easy-going blog with this Daoist/Ghandi/philosophical...idk what I am talking about, but I ruined a fun streak. How horrid of me.
Here's another riddle for you all:
What if you were hungry cos you passed up spaghetti earlier cos you were ubermad and hating your life and feeling sorry for yourself?
What if your sister came into your room and asked you if you wanted the rest of her not-ripe-yet-therefore-still-crunchy pear?
What if someone signed into AIM and you didn't know who it was?
What would you do?
I'll tell you what I would do. I'd pray to Bill that the spag was still out and go get some, tell her to throw that nasty thing away, and check who it was. And then I would finish this post. Peace to die Mutter. Rener, out.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
At School
Monday, September 8, 2008
Waking up to Your 80 Year Old Self
Anyway, in lieu of the word of the post, I will of the post. Whatever I am listening to at the moment that I type the "song of the post" section, that is what I will put down.
Song of the Post: Long Road to Ruin...Foo Fighters
Hey, even though I'm not doing words of the post anymore, ya wanna know a really fun word? Well, frankly, I don't care if you do. Don't read it if you don't care!!! But it's cosmopolite. It's the word of the day on, and it means someone who is at home anywhere they go; a citizen of the world.
You know how they say that you start learning about yourself more as you grow up? Well, until fairly recently, I though that was a bunch of bull-scheiße. I always thought, how ridiculous is it to say that someone doesn't know who they are? Of course I know who I am. Who knows me better than myself? It turns out, I was wrong. I don't know myself almost at all. So, I am going to document the facts that I learn about myself in this very blog. Yeah, yeah, that's conceded and self-centered, but who is the one that is choosing to sit here and read this self-centered and conceded blog? Hmm? Riddle me that, grasshoppa!
Fact #1: I have a seemingly unquenchable thirst for knowledge and experience.
I want to learn so many things, acquire so many skills, do so many things, that it doesn't seem like I'll have time in my life to do it all.
I heard the cutest thing I have ever heard in my life. I'm not exaggerating. You almost definitely won't find it as adorable as I do, but I am going to share it with you anyway. This is a small interview with Tokio Hotel on the eve of the VMAs (OMG I WAS SO PROUD OF TH, THEY WON BEST NEW ARTIST. I WAS SO PSYCHED OUT OF MY MIND. I AM SO UNBELIEVABLY HAPPY FOR THEM! GOOD JOB, GUYS!) and the way Bill says "skittles" makes my heart absolutely melt. Watch if you like.
This Thursday I have a meeting after school about the French Competition. I am really looking forward to it. It is just an informational meeting about the competition/field trip. What I already know is that you prepare something for the judges; either reciting a memorized poem in French, performing a French skit, participating in the group play, pulling a topic out of a hat and talking about it in French for a couple minutes, or doing a written test. You go with other French students and stay in a hotel for two nights and have a banquet dinner. If I go, I would like to do the poem and the group play. You get a rating for whatever you do. Sounds expensive, but I didn't get to go on the eighth grade field trip, so I am going to fundraise and whatever else I can to go!
Also along those lines, today in Theater we had to decide if we wanted to do our act for Showcase. Showcase is where you perform to see if you can go to districts, which is also preparing a piece (mine is a bit of a play with three other girls) fopr judges and getting a rating.
Well, now that I have bored you all to death I am about to throw myself into my homework and start writing the letter to my principal requesting the return of the much loved German classes at good old North Port High School. Alrighty then, okay then, buh bye, buh bye now! Oh yeah, and I still really need help with my dillema from the last post. (See intro paragraph of "I Hate Wrestling")
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I Hate Wrestling
Word of the Post: hebetudinous...does anyone get's word of the day? I always delete those, but now I think I might have a use for them seeing as I am running out of words that come off the top of my head. I could just start using French or German words if you prefer, though.
Hmm...let's see. What to write about?
Saturday is my first Tech. Day. I have to be there for two hours anywhere from 9 AM to 4 PM. I am going to go the whole day so I can get points to be in the Thespian Troupe. And then there are three more after that, same time. We only have to go to one for two hours. I am going to go to all of them, the whole time. And I am going to work "International Night" on the thirteenth of November. Le treizeieme Novembre. something something dreizehn. Like, thirteenth of like, November!
I called the Music Stand of Port Charlotte today and got information about drum lessons. Once a week in the store, one on one, 20 bones a half-hour. I am probably going to take them. And, as convienient as this is, I was talking to my friend Ricky last night in the "crowded" garage, and he was overly happy when I said I was getting drum lessons. I asked him why and he said that his friends play bass and guitar and they were looking for a drummer to start a band. I was like, "Oh, well don't fill the spot!" He goes, "I already did." I was sad. Then he said, "With you." Then I was happy.
This is what I am having for dinner. Let's play a game. Name this meat. Okay, GO!
Okay, whoever gets it right will get a prize. The satisfaction of knowing that you have nothing better to do than sit around reading your neice's/twin's/daughter's/granddaughter's/wife's (I know you read this, Bill. I'm not stupid) blog and guessing the identity of random slabs of meat. Now that's motivation.
Well, I fear now that I must leave you. I have to go eat that nameless meat. Toodle-flipping-oo.
"Ich bin hier irgendwo gelandet...Komm und hilf mir Fliegennn!!! Leih mir deine Flügel!!!!!! ..."
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Es beginnt jeden morgen...
word of the post: zeitgeist
If you are wondering what the title means, go look it up. Google translator. Have fun.
High school is tiring. I have a B day tomorrow. I don't like B days. No English, and no theater. What a scheissful day. Stupid HOPE. I have to read my summary on my current event about how they did a study and just because someone is fat, that doesn't mean they are necessarily more likely to get the diseases associated with obesity than skinny people. So bleh. I am curvy and, guess what, society...
I just had a total episode with Lindsey. She came down and said to get off because she needed to do her homework. (At 9:11 PM?? Why was she watching TV ALL day then???) I said to let me finish my post. She got mad and started to type and push me away and try to exit blogger and all that. So I pushed her and we started fighting. She's acting like she's all big and tough...all I can say is that she has NO IDEA how fortunate she is that I have self control. No clue whatsoever.
Hmm...I love the Zeitgeist of America in the 80s. I totally don't know if I used that right. Oh well. Don't care. It's late and I have a cookie to eat, a journal to write in, and a page in my French book to do. I saved it for the time when you are supposed to be sleeping, but you can't because...well...
a) You are sleeping next door to the devil.
b) You have a stupid B day tomorrow.
c) Everything...EVERYTHING is piling into your brain, like a million Paiges to a private Tokio Hotel concert.
Goodbye. I shall post again soon. Perhaps on Monday, when I don't have school!!! Muahahaha *COUGH COUGH*
Sunday, August 17, 2008
I had Quaker Oatmeal for Breakfast
But I won't be posting for a some time. There is a hurricane coming and it's probably going to knock out our power for a while. It is only a category one so far, but is supposed to be picking up speed, and no, I'm not joking.
So I love you all, and if you never see me again, please, I beg you, play Tokio Hotel at my funeral. Oh, and I don't care what anyone says, Alexis, you make sure I am dressed GOOD (skinnies and a band tee or something, not a drab dress they usually put on the deadies, yuck). And y'all better make some good speeches, mmkay? I will come back to haunt you...*narrows eyes and points*
Speaking of Alexis, welcome home, Cherry!!! I've missed you!
I have to go help put the shutters up, now. And, oh, guess what? My second day of school and my mom's first day and possibly even more days than that are going to be hurricane days.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Mmm...Blank Lettuce (ft.French Dressing)
Word of the Post: whilst
So here I am, sitting alone in the office, sweating my buns off whilst awaiting the emergence of my chicken fingers from the oven. What shall I do? I explored the possibilty of making my very own podcast, but that didn't work, being as I know absolutely nothing about it. So that's a no-go on the po-co.
I just made up my own rule of thumb, but since it is my rule, I am deciding to call it the rule of turn-left-and-count-three-spots-down-wherever-that-is-you-sit. My rule is this: when you are saying no-go on something, you say "o" after the beginning sound of each syllable in the thing that is not going.
Example: That's a no-go on the...
so-lo-bo...salad bowl
no-po...nose pick
Now, I understand that there could be many different meanings of every "_o-_o", (if you can understand that) so here is what I ask you. What would you first assume the following to be?
A no-go on the
1) jo-no-bro-tho
2) to-ko-ho-to
3) so-lo-cko
4) sho-lo-to
5) fo-ro-lo-go-co-so
Well, I will leave you fine people to ponder the possibilities. Have fun. I'm going to get some more blank lettuce and get my chicken fingers (that are now probably burnt thanks to I hope that you have a great night.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
You Can Smell My Chicken Wing If You Want
Word of the Post: anus (pronounced "ah-noos")
I am home. I am not in a clever/funneh/witty mood right now, being as my heart has been ripped out and smashed up beyond repair.I am sorry to report that this post is just a boring account of recent happenings.
So, yeah. I am back in Florida now. I miss everyone already.
Michigan was fun. I stayed with my Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt. Saw Koll and Uncle Michael, Aunt Blair, My Dad, Uncle Jon, Avery, Em, and Alexis Dylexis. Grandpa rocks. And sorry I forgot to mention him before but he kind of goes along with Grandma.
I like Hot Topic Radio. It's good.
I also like:
Foundations by Kate Nash
How Could I Just Kill A Man by Charlotte Sometimes
Shut Up And Let Me Go by The Ting-Tings
other songs that I am not in the mood to list.
This is the mood I am not in.
You see, Tokio Hotel is coming to Michigan next week. On the 13th, they will be at the Oakland Mall, signing autographs and meeting fans. And, tickets to their concert at the Fillmore are only 2,020.68 Sri Lankan Rupees. This makes me sad. Especially now that you have to go and look up how many dollars that is. :'(
Friday, August 1, 2008
You Wish You Could Have Eight Flavors of Ice Cream
Word of the Post: waggish
W00t W00t I am going to the Breaking Dawn release party tonight. It should be a right waggish time. You were supposed to dress up for it, like try to be one of the characters, but how are you supposed to do that in any special way when it's a book about ordinarily clothed youth? I just don't get it. I am going to try to be Alice Cullen, just so I can say that I have the try-to-be-a-character-from-the-book factor. *whispers* In all reality, I am not really trying to be anone! But my hair is like Alice's, and I am wearing a hot pink shirt dress and black leggings, which is kind of like her because she is always glitzy and over the top.
Who am I kidding, I SUCK. I bet everyone is going to have good costumes!
This is what comes up in Photobucket when you search "life is like a booger".
Yes. Indeed, peace to that.
Speaking of clothing articles/articles of clothe, I got some new "threads" today, INCLUDING MY VERY FIRST OFFICIAL REAL PAIR OF SKINNY JEANS*YEESSSSSS!!* I love them so much, I don't think I ever want regular jeans again. And two new pairs of shoes. One pair is black and gray striped flats. The other ones are black wegde flats with white circles. I like the wedges a lot. Wedges of cheese are good, too. But not if they are bleu.
Okay, well I mut leave now. We are having Neek Groodles. Oh. Sorry, I mean Grook Needles. Sometimes I just get slydexic. Yslexdic. Tish.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Wesley Snipes is NOT Hot
Word of the Post: heinous
Has the blogging world gone to hell? I think so! Mom posted, but Beana and Aunt Blair have been skipping days! And don't even get me started with you, Alexis! And me, I skipped, too! What is wrong with people? What has the world come to when people have something better to do than talk about themselves on an internet diary with an audience of 5 or less?
In the words of a wise gay Cuban, "Oh. Muh. G-awd."
Even he thinks it's heinous.
Anyway, I've decided to disregard my stupid self-made holidays, since nobody but myself felt the need to celebrate! Sure, I got a few "Oh, happy WWFFD!" from some individuals, but would anyone have even remembered had I not made a stink about it? I've got the answer to that, my friends. That's a big fat NO. No, no, no, no, NOOO! NOO! Nooooo! No!!!! Na-hooooe!! (think back to the scene in Bruce Almighty when he's reporting on the boat. "Erooding! Erodiiing!!...")
Zeus is biting his tail viciously. That's not a good sign. Maybe some of that Venom stuff from Spiderman got on there! I can see it now..."Here, Zeus. Come here, boy. Want some cheese?" AND THIS IS WHAT I SEE WHEN HE TURNS AROUND!
Sure he changed from a Great Dane to a Chihuahua, but that's what Venom does to you! Just say no to Venom, so you don't turn into a Chihuahua, or worse, develop a liking for sauerkraut!
"NOOO Billy! Not the sauerkraut!"
Well, I have to go and do something. I don't know what, but something. Lindsey wants "a turn". Apparently I've been on the computer "a long time".
I mean, WAH.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
It's Foomas, Everyone!!!
It's the day you've all been waiting for! The first of my series of my "holidays that actually matter"!Screw Christmas, Independence Day, and Boxing Day (Canada)! Readers, IT'S WWFFD! A day to appreciate the wonderful band that is The Foo Fighters! Woot woooot! Get pumped, shake it, do whatever you do to celebrate!
Word of the Post: prodigy
Well, there is pretty much nothing to talk about. I'm going to clean my room (god help me), read, copy CDs (Panic! At the Disco's Pretty.Odd and Eminem's Encore) that I got from the library to my computer (tisk tisk), write Alexis back (only person who writes me letters!!!),and pretty much nothing. Maybe I'll talk to my Vietnamese friend on Imeem. Meh.
Hey, I know what I'll do. Since I made all those holidays, I'll make a calendar. Don't know how, but I will anyay. Then, later tonight, Lindsey and I are going to watch some of our favorite old cartoons like Catscratch and My Life as a Teenage Robot that never come on anymore.
Maybe I'll even right a poem to read at a beat poetry reading like in So I Married and Axe Murderer. "Woman. Wooah. Man..." Let's see what I can come up with.
(bass player in the background...*a buhm buhm buhm buppa buhm buhm buuhmmmm...)
You -Lence
Eminaaa-ting. Eminate.
Your od-or caused by eating
Magical, mag-...
Beans...and meats *snap* *snap*
Does not matter!
that passerby!
It is
Wow. I'm a child prodigy.
It dissapoints me that none of my family readers have decided to celebrate Foomas by way of even mentioning it in their blogs. Maybe they just haven't blogged yet. Who knows? Not me. Maybe I'll ask that one guy who sleeps on our lawn.
Alright, I'm off. *reads post* God, I'm boring. Gur.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
It's 7 AM and Awake Writing This Post
Word of the Post: it's too early for vocabulary.
What shall I have for breakfast? Let's see. Cereal? No, there is enough left that I can still have some another day. Beef and bean burrito? No, don't want gas on Foomas Eve, now do we? Lindsey? *silence* Tempting, but I guess I really shouldn't jump to cannibalism when there are perfectly yummy frozen pancakes.
So I have decided that since I have the power to make a WORLD WIDE holiday, why not make some more? I'm going to create new holidays, call me'll fit right in! >.<
July 23rd- World Wide Foo Fighter Day
August 18th- High School Freshman Day
[September 1st- this is already a holiday...The Kaulitz twins' birthday!!!]
September 10th- Germany Tag
Ocotber 16th- Those Things on the End of Your Shoelaces Day
November 5th- Love Your Navel Day
December28th- Day of All Things Toasty
This is just for this year. I plan to have one for every month, but I'll think of more later.
But for today, it's Gorgeous Grandma day! Shiaaoo!!
I love you grandma!!! And all the other gorgeous grandmas out there! Though you all stink in comparison to mine!
Now let's have a parade.
Thanks for reading, I'm Frita Livery with Random Insanity! Mark your calendars, don't forget about the new holidays, always say no, wipe thoroughly...
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I have decided that, by the power invested in me, (who cares if I really have no invested power? Not me. I like pretending.) tomorrow, July 23rd, shall be worldwide Foo Fighter day! Get ready to party your Monkey Wrench off!!! I expect everyone to observe this prestigious holiday!
Word of the Post: brood
I feel accomplished. I now know two full Tokio Hotel songs in German by heart and lots of bit and pieces of other German ones. So Glückwünsche an mich, I guess.
I am listening to a playlist of Tokio Hotel songs, actually. It's on Imeem. I like Imeem. I have a Veitnamese friend on Imeem. Anyway, I love how in Beichte, Bill goes "lalalala". It's rather...breath-taking.
Sorry I'm boring today. I think it's just the degrading, annoying, makes-me-want-to-jump-off-the-roof-in-a-spiderman-costume-into-a-vat-of-radioactive-skunk-spray-and-curdled-milk-mix-with-a-dash-of-arsenic-pudding (c)rap music that's BLASTING THROUGH THE ENTIRE HOUSE. It must be melting my brain, for I find that when I am stuck here, listening to this profanityfest, all I can do is brood over the fact that if I made everyone else listen to any of my screamo, punk rock,etc. I would get yelled at, while other people *sings* having no freaking discipline, or consequence for anything they do. Never get in trouble when the rest of us have to suffer. Doo dah doo dah day, doo dah doo dah day...
I have found a handful of people to be very...self-absorbed.
Okay I really can't take it anymore. I have to go somewhere else. Sorry for the dissapointment that is this post, but I can't hear myself think, let alone attempt to be funny. D'ohnt forget about tomorrow!
[Now, where is that Spidey suit...]
Sunday, July 20, 2008
It's Called the Law of You Wear a Beanie in a Hundred Degree Weather
Pshh, story of my life. That Professor McGonagal is so anal.
Word of the Post: monger
So it was 100 degrees...Farenheit, not Kalvin, but my hair was gross looking. I decided to wear my green beanie that says, "Everyone loves an Irish Girl". Some lady stopped me in Publix to ask me whether I had gotten it in Florida or in Ireland. I said, "Actually, I got it on my air balloon trip to Beaver Lick, Kentucky. Have you been there?"
She slowly backed away into the storeroom.
What does the girl who sits around all day with nothing better to do than practice French for about three hours and read novels about Russian orphans with amnesia write about. Nothing, that's what. And I bet the girl who is studying to become a cheesemonger doesn't have the most interesting blog either.
"Dear Blog,
Today we continued with our "Around the World in 80 Cheeses" program. Today, we did Mauritania! That Caravane is one interesting (and tasty, I might add ^.^) specimen! It's made from camel milk, but is low in lactose. I have to say that while this was a rather enthralling sample, I still feel that the Chhena of Bangladesh is deserves my loyalty!..."
Well, until next time, freaks.
[NOTE: the views, opinions, and everything else expressed in Random Insanity do reflect the actual views, opinions, and everything else of the author, so get over it if you're offended]