Song: Undone...Weezer
Hello, faithful canines. I mean dry goods. How are you all today? I'm quite good, even though I got texted at seven o'clock this morning. But that's not really relevant to your daily lives.
He's going for distance. He's going for speed. She's all alone, all alone in her time of need. Because he's racing and pacing and plotting the course...
Wow that's two random song lyrics in one post! You lucky ducks.
Lindsey is getting ready to take a shower and blasting Rihanna. I do not like Rihanna. >:(
So today the plan is...MALL! Going to see Coraline w00t w00t! Coraline is my favorite book, and now I get to see it in 3-D. Yay! You wanna know something funny? While other little 4th grade girls were reading books like the books in the Animal Ark series (Puppy Palace, Kitty Haven, Overly Sweet Little Cute Little Furball, ya know, stuff like that) I was reading Coraline. On the playground they're all like, "Guess what? There's a puppy in my book and he just got rescued by a girl who has no friends and the puppy and the girl are best friends! They love each other so much! Wanna play Barbies?!" And here's me in the darkest corner of the school yard, sitting where nobody can see me in a black hoodie pulled over my eyes, "In my book, this lady tried to convince this girl that she was her mom so she could sew buttons into her eye sockets." :D
Okay, maybe I exaggerated a little...the hoodie might have been navy blue.
I'm listening to Norma Jean right now, it's pretty good. I like it. The song is Amnesty Please. It's MUCH better than Rihanna, I can tell you that right thurr.
I had an interesting conversation with Lindsey this morning. It was about how sometimes your dreams exaggerate the stuff that's really bothering you. I guess her library fines are bothering her, cos in her dream she owed like 658 dollars. I could relate; my dream was that everything was infested with bugs. (We have these tiny little pantry bugs in our kitchen that we're trying to get taken care of.) But the worst one I ever had like that was that I got on a scale and it read 301 lbs. That was really bad.
This guy made a suit of armor out of pop tabs.
This penguin is supposed to dance.
This dachshund is in a hot dog bun.
This bassist is not a pig.
This guy is in the same band as said not-pig.
lol paige OMFG NOBODY EVER SAYS THE ALL ALONE PART THAT PART IS FOR FAILS. but yeh all u who read this that bassisit is a pig, contrary to dreamer belife
word verrificatin flyoz
as in im going to take the plane to oz its called flyoz
Your put into your post our favorite things!
I like House and Beana likes mini hot dogs and you like TH.............
we win!
I had a dream that Blair and I both had babies in the same day, even though we did not know we were pregnant. How do you explain THAT one?
paige ur a liar i was goin through ur archives and i foud one that said that you did all the work behind our skript NOT F'N TRUE!!!
you may have wrote the skript but u didnt do all the work, i was the acting talent that held the show together and i blocked th whole thing so uhh eat that! if anybody didnt do any work it was sydney she wasnt here
word verrification Miraccal
as in its a miraccal that we actuly got a good grade on that project anyway
House is hot, and oh my god thats so true about the dream thing. whenever the littlest thing bothers me. my subconscious like creates a drama thats blown completely out of proportion in my head
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