Monday, March 30, 2009

A Friend In Need's a Friend Indeed, My Japanese Is Better

You know what ticks me off greatly? It's the fact that I just got an email about Hot Topic's new HIP-HOP TEES. WHAT IS HAPPENING. I'm NOT joking, I seriously think this is the apocalypse. *deathly serious*

Song: Pure Morning...Placebo

I hate the advertisement on imeem when you're trying to listen to a playlist and this guy with the voice of an extreme pedophile comes on and says, "Wanna get VIP for free? Click on slash VIP" Oh. My. God. I just wanna hear my nevershoutnever! and THAT comes on. Chrissakes, people. Chrise. Sake.

Uhm, so yeah, I definitely am running out of things to talk about these days. Oh yeah, how about since nobody told me if I posted about my band dream like I asked everyone to, (thanks loads, guys. JK I love you all.) I'll tell you about my band dream.

Okay, so I was in my rock band, right? It was the basics: a singer, a bassist, guitarist, and drummer. They were on stage jammin', and everybody was pumped and everything like "oh yeah, at this concert for this new band on the scene blah blah". Like halfway through the song, this sythesizer/keyboarder comes on and the audience gets slightly more pumped like "oh you don't see that with every band". Then something like a violin comes on and the crowd gets more pumped ("omg a violin cool") and then, BANG out comes bagpipes. The crowd goes wild, "what the hell?! bagpipes?! oh dang!" Yeah. And then we get famous because of our uniqueness and rockin' out-ness.

Go ahead and laugh. Yeah, bagpipes. I know, it's hilarious. : *not amused*

But yeah. I have this huge position paper due after break. I haven't started it but I am going to do an affirmative paper on Physician Assisted Suicide, or Euthanasia. I strongly believe that if someone has made the decision that they do not want to live with their suffering anymore, they have the right to choose if they want to go through it or escape it. I'm not talking like if some twenty something went and said they lost their job, got a divorce and their life just isn't going how they planned and they just don't want to do it anymore. I'm talking about people who are living with a terminal disease and can't have a life because of it.

Nothing much more. Except this amazing picture of my beloved:

one of my faves of all time. :)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Shot Down By Strangers Whose Glances Can Cripple The Heart And Devour the Soul

Yeppo, just watching Mystery Diagnosis with Lin. Kinda chillin' before our sleepover.

Song: The Bird and the Worm...The Used

I really want a more styled haircut. And color. Like right when I get out of school. Is it possible to get a haircut without making your hair significantly shorter? Let's look at some haircuts, and *switches to annoying tour guide voice* explore some of the many possibilities in the world of hair!!! Woooooooo...haa...yeah. Okay.

HA WAIT: I am watching Spongebob now and Spongebob goes "Wait'll Gary sees!" and Patrick goes, "YEAH! WADLE!" XD Haha wadle...anyway, hair:

1 2


1) Alright I love this. Like a lot. I'd probably do like Bill colors, black and white. All black with white streaks. It'd be really cool to do that then a chunk of bangs like stop sign red or cobalt blue or electric/bright blue or even neon purple or pink. I want it badly.
2) I'm really not sure this would look good on me, but I like it nonetheless. I'd definitely be doing some major coontails.
3) Not enough style for me, but I needed to put Hayley in here somewhere because her hair always looks amazing. Even though I don't want this one the most, I'm almost sure it would look the best on me out of all of them.
4)I love this one, too. I'd do all over black with some cool color underneath and then a couple streaks of that color in the bangs or all over the top. Ideally, I'd love to do all over indigo with black or white leopard spots on one side. That would be sweet. But I don't think I'd be able to stay with grandma if I did that. :P
Come to think of it, I don't think grandma would be very happy if I did any of that stuff to my hair. Maybe I'll get it done at a salon before I come so it'll already be done. :) Yeah, that sounds good. Then my dad couldn't do anything about it either. Yep. Sounds like a plan.
Hey, Comrades, I just wanted to tell you guys that if you are ever having problems with bullies, meanies, or congressmen, I'll beat 'em with a wet noodle. An organic one, so they won't have any artificial preservatives to soften the blow. Just so you know. "Dreamer offers you her protection."
Alright well I think I'm gonna go to Wal Mart now. Bye.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You

Song: How Sweet It Is...that adorable Kris guy on American Idol.

Alright first post during Idol. Let's "watch" together, shall we?

Matt went first, before I started writing this. He did a song that I absolutely abhor, and I didn't like it.

OKAYYY well that didn't work; I went downstairs to help with tomorrow's lunch and we're already on Meagan or however the heck you spell it. No telling how many I missed! Oh well. Operation Blog While Watching American Idol: TERMINATED.

Alan: I don't know how this whole band thing is going to work. I don't know how to play the drums, just to lay that not-so-small fact out there. Besides that, I don't think I'll ever get a drum set. And my idea was much different from yours, but I'm not going to explain that anymore, cos I know for a fact you'd laugh at/mock me for it. I'd love to be in a band with you and it meant a lot to me that you agreed, but I just don't know how it could work. It makes me sad :(

*sigh* well that just kinda downed my mood. Plus it's ridiculously hot in here. Bye.

This Was Actually Written on March 20

I am on my way to my mom’s school right now. I got up early on my day off to come with her. Aren’t I just the greatest? NO.
I feel like I’m always trying to make everybody else happy all the time. And even more than that, I feel like it’s always on my own shoulders when somebody is angry or depressed. It like hangs over me and drives me crazy. It just sucks because I always feel like somebody is mad at me or I could do something to make someone not be sad, or that I’m not good enough… I don’t know. Random frown thought for the day.
Speaking of “thought for the day”, yesterday was the first day of the new quarter. The day started out in a bit of a pickle. I went to the wrong classroom, because that’s where the wall said to go. So after sitting there for like half the class period, I was informed that instead of being in Captain Paynter’s whatever class it was, I was to be in Major Gillotte’s English 1 Honors. So I went and it was all good cos two of my fellow bagpipers are in there. The other class that changed was my fourth period. From Keyboarding with Major Bell to critical thinking to Major (actually not sure what her rank is but Major sounds good) Donehew for Critical Thinking. Basically it is kind of like a mini-politician class. We discuss and debate various controversial issues such as abortion, religion, the war in Iraq, and Your Mom.
Did you ever realize how horrible you can look from some angles, but others you look like a shmillion bucks? I just looked in my reflection in the window from the side with the light from Shibi on my face and I looked like an emaciated, homely foreigner. But my lips looked pretty hot I guess. So really it’s a game of give and take. You’ve got to give some if you want to take some. But I guess you could just take couldn’t you? But that would make you a little jerk. Unless it was mints or something. Like the ones at Pizza Hut in Kissimmee. They tasted like peppermint and cinnamon all in one. Those little multi-taskers.
I think it’s kind of funny that women who don’t take their husbands last names are called Lucy Stoners. I mean, who wants to marry a Stoner??
Just FYI although there’s more than a small chance you might know this already, Lucy Stoner was a women’s rights activist who chose not to take her husband’s name. She stayed Lucy Stoner and he stayed Bill O’Reilly or whatever the heck his name was.
It’s been about an hour in the car now. We should be close soon. Lindsey has a piece of key lime pie and I’m going to jaque it even though I don’t like Key Lime Pie. And even though I just had a big cookie.
I seriously hate when people type long passages in all caps. Really.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Dit Dit Dit Dit Doodle-Oodle-Ooo

Why must I always be so inspired by everything?

Song: Turkish Rondo....Mozart

I am currently ripping my entire CD collection onto Shibi. It's my present to him. :) Right now it's Piano Classics, then IDK what. Randomly picking for order, so I'll let you know when this one is done what is next.

Maybe if I had more readers, this would matter more or make more of an impact on the audience: Tonight is the season finale of Secret Life of the American Teenager. THE BABY IS COMING, THE BABY IS COMING! I still can't believe she is keeping it. Blech. Well, I don't want to hear Amy's whining when she isn't getting adequate amounts of sleep and no money left over from working hard at the hot dog place, and basically has to give up the rest of her youth (Ludo now ripping) and WORST OF ALL can't do marching band. I'll be sitting there yelling "I TOLD YOU SO, AMY JERGENS! I TOLD YOUUUUUU!"...and then comes the part in the story when the nice people from the institution come for me because I'm ranting at the TV. :D

I have forty minutes until it is on. Why is forty spelled like that? It's kind of dumb if you ask me.

Oh, if you are wondering about my intro, I do get inspired way too easily. But I never get to really act on it because of lack of funds. I really want to learn piano. I want to be one of those people who knows how to play a bunch of different instruments and knows like four languages. But yeah, I've been wanting drums for a long time, but that's a no-go on the dro lo so (this is where reward for loyalty comes in, you'll get it if you've been reading Random Insanity for a long time. ;) )

Alright well that reminds me, I have Rosetta Stone. I'm going to get a half of an hour of German in before Secret Life. Buh-bye!

P.S. Now it's Foo Fighters.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Taking Chances That Weren't Yours To Take

Wow, I think I am going through the phase of consciousness known as RPM. And that doesn't mean Rotations Per Minute, it means Rapid Posting Movements. Two posts in two days. That's rare.

Song: Fruit Machine...Ting Tings

I just spent three hours putting a bunch of clips of audio and video together with Windows Movie Maker, and the product is on Youtube. If you have an account, please comment on it, it's called BFFL Blog Episode 2. Look it up, watch it, comment it, eat know. I don't know. Blahhhhhhhhhhhh....

Okay so yeah I just wanted to ask you to watch my video that I worked very hard on. Well I can post it on here, right? Do I get views if I embed it on here? Ah I don't know. Please tell me if I don't cos I'll take it off. I WANT VIEWS, DANG IT.

Alright, I'm going to get some lunch.

jk i just like that song, here's the bffl blog.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

This Isn't What You Wanted, Was It?

I'm wearing my favorite pants. Well, one of my favorite pairs of pants. They are black dance pants with multicolor zebra on the waist band. :D

Song: All We Know...Paramore

paraMORE, my dearest paraMORE, I have gotten All We Know Is Falling. I love it!! It's great. Almost as great as Riot! at the moment, but that might change because I didn't like the new FOB at all when I got it, but now it's amazing. So it might even surpass, but I don't think so. Anyway, it's an awesome CD. They're definitely my second favorite band.
Which reminds me, Tokio Hotel's new CD is supposed to be coming out sometime soon. I hope they hurry! I can't wait much longer!
Now that I have the CD will you drum for me? Pleeeease?
THAT reminds me, have I posted about my vision of my band? I don't know if I have, so if I haven't, tell me so I can make a post about it. Don't forget!

Okay so another thing is that today we went to the Scottish Festival in Venice. It was cool. There were a bunch of pipe bands and a group of river dancers. There were bunches of booths all around selling all kinds of stuff. I got a shirt that says "iPipe" on it and it has the iPod pic of a bagpiper on it. You know like:

That's the best one ever since it's BILL KAULITZ!!! As if you couldn't tell by his hair. *sigh* I love Bill.

Here's another one.

I hate how when you put pics in your post all the paragraphs get so spaced out. :(
Anyway I got that shirt that says iPipe with a bagpiper silhouette and this nasty candy from the UK called like Sherbet something and I got my bagpipe teacher Roddy a sticker that says "Support Your Local Pipe Band".
Last thing...get ready for this one...your kids will be reading about this in their history text books in the future cos it's THAT EPIC. I GOT TWILIGHT! THE MOVIE! YESSSSS! It has three discs in it and it's just wonderful. It comes with a free download of the movie. I'm def putting it on my mp3. Ahhhhhhhhh. We (Lin and I) are going to watch it tonight after playing Dance Dance Revolution Supermix and eating microwave burritos. w00t!
Yeah, we're gonna have a sleepover in my room, it's gonna be pretty great. Right waggish, if you want my reckoning. Be jealous.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How Can We Fight When I'm Too Busy Loving You?


Song: She's a Lady...Forever The Sickest Kids

Tomorrow is dress down day and my shirt isn't here. This makes me sad. But we did only order it like, yesterday or the day before. But I am still bummed. Now I don't know what to wear. But I am excited because my friend Brad :::: is going to wear skinnies! Yay! He used to be scene before he came to SMA. Military school kind of does that to you. You lose your style indentity among peers. But whatever, YAY FOR BRAD IN SKINNIES!

Everybody on facebook has been doing those stupid tagged pictures. I tried to do one, but it didn't really work that great so I decided to make my own. I'm going to start it now, but I really want Rose and paraMORE to become active members of facebook. I want to put them in it. :( *pout pout pout*

It's about seven o'clock. We're having pork chops for dinner. MY BLOODY FEKKIN' FAVORITE.

So I WAS reading a book, but the thing is, Addington took it. (friend in bagpipes, sets trends, cool guy). And the other thing is I have no BLOODY FEKKIN' clue why I'm mentioning that. Oh well.

Rose never comments my blogs anymore. :( I did miss her very much when she went on that darned hiatus from the blog world, but she's back now. Or so I BLOODY FEKKIN' thought! Oh nevermind she just commented my last post. That was a BLOODY FEKKIN' fail on my part. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Can you please tell me how I like screamo and Britney Spears' "Circus" simultaneously? Cos I definitely do not know how that can be BLOODY FEKKIN' possible.

Is it just me or do I get more and more boring every post? Let's spice this up a little...hmm...oh! I got it!

You and me both, little sauce packet. You and me both.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

I Should Know, Yeah I Should Know

I miss Rose's comments. Where is she? I am not going to take the comment review off. And which comic was for me, buddy? BTW I'M NOT YOUR BUDDY, HOMES.

Song: Secret...Missy Higgins

I'm on a mission. It's called Operation: Find a Sweet Piping Shirt. Let's look together, shall we, random viewer? Yes. Let's.
Well that was a wee bit o' fun, wunnit?

I think I want the last one. Or the one that says this is what a bagpiper looks like.
We went to Orlando this weekend. We went to Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios. They never get old. I'm pretty sure Aunt Blair had fun too. I'm sad that she left. And I feel like she didn't enjoy her stay here as much as she should have cos she was working the whole time basically. But at least she gets to see Eugene now. :\ Small comforts...
J'ai besoin d'aller a la bibliotheque. Grrr...
Thursday is dress down day at SMA. I love dress down day. I hope I get to wear my new piping shirt that day but probably not. :(
There was this huge sale today at Wal-Mart and I got this Guitar Hero air guitar toy. It's pretty sweet. You strum in front of the belt buckle that it gives you and it plays songs. I got the regular kit and an 80's kit. (The sale at Wal-Mart was half off the clearance price of everything in the store.) I saw this really cute owl pillow thing. It wasn't on sale. :( It was adorable though.
I should be getting my pipes this week. I was thinking I would last week but with FCAT-ing and all that jazz everthing has been postponed. So hopefully this week, which is the last week in the 3rd quarter. Yay.
Well I am mega boring today so I'll be seeing you. Or posting at you. Or whatever else you'd like to call this communication between us.
I just peed a little. HAHA NO I DIDN'T! :D

P.S. To make up for the lack of goodness in this post here is a picture or two.

Straight up ballin'.

Is it me or does this remind you of Jake Rexroat??

oh...this WAS a little vid clip where this scary guy pops out of the garbage and the black guy punches him in the face and the scary guy falls back into the garbage can.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I'm English, Try and Deport Me!

Alright so my keyboarding teacher isn't here AGAIN but I am deff not complaining cos that means I get to use free time to blog for my homies. But not the kind of homies that are dissin' my girl.

Song: Love Me or Hate Me...Lady Sovereign

Yesterday was quite a day.

Yesterday I felt like I was gonna die. I can't remember the last time I felt that sick. What happened was we were on the way to SMA and I was fine, all in uniform and everything. So all of a sudden I just start feeling nauseous like no other. So I stayed home and took like a 3 hour nap. When I got up I didn't feel any better so I made myself ralph. I felt better...for like two seconds. Then we decided to go to the lighthouse on Gasparilla Island. I was miserably sick the whole way there and the whole time we were there. We went in the museum part (really cool) then it was off to frolic happily on the beach. At least that's what Aunt Blair and Lin did. I sat there feeling SICK AS HELL, then I couldn't take it anymore and I had to go to the car. Well, I ended up RUNNING to the car and puking all over myself. SO GROSS. After that I felt really a lot better, so we went and got some aqueous beverages at this random place that was on the beach. That was really fun. We took lots of pics and wrote a parody of "Jesus Take The Wheel" having to do with Eugene taking over steering the sailboat for Aunt Blair so she could sleep. Yeah, and so I felt better until I got home. I tried to play Xbox but I couldn't so I fell asleep in Lin's bed for a long time. When I woke up I was on fire and had missed dinner. Then I watched American Idol (WOOP WOOP ANOOP THE POOP!! lol) and helped Aunt Blair put up my sweeto mural until after 11. At 1:45 I was woken up to find out that Aunt Blair had been locked in the bathroom for 2 hours. (That's a whole 'nother story, perhaps she will blog it. ) Then I went back to sleep, woke up, went to school, didn't get my bagpipes :( , and now am blogging about my hectic yesterday.

That's possibly one of the longest paragraphs on Random Insanity. Go me. Well, it's 1:26 so I only have about 4 more minutes before announcements then dismissal.


This is me trying to burn four minutes.

Chick chick chiickkeennn!

Eugene take the wheel, take it from my hands, so I can get a nap sometime...

Daniel Bedingfield, the one hit wonder brother of Natasha.

WOOT okay buh bye!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I Wonder How Bad That Tastes

I've decided that I really like the idea of song lyrics for titles. But I won't use exclusively use Tokio Hotel, like some people exclusively use Paramore.

Song: Gives You Hell...All American Rejects

First thing's first: The reason I posted so soon after my lst post is because I went to read my gmail this morning, and my wonderful Bean sent me a great website that I thought fit remarkably well into this whole theme of all things random and insane. Please enjoy this selection of discontinued cereals.

I wish they still had cherry cola nerds.

Uhm, so yeah. I'm really excited. Would you like to know why? (I don't know why I ask you these things, of course you want to know ^.^) My bffl of an aunt is coming, oh I don't know, TOMORROW??? YEAH, TOMORROW! WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO! I am so excited. I haven't seen her in FORever. FOR-EV-UHR. ---fooorreevvveerrr...gotta love those Sandlot references, they kill me, Smalls, they really kill me.

Are you boxing clever?

I named my laptop Shibi. This name is derived from the Latin TOSHIBA and the Greek chibi. Just kidding. Toshiba is the brand of my computer so I kinda took the second half of that and fused it with the "chibi" form of manga/anime drawing.

I'd really love to thank waytoobored for introducing me to FTSK, or Forever the Sickest Kids. They are super hot. I heard the song "She's a Lady" on her blog and it was pretty great. Now I want the CD. I want SO MANY CDs. I went to Wal-Mart yesterday as I do every Friday to grocery shop, and my mom hit a traffic jam so I had to wait. I looked at clothes: crap. I looked at art stuff: cool. I looked at CDs: wow. I wanted, like, every one I picked up. ALSO, while I was looking at CDs, I heard this guy talking on his cell GERMAN! So, what else could I do? Of course, the only logical thing to do when you hear someone speaking German in an unremarkable chain store: record him on your cell phone. I turned on my voice recorder on my cell phone and held it up to him while he talked. It went well until him and his wife walked away like they were creeped out or something...HOW RUDE! It's alright though. They're German, so they're cool. True story. I'll send you the voice clip if you want.

Alright well I think I'll go and clean now so Beau isn't disgusted by my lack of neatness in my bed and bath. Buh Bye!

Friday, March 6, 2009

But Now I Feel Like I Don't Know You.

Hey everybody. This post is dedicated to my dear friend Alan (I DO KNOW YOUR MIDDLE NAME BUT WILL NOT LET EVERYBODY ELSE KNOW IT COS I KNOW YOU'D BE MAD) West.

Song: Afterlife...AV7X (Avenged Sevenfold)

I've been promising Alan a post for just him for a while now. A pretty long while. Like, months. So here it is. When he (and you) least expected it.

Lemme tell you a little bit about my NPHS buddy Alan, a.k.a Adam West a.k.a. Weest. Maybe I'll satrt from the beginning. The very beginning...

Brain Eating Jerk to Beloved Bud: The Adam West Story
So, it was my third or second week of wandering the then-terrifying halls of North Port High School with no friends and no clue how to do this "high school" gig. While I was in theater, there was this kid that I'd noticed a couple times before. (One of those times was on the first day of school, I noticed him because of his Family Guy zombie brain eating tee.) I was like that kid's pretty cute but I don't know about him...he seems like a jerk. Then my thoughts were confirmed. He fell down the aisle in the theatre and dropped an f-bomb on the teacher. Oh yeah, definitely a jerk.
Then, a couple of weeks later, I realized that "The Jerk" -as I had labeled him in my head- was in my science class. He came and sat by me for some reason and I was kinda weirded out at first, but after we started talking a little bit, I thought he was cool. There was something I liked about this kid, who was no longer listed as "Jerk" in my book. A couple days later he came to Physical Science Honors with a bright-paper-covered shoebox (which would later become known as "gay Ms. Little"'s homework, that most of the time isn't done.) I looked inside and saw that there were pictures of some pretty awesome stuff, such as Paramore and Twilight. Like I said AWESOME. A guy who liked Paramore and Twilight. We were going to be friends.
After more talking and a chat room on a piece of paper in my science notebook talking about how Paramore was coming back from Mexico and cream cheese jalapeno taquitos from 7-11, we had become friends. We had some great times in science and theatre. Then came the day of the beginning of our new Physics Olympics. Alan had by then decided to steal me away from my FIRST PLACE science group, the Box War Frikkin Junkies, as he called them. He'd also decide that I'd have no say in the matter. ParaHotel was formed. That in itself was a chapter in our friendship-memories made, inside jokes formed, etc.
During our time being friends, I learned much about the very interesting "Weest". Like his almost-to-my-level-insane obession with Hayley Williams and Paramore. And that he works at the Boys and Girls club on Biscayne. There he does karate and from what I understand, he's pretty sweeto at it. Also that he unfortunatley got the red ring of death, probably from his NOT APPROVED BY MICROSOFT bag. One of the last things I learned was that he has a puppy who is a jerk. I was surprised to find this out.
In conclusion, I am a fail. I only ever had 6.5 quest points. Nobody gets that, and that's all good.
Well, that was my very long post about my very-missed friend, Alan. This is supposed to be my personal reflection about him. So here goes: Yeah, he swears a LOT, but that's okay, cos he's Alan. He's independent and does his own thing, and people love him for it. Even my friend Nica liked him, or so I'm told. I never want to lose contact with him, but if I do, I could never forget him, because he was one of the few good things that kept me sane in NPHS. I can't thank you enough for being a friend, Weest. Thanks. :)