I miss Rose's comments. Where is she? I am not going to take the comment review off. And which comic was for me, buddy? BTW I'M NOT YOUR BUDDY, HOMES.
Song: Secret...Missy Higgins
Song: Secret...Missy Higgins
I'm on a mission. It's called Operation: Find a Sweet Piping Shirt. Let's look together, shall we, random viewer? Yes. Let's.
Well that was a wee bit o' fun, wunnit?
I think I want the last one. Or the one that says this is what a bagpiper looks like.
We went to Orlando this weekend. We went to Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios. They never get old. I'm pretty sure Aunt Blair had fun too. I'm sad that she left. And I feel like she didn't enjoy her stay here as much as she should have cos she was working the whole time basically. But at least she gets to see Eugene now. :\ Small comforts...
J'ai besoin d'aller a la bibliotheque. Grrr...
Thursday is dress down day at SMA. I love dress down day. I hope I get to wear my new piping shirt that day but probably not. :(
There was this huge sale today at Wal-Mart and I got this Guitar Hero air guitar toy. It's pretty sweet. You strum in front of the belt buckle that it gives you and it plays songs. I got the regular kit and an 80's kit. (The sale at Wal-Mart was half off the clearance price of everything in the store.) I saw this really cute owl pillow thing. It wasn't on sale. :( It was adorable though.
I should be getting my pipes this week. I was thinking I would last week but with FCAT-ing and all that jazz everthing has been postponed. So hopefully this week, which is the last week in the 3rd quarter. Yay.
Well I am mega boring today so I'll be seeing you. Or posting at you. Or whatever else you'd like to call this communication between us.
I just peed a little. HAHA NO I DIDN'T! :D
P.S. To make up for the lack of goodness in this post here is a picture or two.

oh...this WAS a little vid clip where this scary guy pops out of the garbage and the black guy punches him in the face and the scary guy falls back into the garbage can.
Actually, I did have a lot of fun the entire time! I didn't mind working while I was there. That is what I am here for!!
I loved seeing you all and I miss you very much.
Soon, "ya little bitch," soon.
I love ya
paige the one where the brick in the window and hes all like ur off the hook this time, BUDDY
and wtf y do you even have that gay comment reveiw on
oh yeh get the won thot look like this is wut a bagpiper looks like
girl i went on a short blogger hiatus to deal with some personal problems ( that you know about) and now i'm better because spring is in and have started a new leaf
That does indeed remind me of Jake Rexroat.
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