You know what ticks me off greatly? It's the fact that I just got an email about Hot Topic's new HIP-HOP TEES. WHAT IS HAPPENING. I'm NOT joking, I seriously think this is the apocalypse. *deathly serious*
Song: Pure Morning...Placebo
I hate the advertisement on imeem when you're trying to listen to a playlist and this guy with the voice of an extreme pedophile comes on and says, "Wanna get VIP for free? Click on slash VIP" Oh. My. God. I just wanna hear my nevershoutnever! and THAT comes on. Chrissakes, people. Chrise. Sake.
Uhm, so yeah, I definitely am running out of things to talk about these days. Oh yeah, how about since nobody told me if I posted about my band dream like I asked everyone to, (thanks loads, guys. JK I love you all.) I'll tell you about my band dream.
Okay, so I was in my rock band, right? It was the basics: a singer, a bassist, guitarist, and drummer. They were on stage jammin', and everybody was pumped and everything like "oh yeah, at this concert for this new band on the scene blah blah". Like halfway through the song, this sythesizer/keyboarder comes on and the audience gets slightly more pumped like "oh you don't see that with every band". Then something like a violin comes on and the crowd gets more pumped ("omg a violin cool") and then, BANG out comes bagpipes. The crowd goes wild, "what the hell?! bagpipes?! oh dang!" Yeah. And then we get famous because of our uniqueness and rockin' out-ness.
Go ahead and laugh. Yeah, bagpipes. I know, it's hilarious. : *not amused*
But yeah. I have this huge position paper due after break. I haven't started it but I am going to do an affirmative paper on Physician Assisted Suicide, or Euthanasia. I strongly believe that if someone has made the decision that they do not want to live with their suffering anymore, they have the right to choose if they want to go through it or escape it. I'm not talking like if some twenty something went and said they lost their job, got a divorce and their life just isn't going how they planned and they just don't want to do it anymore. I'm talking about people who are living with a terminal disease and can't have a life because of it.
Nothing much more. Except this amazing picture of my beloved:

haha your dream band sounds awesome!!
my dreams suck.
we're doing pantomimes again in drama and our groupo was planning on you making a surprise appearance just walking across the stage and everyone would be freaking out.
oh em gee iam doing jens good
bye speech!!!!!!!! and i guess bagpipes are cool in a rock band....not!
you should come see lil shop friday sturday or sunday
word ver sethedgi
as in geez dont agravate seth hes ben rly sethedgi lately
OK, so go read a bit about the Decemberists. They're the "unique" band of which you speak. You should see their arsenal of instruments. Once while on tour, all of the instruments were stolen. They had to go buy new EVERYTHING.
aw :( i wanted to BE the unique band.
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