Yeppo, just watching Mystery Diagnosis with Lin. Kinda chillin' before our sleepover.
Song: The Bird and the Worm...The Used
I really want a more styled haircut. And color. Like right when I get out of school. Is it possible to get a haircut without making your hair significantly shorter? Let's look at some haircuts, and *switches to annoying tour guide voice* explore some of the many possibilities in the world of hair!!! Woooooooo...haa...yeah. Okay.
HA WAIT: I am watching Spongebob now and Spongebob goes "Wait'll Gary sees!" and Patrick goes, "YEAH! WADLE!" XD Haha wadle...anyway, hair:

1 2
1) Alright I love this. Like a lot. I'd probably do like Bill colors, black and white. All black with white streaks. It'd be really cool to do that then a chunk of bangs like stop sign red or cobalt blue or electric/bright blue or even neon purple or pink. I want it badly.
2) I'm really not sure this would look good on me, but I like it nonetheless. I'd definitely be doing some major coontails.
3) Not enough style for me, but I needed to put Hayley in here somewhere because her hair always looks amazing. Even though I don't want this one the most, I'm almost sure it would look the best on me out of all of them.
4)I love this one, too. I'd do all over black with some cool color underneath and then a couple streaks of that color in the bangs or all over the top. Ideally, I'd love to do all over indigo with black or white leopard spots on one side. That would be sweet. But I don't think I'd be able to stay with grandma if I did that. :P
Come to think of it, I don't think grandma would be very happy if I did any of that stuff to my hair. Maybe I'll get it done at a salon before I come so it'll already be done. :) Yeah, that sounds good. Then my dad couldn't do anything about it either. Yep. Sounds like a plan.
Hey, Comrades, I just wanted to tell you guys that if you are ever having problems with bullies, meanies, or congressmen, I'll beat 'em with a wet noodle. An organic one, so they won't have any artificial preservatives to soften the blow. Just so you know. "Dreamer offers you her protection."
Alright well I think I'm gonna go to Wal Mart now. Bye.
I appreciate that offer now, just as I did yesterday!
Thanks for having my back.
i realize that i reused that but c;mon, wouldn't you??
Can you beat Blair w/ a wet noodle? Just curious... I don't need it as of yet, but just wanted to know...
and btw good call on not doin hayley nobody can oull that off sept her
I don't like any of those hairstyles, to be honest.
Is that a better comment?
those haircuts....i think they would be too much maintenance! they look simple but i bet there is a lot of work that goes into making them look the way they do.
I opt for simple.
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