Monday, March 14, 2011

Where You Invest Your Love, You Invest Your Life

Song: Awake My Soul...Mumford & Sons

Hey there, everybody.

What can we talk about today, hmm?

What's been going on lately. Sure. Let's start there.

Alright, so today is the 14th of March. 12 days after I turned 17 years old. 17 feels somehow different than 16 did. Like, every birthday, you get that one old/cheesy/obligated-by-precedent person that says, "How does it feel to be (insert age that you just turned)?" And you're always like..."No different?" Well 17 feels a little different to me. It's supposedly the last year of not being an adult. It feels more like, "Oh, snap. Adulthood, NOW." It may be because of getting a job and stuff. Whatever it is, it's kind of shitty. It seems like it's already "too late" to do things. Yeah, I know. I'm only 17. I know.

Anyway, FOR that 17th birthday, I got a very awesome surprise. My mom sent me to Florida to see my Fluffernutter! :) We had so much fun. Well, I did. If he didn't, he's a good actor, hah. What did we do in Florida, the state that's so much better than Michigan, you ask? Oh, I'll tell you. Eye. Will tell. You. (excuse to use bullets, SCORE.)

  • First night (that was really the morning because my plane got delayed and we didn't get to the House of Alex until like 2:20 AM) I got to see where he lived, and I smooshed the McApple McPie that his mom was kind enough to order me under my big, fat McBooty.

  • Then...we woke up and it was the next day! :D And we were all like, "OMG WE'RE STILL TOGETHER, IT WASN'T A DREAM, YESSSSS" and we were also all like, "OMG IT'S ONLY THE FIRST DAY, WE STILL HAVE LIKE 3 LEFT WIINNNNN!" Alex made us PB&J's and we had a picnic in the woods, where he decided that he didn't like orange marmalade and I knocked over pop cans. I got to meet Clifton, and swoon over Andy Sixx. Yes, both of us swooned. Well, pseudo-swooned.
  • (i call this one "alex looks good in my aviators")

  • Next day, wabam. Alex, Jazmyn and I went to the mall. Ate food, played DDR, conversed about media and such, etc. Fun stuff :D Proceeded to HOA (talked about capitalism on the way there) and had deep conversation that took like 5 hours, not that we really realized it at the time.

  • DAY 4! Met Austin and Alba. Went swimming. Best calzones in the world. Most romantic thing that has ever happened ever. Don't you wish your boyfriend took you to a late showing of Beastly, then pulled you up into a fountain and kissed you to make up for it not raining? Not to mention, this was in the very downtown Sarasota that I experienced some of the happiest times of my life. Nostalgia FTW.

  • March 9th. Worst day yet. I had to leave the happy dreamworld of amazing boyfriends and Oreo cream filling ice cream, realizing that this is going to keep happening, and it's never going to get easier, and no, the dog days are not over.

Wow. That was a lot more detail than I had planned on writing. I guess it was just too good of a time to express in just a couple sentences.

The last few days have been extremely trying, mentally and emotionally. The job, the missing, the everything and everything and everything. Legit.

Anywhat, I am going to get ready for work and stuff. Thank you, PLC days. Comment up; I'm feelin' lonely in the Monde du Blog.