Monday, December 3, 2012

Who Will Tell The Story Of Your Life?

song: In the End...Black Veil Brides

I really like this music.

So it's only three more days until I leave this place. Good riddance, Flagler, and all that you entail.

I don't really know what else to write about, but writing is a muscle that must be musclesized. Muskle.

I slept in until 12:30 today while everyone else was out taking finals. It was pretty great. Now I have to get up the energy to keep packing. My clothes and stuff are pretty much done, I just have this monstrosity of a desk to worry about now.

Me, too, cat. Me, too.

Just in case any of you are roommaatteess with anyone anytime soon, DON'T SING ALL THE TIME. It will make your roommaattee(ss) like you more and hold on to sanity for a longer period of time. 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

You're On Thin F@#*ing Ice, My Friend


I woke up at 5 AM this morning and drove over two hours to this stupid airport. After arriving at the parking lot that was completely vacant and blocked off, the one to which my mother paid money for my reserved spot, and finding another one where i spent almost all my remaining dollars to park instead, I find out my plane is delayed two hours. So I'm sitting here, stumbleupon-ing (stumble-ing upon?) and waiting patiently for my time to come. By "patiently," I probably mean something more like "silently seething with the intensity of 50 thousand great white sharks deprived of blood." Then, about ten minutes ago, the lady's like, "Heyyyy erryboddydyyyy I'm going to act all happy to make this sound better, but yeah, there's fog in the D so you're gonna have to wait til 1:30 now."

I picked that one because of the nostrils. And the impressive accuracy to my actual face right now.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

So Thank God We're Bright, Said The Lantern's Brother

song: Bright Lanterns...The Tallest Man on Earth

I just got back from Sarasota. I spent the weekend with Alex. It was good while it lasted, for the most part, but it didn't last long. Nothing does, save the routine of every day and the inability to be satisfied with life in general.

I just want to cry. More than that, I'd like to sleep. But then, you always have to wake up.

I'm sick of crying, but I can't stop myself. So instead I go complain about it online.

To showcase my strength.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

But That's The Whole Tragic Point, My Friends

song: If I Could Feel Again...Pretty Lights

I just got an email for exit counseling regarding my student loans. Bro, I have like over a month before I'm leaving and you already want to hound me about paying back loans? Screw you. I shouldn't even pay back the loans, being that that would be an adult-type activity and this school does NOT view me as an adult. Rigid attendance policies and absolutely no inter-dorm visitation EVER. Okay. I just can't wait to get home and get going. I'll get a job, use my newly found money management skills (TROLOLOLOL) to save up for a car, finish my associate's degree (that part's gonna SUCK) and then do some technical shit.

In other news, I have to drive to Orlando tomorrow. :((((((((((((( I cannot put enough chins on that sad face to emphasize the frown I am feeling. What's worse is that I won't get to drive back to my bed and all of my own things and the small amount of comfort I have established in my own room until Sunday. Why can't I say no? WHY.


Anyway, uh, I've watched some really good movies lately. I've also watched some really crappy ones. The good ones were Insidious; Cabin in the Woods; Girl, Interrupted; American Beauty; The Matrix; Fight Club; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; and Hard Candy. I would highly recommend all of these. Surprisingly, one of my favorites was The Matrix. That might have a lot to do with the way Keanu Reeves looks two hours, six minutes, and 51 seconds into the movie after he destroys the leader agent...ermahgerd.

So when I was looking for that exact moment in VLC media player, I was also listening to Benny Benassi's "Love is Gonna Save Us"...I can't tell you the awesomeness of the audiovisual mesh that just happened, so I'll put a little together in moviemaker so you can see for yourself. <3>

ER. MAHGERD. That was really quickly and kind of badly put together, but I like it. So much, in fact, that I'm done with this post now cos I'm too excited. AND I just realized how awesomely that song works...Trinity's love DID save Neo. UGH<3 p="p">

Thursday, September 27, 2012


So, I found this new site called ...

Anyone who likes books should join this. You can put books that you want to read on a shelf so you can go back later and be like, "wait, what was that book...?"

I've got like 100-something books on my "to read" shelf. I only made my account two days ago.

Also, I got pinterest. Between the two, my eyes are going to fall out of their sockets. But I want books. Like a lot of them now. I really want Mockingjay though. Like badly.

In other news, I have extremely bad womancramps today, even after a 600 mg ibuprofen. It sucks a lot.

I definitely just took that picture in the middle of the student center. There's a black guy across the room like " is that girl doing?" Obviously, taking the sexiest picture known to mankind. THE SEXIEST. 

Today has been pretty alright so far. Woke up, went to math. Came back, ate breakfast. Went back to sleep. Woke up, went to psych. Came back, ate lunch. Went to sleep. Got up, came to the student center for coffee and chillage. I'll be going to dinner soon and then to a lecture about Romero Britto for a class that I hate. I hate it so much and suck at it, and that's why I have to go to the lecture. For extra credit.

I am off to Sarasota once again tomorrow, to see Alex and do massive amounts of laundry where I don't have to pay this many dollars a load:
 ...wrong. Let's try again. This many dollars:

...also wrong. Shocker. THIS. MANY:

 Okay, Sarah. I don't think you're getting this. Must I do everything myself???????

Lawl. Still in the student center. Not taking outrageous picture. But for serious, THIS is the accurate amount of dollars it takes to do laundry at Flagler:

Kay, bye!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Together We Can Play Some Rock N' Roll

song: Rock N' Roll...Skrillex

I went to Sarasota this weekend. It's really weird how the drive TOWARD the place you want to go always seems so much shorter than the one going AWAY from it. :( Nothing to report, anyway. I was my normal boring self, doing nothing much with my ginger of choice. We watched Wanderlust, which was generally good. I got season 4 of Dexter (YAAAYYYYY) and uhm...yeah. That's about it.

Check out this site:

I encourage anyone who lives in St. Augustine or any areas nearby to come check it out in October! Not only does it raise money for kids' programs, but you'll get to see me in all my gruesome glory, scaring the boonoodles out of everyone in my path!


Here are some pictures I have taken around St. Augustine so far:


I really don't know how I feel about the third one. Its file name is idontknowhowifeelaboutthisone.jpg.
True story. 

I have more, but they are on my Facebook. I actually think these are also on my Facebook. Facepalm?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

*Dexter Theme Song*


  1. bought a secondhand copy of Eragon so that I have something to help me not watch Dexter for five hours like I did yesterday.
  2. waited over 40 minutes past my appointment time to talk to my academic advisor, who, upon me FINALLY getting into his office, gave me his card and an outdated version of my schedule. 
  3. got my parking permit and moved my car to the garage that is way too far away from campus.
  4. walked back from said BFE garage.
  5. went to convocation where I almost peed fire (projectile-style) because the people behind and next to us are still stuck in high school. Can you really not stop talking for one hour? You live with these people now, you disrespectful, immature snot slurpers.
  6. Damn.

Off to watch 15 minutes of Dexter before dinner. Cheese quesadillas, here I come! 

Monday, August 27, 2012

What Do I Stand For?

Most nights, I don't know anymore. oooooh oh. oh ohhh oh...

Song: Some

I can't express how much I love this song. Class of 2012 picked the best freaking graduation song ever. The I Hope You Dance/ Friends Forever mash-up was pretty great too. Jerked my tears right outta their ducts!

Our room is freezing cold. I am kind of enjoying it, but I need more blankets. Damn me.

Have you seen Miley Cyrus' new hair? I haven't. Let's look it up!

  LOL. That really came up when I searched "Miley Cyrus haircut" in google images. But no, really:

Oh. So the first one WAS Miley... No, honestly, I like it. I do. Put that in your juice box. Let me just say, after all the crap that's been said about her and all the things she's done, I have always kind of liked Miley. She is pretty and I like her voice. So there.


"How many did Gretchen get? Oh yeah...that's right..."

Alright well I'm gonna go now. Hopefully I can get some books for 17 million dollars tomorrow. #poorcollegekidprobz

Sunday, August 26, 2012

My Soul Was Filled With Crystal Light

First day at college ftw!

Song: Werewolf...CocoRosie

Thanks Lindsey, for the song. 

So it's only the first day at Flagler College in beautiful and extremely OLD St. Auggie. We haven't had any classes yet; it's just orientation stuff til Wednesday. That being said, I have learned some very important lessons in college (yes, already). 


  • I am a very chill person. Chiller than I thought. Like, I'm friggin' arctic. I coffee...well, not iced, I suppose...but Anyway *cough* I realized how much I like to not really do anything. I like passive activities the most. Reading, writing, drawing, listening to music (just listening), blogging :D, I like eating, etc. Right now is perfect: chilly room, sunny but not garishly bright, drinking the most delicious coffee from my single-brew machine, Fresh Prince playing from my roommate's laptop in the background...perfection. 
  • I'm tired ALL THE TIME. 
  • I'm perfectly okay with the previous two bullets.
  • You don't sleep well if you're really afraid of falling off your bed. Top bunkers UNITE HOOAH.
  • I MISS MY CAT and my mom and my sister. 

There was more in my head earlier but I'm distracted now. 

Off to the store with Alan, Memory, and Kara. Peace in the Southeast!