Monday, December 3, 2012

Who Will Tell The Story Of Your Life?

song: In the End...Black Veil Brides

I really like this music.

So it's only three more days until I leave this place. Good riddance, Flagler, and all that you entail.

I don't really know what else to write about, but writing is a muscle that must be musclesized. Muskle.

I slept in until 12:30 today while everyone else was out taking finals. It was pretty great. Now I have to get up the energy to keep packing. My clothes and stuff are pretty much done, I just have this monstrosity of a desk to worry about now.

Me, too, cat. Me, too.

Just in case any of you are roommaatteess with anyone anytime soon, DON'T SING ALL THE TIME. It will make your roommaattee(ss) like you more and hold on to sanity for a longer period of time.