Wednesday, July 31, 2013

We Crave A Different Kind Of Buzz

Song: Royals...Lorde

I really like this song because it's got a really chill vibe and a really subtle fuck you craziness to it.

I was going to make another big post questioning life and feelings and whether anything is truly worth it and what really is going to happen after you die and where do babies come from and stuff but I'd really rather sleep away my problems for the next couple hours.

I guess I could probably start a running update about something that doesn't suck. I've been back on that lucid dream training life. Today I started reality checks. I plug my nose and try to breathe and pinch myself while asking if I'm awake or asleep. I'm excited and scared to see where this goes because I already feel really matrixy sometimes. I'll go somewhere and can't remember getting there, and sometimes have a foggy feeling that things are off, that they're not real for a little while at a time.

Last night was nice. We went to mongo and the drive-in and saw Wolverine and Grown Ups 2 and fought mosquitoes.

Alright, well, back to bed.

Oh, I also finally contacted a therapist. It's time. It's definitely time.

Here's a picture of some fancy ice cubes from tumblr

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

All I Find Are Faded Pictures From Some Distant Life

And I wish to God I could see your eyes.

Song: Daylight...Ron Pope

If you've ever wondered why I can write like a full blown genius (yuck yuck), but always capitalize every word of my titles and use ellipses between song titles and their artists, it was a conscious decision I made when I created this blog as an expression of the deep and complex feelings I have about the nature of this is my blog and I can make my own freaking rules about it. Magnets, bitch.

Once, a few years ago, I had an idea. Like most of my ideas, it never became anything real. I never fully pursued it. After learning about lucid dreaming, I was briefly determined to train myself into being able to completely control my dreams. At first, my intention was simply (or not so simply) to choose my dreams. I was infatuated with the idea of meeting celebrities, flying, befriending talking animals, eating mountains of oreos and chocolate chip cookie dough. For that couple of weeks, I looked forward to sleeping even more than I usually did as a lazy teenager. I thought about being on huge stages in front of millions, bouncing on the tops of clouds, breathing underwater. At first, that's all it was about.

Then, the idea -as if it wasn't a bit far fetched to begin with- developed into something even more akin to The Matrix movies. I began to think that if I was able to control my dreams so well that I knew I was dreaming, there had to be a way to stay there longer. Time, for anyone that has ever had a very good or a very bad dream, obviously works differently when you're sleeping. I thought that maybe I would be able to live out whole "days" in my dreams. Maybe I could "live" another "life". Maybe, by controlling my dreams to such an extent, I would be able to lose control. Maybe one day, I would be able stay forever.

My heart still breaks every day at how unattainable this is.

I was just sitting in my chair, staring at the wall, and wishing I could briefly see into the future. I wish I could know if things ever really do get better inside. What I mean is, are my feelings and outlooks going to change with the mere addition of years to my life? I know it's inevitable that the outside will change. I'll get a better job, I'll move out. The situation will improve, but will I? Will things always be this hard to deal with, will I always cry this much, will I always be dreading something, looking for answers to questions I don't fully comprehend, fucking WISH all the time for things that won't come, be tired, cold, sad fucking lonely regrets stuck down dark

Sunday, July 7, 2013

You've Been Lied To, It's Already Inside You

Run, children! Run for your life!

Song: Run (I'm a Natural Disaster)...Gnarls Barkley

I just feel like Gnarls Barkley is grossly underrated. And that's all I'm going to say about that since I have posted something about GB on every social networking account I have in the past hour or so.

I Saved You Every Time

Song: I Was a Fool...Tegan and Sara

God, this song. I have it on repeat. I haven't done this with a song in a very long time.

Though, I seem to do that with songs that hurt me. They're beautiful, and I do love them, but they always hurt me. For example, Bon Iver's "I Can't Make You Love Me/Nick of Time" when I realized after two years that I couldn't make my ex-boyfriend love me. If he didn't. I couldn't *sings* maaaake his heart feeeel something it won't! Er, wouldn't.

Anyhoo, yeah. Just ate some tuna.

Okay, the reason I came on here was because I'm feeling that deep, throbbing sadness in my chest and stomach and everywhere else, but I'm avoiding it by attempting to be funny because I'm going to start crying and probably not stop for the rest of the day.

Too late. Now I'm to the point where I don't even know where to start with this post so fuck it.

I apologize,

Haha, see it's a cat. It's...

Yeah, fuck it :/