Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I Saw The Tears On Your Face, I Shot You Down

Song: The Last Song Ever...Secondhand Serenade

Two posts in one day...lucky crowd. Actually I am about to go do some freestyling on the writing blog. So that'll be what, like, five? I don't know. I can't do math good, I always been more into the English.

So tomorrow is Thursday, and I am going to die. Pretty much Thursdays are the worst, except for Sundays. Sundays...are depressing days.

I pretty much hate all days that I have homeworks. I no like homeworks. If we could just go to school and work and not have as much homework as we do class, that'd be great. I'd probably be a happier person.

ALRIGHT. Scheduling is coming up soon, and for some unknown reason, I want to take psychology and sociology. Maybe sociology, but definitely psych. One of the most interesting and fascinating things on earth is the human brain, but more than that, the human mind. Dreaming? Thought? All that good stuff. I freaking love that stuff. So I deff want to take psychology. Another thing I have to think a LOT about is choir, and skipping French 4. I don't know if I want to take choir, but that may be my only way to get private voice lessons. :( Urghh. I'm happy just doing the musicals, I'd rather not commit to choir, but in reality, choir kids probably have more of a chance at leads. I don't know, I probably won't end up taking it, there are just way too many more classes I want. I really hope we go back to a seven-hour day. :P

I'm gonna go and do that freestizzle now.


P.S. I truly love this boy.


paraMORE said...

and the worst part is, before it gets any better were heading for a cliff

Paige said...

ALAN! :D is your gmail still the same? i got a new number. annnddd. turn it off is one of my favorite songs off that cd. along with all i wanted, the only exception, ignorance and brick by boring brick.

paraMORE said...

yes it is still the same, i didnt come back to blog, just read some peoples after a 10 month or so absence