Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I am in Geometry

Not a song, just my status since I hate Twitter with a passion.

NO SONG...God, I just told you that!!!

Okay so I was at formation today, and my name was called in front of the entire regiment cos my poem is gonna be published.

Epic win. ^-^ JK


Osgoodbaby said...

Fantastic! I am so proud of you!!!

which poem?

Nelly said...

w00t go Paiget! (There was a psychologist named Piaget (pee ah jay [not like J in Jon, but J in Jean Valjean, French ].)

rose dawson said...

congratulations Paige!!! your now a published poet that soundssoofficial. gurl you legit

rose dawson said...

it is weird how everywhere I turn i hear people talking about twitter yet no one is actually on it i think it's a massive conspiracy ad campaign thing