Wednesday, April 29, 2009

And This Solitary Moment Makes Me Want To Come Back Home

My mommy gave me a little tablet and now I can use it with my Manga Studiooooo!!!! Yay!

Your Call...Secondhand Serenade

This song is awesome. I should make a post about it on RI:MI.

I only have about a month and a half left in this swamp land of a state...and I say that in the most loving way possible. I am going to miss my friends. And my wonderful bee eff Jason. But he may be moving to Pennsylvania anyway. :P

But I have to admit that: I'M FREAKING EXCITED. I can't wait to be all involved and crap. I emailed my first and bestest theatre teacher Ms. Marks and asked if she wanted help with next year's productions (talent show and plizzay). She said yeah. I swear Banks has thee best theatre program ever and they're only a middle school. They did Willy Wonka, Jr. as their last play and somebody did a Lunch Lady Land skit for the talent show. Haha..."What did I do to make you all so mad?" find out for yourself...

lunch lady land

I kinda thought that the chop suey was Sarah Silverman for a minute,but I don't think so.

Now I'm listening to Icky Thump...if anyone...cares...

So have you ever been in a situation where you just really have no idea what to do? One where you stand there so dumbstruck and paralyzed with confusion that you're not able to react?Like one involving David Beckham and a woodchuck?

Oh well I have to go downstairs ASAP.

As Soon As Pinecone.


paraMORE said...

im amd at u i tell u everything and you tell me nothing

Osgoodbaby said...

awesome video!!!!!!!!!1

miss you