Monday, April 20, 2009

Take My Hand Tonight, Let's Not Think About Tomorrow

I don't understand myself. I was never really into any of this all before, but now it's like whoa.

Take My Hand...Simple Plan

Alright guys, so I posted a couple of AHmazingly awesome playlists, you should check them out. Especially the I Love You <3 one because those songs were hand picked for their perfect lyrics from the sunny vineyards of Cleveland.

I feel like I haven't posted in an uber long time. The last post I made was a picture of one of the many memories I had with Weest in PSH class. Gooood tiiiimes...

Alright so here's the thing...I'm moving back to Michigan. I'm kinda half and half about it. Like I really can't stand Florida but I've made some really amazing friends here. But my family and my BFFLs are in Michigan. And I love SMA in most aspects. But I am going to have so much fun at Central, for reals. It's really quite bittersweet.

Another thing I've been learning about myself lately is that I really love people a lot more than I thought. I never thought I was a people-oriented person, but lately it's just like being around my family and friends is so great. I mean, I know I'm not a people person in the sense that I like working with people, it's just the people in my life are really, really important to me. I genuinely love all of my family and friends with all of my heart. And that's it for today's personal reflection.

I was thinking today, what if Kristen Stewart was replaced with Scooby Doo?

Edward: Say it.
Scooby: R-r-r-raaampiiiire!!! *runs away*

Or how about Jack Sparrow.

Edward: And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...
Jack: I really hope I'm not the lamb in this equation, mate...unless you have rum...


Edward: I don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore.
Barney: Nobody does, little boy, nobody does...


I can't wait for my manga maker to get here. It's this software that you make your own manga on. It's gonna be so cool. :D

Oh and check out this video that I put on youtube!


Osgoodbaby said...

hahahaha. i loved that!

especially the jack sparrow part.

paraMORE said...

epic post, non epic moving,
as for me im doin pretty epic, swimming has ben great lately lol but yeh umm i guess we should hang b4 u leave

Osgoodbaby said...

hahaha. I just watched the video and actually paid attention this time. Sorry, I was busy earlier.

Boooooooooob.....booooob boooob (as an echo!!!)

Yea, i am shnerious. I really just said BOOB
