Sunday, April 5, 2009

This Is All I Need To Feel Alive

As I predicted, the high didn't last.

Song: Johnny Sniper...Enter Shikari

Alan: I'm so sorry I didn't make it to the play. I wanted to see it really really badly, but my mom couldn't get money out of her account cos her pin number was all screwed up due to fraudulent activity on her old credit card. Anyway, I'm sorry I didn't get to see you move your garbage can or meet Racquel (sp?). Believe me, I would have been there if I could have.

Yeah the high from yesterday is definitely faded to the point of almost being totally gone. I'm excited about going to Michigan, but am not excited about the play (which I'm not mad about, just disappointed), the whole position paper that I have to do, and the 111 pages of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance that I have to read and take notes on. Ugh. I don't even want to think about it. Not to mention I'm having a war inside my head about school. SMA is great, I reall and sincerely love it. But the commute sucks, and I don't have two of the most important things: Theatre and French. As much as SMA makess me happy, it's stressful. I love it there so much but is it worth giving up theatre and French? I just don't know. But another enormously important thing is bagpipes. They obviously don't have them at North Port. I have friends both places, but it'd kill me to have to leave my SMA friends.I've grown really close to some of them. And the respect and pride that you get from going to a military school is really nice, even if you have to do without your stylistic and artistic freedom. head is throbbing with all of this.

It's times like these that one should turn to retail therapy...

Enter Shikari Tee...$9.98...

Bill Sings Tee...$20.00...

Tripp Skinny Street Pants...$49.00...

Osiris Becky Bones Shoe...$29.99

Converse The Who Hightops...$54.99...

Alright well, off to learn the song She's Got Style by nevershoutnever!. Later.


paraMORE said...

wow mega spacing issues

it realy suck that u couldent meet racquel ill see if i can get some pics of her on my blog for you to see, definately gonna have our prom pics up there

u know prom is 55$, thats cool....

anyway so i dont get to see u after all but u could come to the club any day on spring break from, well anytime,

Osgoodbaby said...

i love the shoes with the brittish flag on them.

just imagine the things I can buy for you when I GO THERE

rose dawson said...

I do love the clothes but it's sad that you have this ambiguity as to wether you should stay or go. how long ios the commute to sma anyway?

Paige said...

it's over an hour each way driving. bus takes longer. :P