Friday, November 21, 2008


I am very excited that my best friend at NPHS has created a blog. She posts her poetry, and it is really good. Welcome to blogger, Sandiana!!!

Song: Frei im Freien Fall

I am warning you right now, if you were looking for something funneh, don't read this post. I felt like I should post a poem in honor of Santi's entrance to the euphoria of blogtopia. So here it is.

What you do with my heart is your business.

Take it under your seemingly protective wing
nurture it, care for it
while it progresses
from its old wavering inconsistency
to a new stacatto persistence.

Time flies by with wings of its own.

Slowly your wing shifts away,
Letting the harsh sunlight of reality fall upon it.
Its pace quickens,
blood coursing too quickly through its weakened veins.
It cannot last mych longer
in this new, cruel exposure.

You make your decision.

You don't want it anymore.
It is kicked aside, away
from all the happy memories, anticipations.
It tries to scream out,
but it is soon buried in the barren ground of lonliness,
blinded by betrayal,
deafened by neglect

It breaks.

It rips to its very core,
bursting with this crushing pressure,
bleeding with this sudden impact
Destroyed to the point of no hope.
It is slowly and painfully lulled into death
by your haunting song of rejection.

You light a match,
setting fire to this pathetic sight
and laugh hysterically.


What you do with my heart is your business, not mine.

After all...I am merely the one who is dying.

That was my poem for the "oh-my-boyfriend-broke-up-with-me-and-broke-my-heart-even-though-we-hardly-knew-each-other-for-a-month-and-now-I-am-going-to-write-an-overly-dramatic-poem-about-it-and-I-need-a-caramel-machiatto" girl. :D

I just got done reading Bill's Vanity Fair interview (Englishly translated). It was so...insightful? I don't know. I felt like that one interview made me, like, know him, or something. I just fell more in love with him. I seem to do that a lot, even though I keep thinking it's impossible. *sigh* Ich liebe Bill...

Hey, did I ever tell you about how my mouse is epilectic? Yeah, well, it is. I'll just be reading something and it'll spazz out. I'm not talking a little "shaky-shaky" of the cursor, either. I'm talking full blown SEIZURE. It always seems to decide to frizz out when I am about to click on soemthing important. Then, just when I go to click it, it goes all over everywhere and highlights stuff and moves things and oh, it's just horrible. I think my mouse needs to be commited. *SOB* How could this HAPPEN? WHERE DID I GO WRONG? I thought I raised that mouse good, and this is what I get in return.

It's hard to believe in Santa at times like these.

I bid you adieu, for it is 11:33 and I awoke...well, I awoke much earlier.



Osgoodbaby said...

maybe your mouse is cursed. or haunted. or maybe it seeks shelter in an ifermary.

p.s. my sercure word of the day is HINIE. fantstic.

rose dawson said...

girl you are soooooo damn crazy I can't believe you devoted a post to "Sahn-tee's" entrance into blogtopia.:D

Nelly said...

I think your mouse suffers from "derpsy." That's my word verification word.